Ex. 9. Kate North is Lecturer in English at the University of Edinburg. Listen to the tape and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F)

1. Coherence in speaking is more difficult to sustain than coherence in writing, because speakers have no nonverbal clues to inform them if their message is clear or not.

2. Usually we speak about paragraph unity and sentence cohesion.

3. To achieve paragraph cohesion a writer must ensure a great amount of different factors.

4. To achieve sentence cohesion a writer can use some techniques, for example: collocation, synonymy, enumeration, parallelism, transitions and antonymy.

Ex. 10. Now listen to the tape for the second time and answer the questions.

1. Why is coherence in writing more difficult to sustain than coherence in speech?

2. What must a writer ensure to achieve paragraph unity?

3. What techniques can be used to achieve sentence cohesion?

Ex. 11. Watch video aided instructions «Connections and transitions », fulfill the given tasks.

Out-of Class Writing Assignment

What is a good student?

Some writers believe that good students are well focused and diligent. Write a short response (150–200 words, every other line) in which you discuss a different characteristic of good students. Include convincing examples and details.


coherence revision to create transition
choppy compound opinion writer’s purpose
to sound smooth complex fluent to emphasize
confusion relevance to be consistent excessive
aspect device to follow general
specific content stage chronological order
to enhance repetition to link week control
reinforcement to compare progression effective control
substitution ellipse conjunction reference
to signal comparison cause effect
summary conclusion contradiction emphasis
support addition explanation equivalence



Unit 2
Critical writing

Unit Topics:

Critical thinking & writing skills

Academic writing assignments

The process of writing

Peer review and revision

Critical thinking and writing skills

ObjectivesIn this unit you will: discover what critical thinking is;
  learn means of sharpening critical thinking skills;
  discover what critical writing is;
  know the classification of intellectual behavior;
  know how to make connections between theory and practice;
  learn the skills of effective critical writing.

Starting up

Ex. 1. Discuss the following questions with your colleagues to share experience in critical thinking.

1. Do you know what critical thinking is?

2. Why do you think is it useful to sharpen critical thinking skills?

3. Is it difficult for you to ask questions?

4. Why is it so important to synthesize information from a variety of sources?

5. What is it necessary to do to interpret information?

8. What are the means of sharpening critical thinking?

9. Are you a critical thinker?



Script 7