F. For managers, the three key skill types are technical, human and conceptual. Match them to their definitions and examples

Term Definition Examples
Technical Skills related to the ability to visualize the organization as a whole Communicating with others. Motivating others to develop themselves and perform well in pursuit of organizational goals.
Human Skills that reflect an understanding of and proficiency in a specialized field. Understanding how the organization fits into the industry, community, world. Taking actions that advance the goals of the organization.
Conceptual Skills associated with a manager’s ability to work well with others both as a member of a group and as a leader who gets things done through others. Skills in accounting, finance, engineering, manufacturing or computer science.


A. Listen to the first part of an interview with Stuart Crainer, who has written many books on business and management. What four qualities for an ideal manager does he talk about? What additional quality does he mention?

B. Listen to the second part of the interview. What does Stuart say about management styles at the following companies?

1 General Electric

2 Virgin

3 Body Shop


5 Nokia

C. Listen to the last part of the interview. What, according to Stuart, is the key to managing globally?


D. Complete the passage below about Mr Pat Guerin, Industrial Relations Manager of Guinness Ireland. Use these expressions.


This job involved… I reported directly to… I was employed as… I worked… The next position I held was… I was then promoted to… In this role… I’ve worked…

When I first started working in Guinness 1 I was employed as a general worker. For three years 2___________________in the bottling plant as a machine operator. 3___________________for a period of seven years in the engineering department as a maintenance assistant. This involved working with technically skilled personnel in maintaining plant and equipment. In both jobs 4___________________a supervisor. Since then, however, the structure of the company has significantly changed and the supervisor layer no longer exists. General workers now report to a plant manager. 5___________________the position of a laboratory officer in the quality assurance laboratory. 6___________________carrying out a wide range of analyses on all aspects of the brewing process. For the past year 7___________________in the personnel department as an Industrial Relations Manager. 8___________________I report directly to the Personnel Manager of the company.

E. Listen to Mr Guerin and check your answers.

F. Listen to part 2 and answer the questions.

1. What contributed to Mr Guerin's transition from general worker to a managerial position?

2. What is his principal role in the company?

3. What does this involve?

4. What does he think is the main skill that a manager needs today?

G. Listen to part 3. How has the company changed since Mr Guerin joined?

You may wish to check you understand these words before you listen.


contract out industrial unrest consultation negotiation early retirement compulsory redundancy  



A. Explain these words and word combinations in English:

Skill; decision making skill; interpersonal skill; objec­tive; goal; activity; required results; interpersonal relations; inter­personal (psychological) skill; needs and motives; technical guidance; subordinate; psychological atmosphere; successful activity; support; implementation; investigation; production process; flow of information; ability; responsible; organizational rules; report; production; action plan; solve problems; communicate; enable; choose; divide; distribute; carry out; hold a meeting.


B. Read the text

Management Skills

Effectiveness of a manager's activity depends on certain im­portant skills. These skills can be divided into seven different cat­egories: conceptual, decision making, analytic, administrative, communicational, interpersonal and technical.

A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to see the "general picture" of an organization. Managers must understand how their duties and the duties of other managers fit together to plan their activity" in a proper way and get the required results. This skill is very important for top managers because it helps them plan "super goals" and develop proper strategies for the whole organization.

A decision making skillis the ability of a manager to choose the best course of actions of two or more alternatives. A manager must decide the following:

1) What objectives and goals must be reached?

2) What strategy must be implemented?

3) What resources must be used and how they must be distrib­uted?

4) What kind of control is needed?

In short, managers are responsible for the most important deci­sions which are required to carry out any organizational activity.

An analytic skillis the ability to determine the most impor­tant problem of many other problems and identify the causes of each problem before implementing a proper action plan. This abil­ity is especially important for top managers because they have to solve complex problems.

An administrative skillis the ability of a manager to keep to the organizational rules specified for the production process, within a limited budget, and coordinate the flow of information and paper work in his group and in other groups.

A communicational skill is the ability of a manager to share his ideas and opinions with other people both orally and in writing. This skill is a decisive factor of a manager's success. Some investigations show that top managers and middle managers spend ap­proximately 80% of their work time in communicating with each other. Thus, a communication skill enables managers to hold meet­ings, write clear letters and explanatory notes, make reports, etc.

An interpersonal skill (psychological skill) is the ability to deal effectively with other people both inside and outside the orga­nization. It is the ability to understand the needs and motives of other people. This skill is very important for a good psychological atmosphere for successful activity in the common work in future. If the interpersonal relations are good, a manager will be success­ful in getting a support in the development and implementation of organizational plans.

