Made in, made by, made of, made from

6. to this day it has never written a word.

Write 2 sentences using the phrases till nowand so far.

7. It was impossible to fill the pen with ink .... I tried very hard.

Choose the 2 answers which you think are correct.

A it B provided that C though

D not only E even if

8. The man was very ..... to accept the pound I gave him.

A glad B reluctant C unwilling

D pleased E sorry



TASK I. Discuss the following in small groups.

1. Why did people first start trading?

2. How much do we know about the early traders?

3. Why were luxuries, not necessities, the earliest goods to be traded?

4. Which products do you know of, that are found in most parts of the world today?

5. What does your country export and import? What are the reasons for this?


Write an imaginary account in not more than 180 words, including a dialogue that took place between the writer and the man who sold him the pen.

Title: The Bargain

Introduction: Man approached with pens and watches - held them up - writer showed interest.

Development and Conclusion : Writer asked to see a pen - man handed him one - argument about the price - gradually reduced to £ 3 - writer walked away - men followed - made it clear that he was being robbed but accepted £ 1. Writer pleased, man disappeared quickly.






TASK I. Work in pair or as a class answering the following questions:


1. What do you associate the title with? Do you know any events connected with sunken ships? Why did these ships sink?

2. Have any attempts been made to find and bring them to the surface? Have they ever been successful? What can hinder the rescue team in their attempts?


TASK II. Do you happen to know what the internationally recognized radio telephone signal of distress is?

Read the following passage and answer the questions that go below.


The term “Mayday” is the internationally recognized radio telephone signal of distress. It is only used when a ship is in great danger and needs help immediately. The signal is transmitted on a wavelength of 2,182 kHz, which is permanently monitored by rescue services on the shore. The use of the expression has a very straightforward explanation. It simply came from the French phrase ‘m’aidez’, which means ‘help me’. It was officially adopted internationally in 1927.




1. When is the signal of distress only used?

2. How is the signal transmitted?

3. Who is it monitored by on the shore?

4. What language did it come from and what does it mean?

5. When was the signal officially adopted?


TASK III. Base and strong adjectives.

Put a base adjective from the box next to a strong adjective.


surprised interesting tired dirty

pretty frightened good bad

large funny tasty big


Base adj. Strong adj.

___________ - great

___________- delicious

___________ - filthy

___________ - astonished

___________ - exhausted

___________ - tremendous

___________ - beautiful

___________- hilarious

___________ - fascinating

___________ - terrified

___________ - wonderful, marvelous

___________ - awful, terrible


We can make base adjectives more extreme with the adverbs very, quite, really, but strong adjectives take only really or absolutely. For example, quite good really fascinating

very dirty absolutely hilarious

really funny really tremendous

Explain in your own words how strong adjectives describe the following nouns:

great interest

complete failure

tremendous excitement.


TASK IV. Do the following in pairs.

Explain the difference in meaning in the following structures:


The small ship had been searchingtheA radio message had been

Barents sea for weeks. received by the ship’s captain.


The sea-bed was scoured with powerful Though the crew were at

nets. first under the impression
