Health, Safety and Security


Smoking is not allowed in studios or workshops or anywhere in the Sadovaya-Spasskaya Building. Naked flames are not allowed anywhere in the Building. Similarly, food and drink cannot be taken into working areas.


In case of emergency ring (495)607 14 02


The University's policy

MSUPA is committed to ensuring, as far as is practicable, that staff, students and visitors to the University are able to carry out educational and other legitimate activities on its campuses without risk to health or safety. The University has a Health and Safety Officer.

Deans of the Faculties are responsible for the implementation of the University's Health and Safety Policy within the areas under their control. Each School has one or more Safety Advisers, whose duty it is to advise the Dean of the Faculty.

The institution expects all its students and staff to observe sensible practices as regards safe behaviour and to be vigilant concerning health and safety at work, in particular by:

• adhering to agreed procedures for securing safe working and studying;

• acting with due care and attention for the health and safety of themselves and others;

• reporting to the Dean of the Faculty accidents or incidents that have led to or might have led to injury or ill health – however apparently unimportant – and co-operating in the investigation of the circumstances that caused them.

Fire drill

When the fire alarm sounds, all students, staff and visitors must immediately evacuate the building. Any delay in leaving a building in the event of a fire could result in serious injury or death: your own or someone else's.


If you discover a fire, sound the alarm at once after breaking the glass at the nearest fire alarm point. A member of staff should be informed immediately or one of the numbers given here should be dialled.

Fire Exits

Fire extinguishers are stationed at regular places throughout the University.

Please remember:

Never, on any account, block an exit.


MA in Publishing



These regulations are made under the MSUPA and OBU Regulations and Academic Regulations and are as validated with the programme leading to the MA , Postgraduate Diploma, and Postgraduate Certificate in Publishing. These regulations apply and, in the event of a conflict of regulation the OBU's general Academic Regulations take precedence.

Conditions for Admission

Entrants to the programme should possess the following qualifications:

• A demonstrable commitment to work in the publishing or communications media industries;

• Two references, if possible;

• Evidence of previous academic qualification of the completed higher education (BA or Specialist) or uncompleted (an applicant is to complete at least 4 years of university)



Types of award and credit ratings

The following awards and M level credit ratings shall apply to postgraduate programmes:

  Postgraduate Certificate   a minimum of 60 M level credits
MA (OBU)/PGDiploma a minimum of 180 M level credits


Mode of study and maximum programme length


8. Mode of study and maximum programme length
8.1 The MA, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate in Publishing may only be taken on a full-time basis.
8.2 To qualify for the award to MA, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate in Publishing a student shall have completed all the assessment for the award within a maximum of two years of full-time studyafter the initial registration date.


Conditions for the Awards and Progression

The following course elements are compulsory(unless indicated as alternative) for each named degree, and should be taken in the order listed in Table 2 (page 38) for Books specialism and Table 3 (page 39) for Newspaper and Magazine specialism.



Exceptionally, for medical and other reasons beyond the student's control and subject to the approval of the Programme Committee, a student may be permitted to suspend registration for a determined period of up to one calendar year at a time. More than one period of intermission is permissible. Normally this period should not be so long as to require exceptional extension to the latest date for qualification for the award.