A technical skillis a specific competence to accomplish a task. The lower is a manager's level in the organization, the closer is his/her connection with the production process. Thus first-line managers have the closest connection with the production pro­cess. They need high technical skills to provide technical guidance for the subordinates. Top managers don't need these skills as much as first-line managers but the knowledge of the technical sphere is useful for all the managers.


C. Find the English equivalents for the following.

Эффективность; навыки; навыки принятия реше­ний; производственный процесс; психологическое мастер­ство; цель; обязанность; стратегия; концептуальные навыки; доклад (отчет); требуемые результаты; разрабатывать соответствующие стратегии; способность; курс действий; благоприятная психологическая атмосфера; отношения между людьми; осуществление организационных планов; обеспечи­вать техническое руководство; подчиненный; делить; согласовывать(ся); выбирать; решать проблемы; достигать; осу­ществлять; распределять; выполнять; давать возможность; проводить (собрание).


D. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. Effectiveness of a manager's activity depends on ___________________________

2. A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to see _________________________

3. A decision making skill is the ability of a manager to choose the best course of actions of ________________________________________

4. An analytic skill is the ability to determine the most important problems and identify the causes of each problem before _________________________________

5. An interpersonal skill is very important for _______________________________

6. A technical skill is a specific competence to accomplish ____________________

7. First-line managers have the closest connection with _______________________

E. Translate into English:

1. Навыки человеческих отношений (психологические навыки) — это способность менеджеров эффектив­но взаимодействовать с другими людьми.

2. Этот навык имеет большое значение для благоприятной психологической атмосферы в организации.

3. Концептуальные навыки — это способность менед­жера представлять «общую картину» организации.

4. Концептуальные навыки имеют очень большое значение для старших менеджеров, потому что оно помогает им планировать и разрабатывать стратегии организации в целом.

5. Административные навыки – это способность менед­жера исполнять организационные правила, предписан­ные для процесса производства.

6. Аналитические навыки особенно важны для высших менеджеров, потому что они должны решать сложные проблемы.

7. Менеджеры должны понимать, как их обязанности согласуются с обязанностями других менеджеров.

8. Менеджеры ответственны за наиболее важные решения, требуемые для выполнения любой организационной дея­тельности.


F. Agree or disagree with the statements below:

1. Effectiveness of a manager's activity depends on five different categories.

2. A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to choose the best course of actions of two or more alternatives.

3. A conceptual skill is very important for top managers because it helps them plan "super goals”.

4. A communicational skill is the ability to understand the needs and motives of other people.

5. An interpersonal skill is the ability to deal effectively with other people.

6. A technical skill is a specific competence to accomplish a task.

7. Top managers need technical skill more than first-line managers.


G. Translate into English:

1. Для успешного выполнения функций менеджер должен обладать основными управленческими навыками: техническими; концептуальными, а также навыками общения с людьми. Помимо навыков, менеджер должен обладать и базовыми знаниями в той области, где он работает. Эти знания включают информацию о технологиях, о компании и о людях, работающих в этой ком­пании. Технические навыки означают знание технологических процессов и умение их использовать наиболее эффективно. На­выки общения с людьми помогают менеджеру успешно взаимо­действовать с людьми, понимать их и мотивировать их работу с целью достижения поставленных целей.

2. Концептуальные навыки имеют отношение к идеям и способности управленца видеть организацию как единое целое. Управленцу необходимо иметь концептуальные навыки для того, чтобы пред­ставить, как отдельные части организации взаимодействуют и зависят друг от друга.

3. Помимо этого, концептуальные навыки помогают менеджеру понять интеграцию и координацию всех процессов и систем внутри организации, и вне нее. Работа менеджера оценивается с точки зрения двух параметров; эффективности и продуктивности. Эффективность работы менеджера оценивается с точки зре­ния, правильно выбранных целей и путей их осуществления.

4. Продуктивность означает минимальные затраты средств и вре­мени на выполнение поставленных задач.

5. В работе менеджера важны обе эти составляющие.


A. Discuss with your partner and answer:

1. Is it easy for a woman to become a manager in Russia?

2. If not, why do you think it is difficult for a woman to get to the top?

3. Do you know any woman who has had a very successful career?

4. How did she manage to succeed in a man's world?

5. Does she also look after a family?

6. What about particular problems she might have in her career?

7. Has she experienced sexist attitudes from men? If so, how did she cope with it?

8. Do you know the expression «a glass ceiling»? If not, what do you think it means?


B. Which would you prefer to work for?

· a male boss

· a female boss

· either – you don’t have a preference

Do you think your response to this question is a typical one?


C. Read only the first paragraph of both articles. What is the main point made by the writer in each case?


D. Work in pairs. One of you reads article A. The other reads article B. Summarize each paragraph in a single sentence of no more than 15 words. Then give an oral summary of the whole article to your partner.


Article A She's the Boss


Business was invented by men and to a certain extend it is still «a boy's game». Less than 20% of the managers in most European companies are women, with fewer still in senior positions. Yet in Britain one in three new businesses are started up by women and according to John Naisbitt and Patricia Auburdene, authors of 'Megatrends 2000', since 1980 the number of self-employed women has increased twice as fast as the number of self-employed men.

The Glass Ceiling Syndrome

Is it just a case of women whose career progress has been blocked by their male colleagues — the so-called 'glass ceiling syndrome' — being forced to set up their own businesses? Or do women share specific management qualities which somehow serve them better in self-employment? As many as 40% of start-ups fail within their first two years, but the failure rate of those run by women is substantially lower than that. It's hardly surprising, therefore, that though male bosses tend to be reluctant to promote women, male bank managers seem only too happy to finance their businesses.

The Roddick Phenomenon

Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop empire, is the perfect example of the female entrepreneur with her company growing from zero to £470 million in its first fifteen years. Perhaps the secret of her success was caution. Rather than push ahead with the purchasing of new shops, Roddick got herself into franchising – the cheapest way to expand a business whilst keeping overheads down.

Caution, forward planning and tight budgeting seem to be more female characteristics than male. They are also the blueprint for success when launching a new company.

More Sensitive

When women join an existing company, it's a different story. Less ruthlessly individualistic in their approach to business, women are more sensitive to the feelings of the group or team in which they work. They are generally more cooperative than competitive, less assertive, less prepared to lead from the front. Though they usually manage their time better than men and may even work harder, they are much less likely than their male counterparts to take risks. And, above all, it is risk-taking that makes corporate high fliers. As one male director put it: «I'm not paid to make the right decisions. I'm just paid to make decisions».

Better Communicators

It's an overgeneralization, of course, but it remains true that men will more readily take the initiative than women. The female style of management leans towards consensus and conciliation. Women seem to be better communicators than men — both more articulate and better listeners. And perhaps it Is women's capacity to listen which makes them particularly effective in people-oriented areas of business. In any mixed group of business people the ones doing most of the talking will almost certainly be the men. But perhaps only the women will really be listening.

The New Achievers

And, as companies change from large hierarchical structures to smaller more flexible organizations, the communication skills and supportive approach of women are likely to become more valued. It was predominantly men who profited from 'the materialistic 80s', the age of the achiever. But it will be women who achieve the most in the future.


Article B Which bosses are best?


How do you like your boss? Sympathetic, empowering and not too busy, probably. They will be aware of the pressures of your job, but delegate responsibility where appropriate. They will be interest­ed in your career development. Oh, and, preferably, they will be male.

In a survey for Royal Mail spe­cial delivery, a quarter of secre­taries polled expressed a prefer­ence for a male boss. Only 7% said they would prefer a woman. The future of management may be female, but Ms High-Flier, it seems, can expect little support from her secretary.

One should not, of course, assume that all secretaries are female, but women still make up the overwhelming majority. So it makes uncomfortable reading for those who like to believe that a soft and cuddly sisterhood exists in the previously macho office environ­ment, where women look out for their own. The findings also raise questions about neat predictions of a feminized future for manage­ment, where 'womanly' traits such as listening skills, flexibility and a more empathetic manner will become normal office currency.

Business psychologist John Nicholson is surprised by the sur­vey's findings, asserting that 'the qualities valued today in a success­ful boss are feminine, not mascu­line'. He is emphatic that women make better bosses. 'They listen more, are less status-conscious, conduct crisper meetings, are much more effective negotiators and display greater flexibility.'

They are also considerably more common than they used to be. According to information group Experian, women are no longer scarce in the boardroom - they occupy a third of the seats round the conference table. Women directors are still relatively uncommon in older age groups, but among young directors the proportion is growing.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that a reluctance to work for a woman may be more a question of management style than substance. 'It's just women bosses' attitude,' says Martha, a PA for 25 years who has worked predominantly for women, including a high-profile politician. 'It's something women have that men don't. When they are critical they are much more personal, whereas men sail through not taking a blind bit of notice.'

Sonia Neill, a former secretary at Marks and Spencer, has experi­enced power struggles between women even where there was a significant disparity in status. 'Women either find it awkward to give you work or they try to assert themselves by giving you really menial tasks. Men never do that.'

From the Guardian


C. Which of the following points support the ideas expressed in the text?

a) Women are as entrepreneurial as men.

b) Most female managers prefer task-based jobs to people-centred ones.

c) Women tend to be more conscientious than men.

d) Women who do succeed in business have to become even more ruthless than men.

e) Men are not as financially aware as women.

f) Women are more likely to be the mangers of the future than men are.


E. Match each of the words in the left column to a word from the right column to make nine word partnerships.

1. senior 2. career 3. forward 4. tight 5. risk- 6. high 7. hierachial 8. flexible 9. communication a) budgeting b) structures c) taking d) progress e) organizations f) positions g) skills h) planning i) fliers


G. Find words in article B with the following meanings.

· aspects of person’s character

· absolutely convinced

· based on stories about personal experience

· a difference between things

· behave in a determined way


H. From the two texts find as many characteristics as possible that are attributed to female managers.


I. Do you find any of the ideas expressed in the texts surprising?


J. Imagine that you are a HR-manager. In each of the following situations decide if you would give the applicant the job or not. Be prepared to justify your decision in each case.

Systems Analyst. The applicant is a 36 year old woman returning to work after giving up her previous job to start a family three years ago. She is well qualified for the post and much more experienced than any of the other applicants. She is, however, a little out of touch with the latest developments in the industry you work in and would require some retraining. Most of the other applicants are younger men.

Marketing Director.The applicant is a.29 year old woman. On paper she looks impressive and at interview she came across very well indeed. In terms of experience and expertise, she is clearly the best person, for the post. There's only one problem: the job is in a country where women do not have equal status with men and where very few women hold management positions at all, let alone senior ones such as this.

Production Manager.The applicant is a 44 year old woman. You have recently interviewed ; twenty people for a very responsible post within your company and she is one of the two on your final shortlist The other most promising candidate is a 29 year old man. On balance, you think the man would probably be the better choice but, at present, your company has only appointed three female managers out of a total of thirty-two and you are under a lot of pressure from the personnel department to exercise «positive discrimination» in favour of women.

Management Trainer.The applicant is a 31 year old man. The company you represent runs assertiveness training courses for women in management and at the moment you have an all-female staff. Whilst the applicant has an excellent track record in management training with mixed groups, you have some doubts about his credibility running seminars exclusively for women, some of whom tend to see male managers more as an obstacle than an aid to their progress. You're also concerned about how the rest of the staff will react to him.


1. Use make or doto form 12 business phrases.


  1. We …… a good profit from our exports.
  2. We …… business all over the world.
  3. We intend to …… an effort to reach new markets next year.
  4. What did you …… at university?
  5. We will …… the last payment next week.
  6. We’re not here to …… a loss!
  7. The bookkeeper will …… the books after his holidays.
  8. It used to be easier to …… money.
  9. I’ve got to …… some work at the office this evening.
  10. I hope to …… an agreement with a local supplier.
  11. I’m sure we can …… well.
  12. What do you …… for a living?


2. Mr Zezuli is visiting a textile manufacturer. Complete the following mini-dialogues with appropriate prepositions or adverbs.


Extract 1 The Sales Manager is just preparing herself for her visitor and asks her Personal Assistant to talk to him for a few minutes.

SM: Anna, do you think you could look …… Mr Zezuli for a few minutes?

I'll be right with him.

PA: Mr Zezuli, while you're waiting perhaps you'd like to look …… our latest fabrics.

Z: Can I look …… the catalogues? I'd like to see your whole product range first.


Extract 2 The Sales Manager is with Mr Zezuli.

SM: Mr Zezuli, if you'd like to look …… , we can arrange a visit to the factory. So, first I suggest that we look …… the plant. Now, if you look …… …… the window, you'll see a convoy of lorries leaving the depot.


Extract 3 The Sales Manager and Mr Zezuli are walking to the factory.

SM: In this corridor, you can see paintings of the directors. This is the present MD. I've always looked …… …… her, because I think she manages the company efficiently.


Extract 4 The Sales Manager and Mr Zezuli are discussing prices.

A: I'm afraid I'm not happy with these figures. We should look …… them in more detail.

SM: So, I hope you'll find these more acceptable.

Z: Yes, I do. So, now let's look …… to my next visit and make some provisional plans.

SM: Yes, Mr Zezuli, I look …… …… meeting you on your next visit to Rotaronga. Let's...



Companies and training organizations are increasingly offering courses for managers, for example, in leadership skills and assertiveness, in order to help them increase their self-confidence in professional and personal situations.


You and your partner are helping with the design of a new training programme which will eventually be followed by managers, as part of the company’s overall employee development programme.

Work in pairs.

1. Go through the list of management tips deciding what the reason is for each one.

2. Add extra advice if you wish.

3. Decide with your partner

· the best way to present the tips

· a training idea (a role play, simulation, game, discussion, case study etc.) to help the course participants study effectively.

4. Present your tips and explain them to the rest of the group.


UNIT 5 Communication