Устные темы для заочного отделения. 2 курс

Формы контроля.

Текущий контроль.

Текущий контроль осуществляется в течение 1-2 семестров в виде контрольной работы № 1 и 3-4 семестров в виде контрольной №2. Перевод на русский язык используется как одно из средств контроля понимания.

Промежуточный контроль.

Промежуточный контроль имеет форму зачета во 2-ом семестре.

Содержание зачета:

1. Сделать письменный перевод со словарем с иностранного языка на русский язык текста по специальности объемом 1000 печ. знаков. Время — 30 мин.

2. Прочитать и пересказать на иностранном языке текст по страноведению объемом 1 стр. Время на подготовку — 20-30 мин.

3. Передать на иностранном языке содержание русского текста по темам Моя семья, Мой родной город, Великобритания объемом 400-500 печ.зн.(устное реферирование). Время на подготовку — 10 мин.

4. Беседа на общие темы.

Итоговый контроль.

Итоговый контроль имеет форму экзамена.

Содержание экзамена:

1. Сделать письменный перевод со словарем с иностранного языка на русский язык текста по специальности объемом 1800 печ. знаков. Время — 60 мин.

2. Прочитать и пересказать на иностранном языке текст по специальности или по страноведению объемом 2-3 стр. Время на подготовку — 30-40 мин.

3. Прослушать (2 раза) текст на бытовую тему и передать его содержание на иностранном языке (письменно или устно).

4. Передать на иностранном языке содержание русского текста по специальности объемом 800-1000 печ.зн.(устное реферирование). Время на подготовку — 10 мин.

5. Беседа на общие темы.


Цифровые образовательные ресурсы:

1. Английская грамматика в упражнениях / Гунина Н.А., Никульшина Н.Л., Шеленкова И.В. http://window.edu.ru/resource/798/56798

2. How to speak about art in English: Учебное пособие для студентов, обучающихся по гуманитарным специальностям (английский язык) / http://www.isuct.ru/e-lib/node/371

3. Интернет-проект LiveEnglish - онлайн-тренажер разговорного английского языка / http://www.liveenglish.ru

4. Интернет-курс английского языка для начинающих / http://english.inrussia.org/

5. Учебник современного английского языка / http://www.nedva.ru/english/book.html

6. Грамматика английского языка / http://www.langust.ru/grammar.shtml

Open Book - программа изучения иностранных слов / http://www.vinidiktov.ru/openbook.htm

7. Курс английского языка / http://www.englspace.com/online/index.shtml

Английский язык / http://frank.deutschesprache.ru/gb.html




Устные темы для студентов заочного отделения факультетов СКиИД и ТФ.




Great Britain is situated on a large group of islands lying to the west of Europe. It consists of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Long ago the greater part of the country was covered with forests. Now there are practically no forests there, but there are many leafy trees, that give beauty to the countryside. Some parts of England are really beautiful. Many picturesque lakes have woody grassy shores. The rivers in the country are not long. Many of them are joined by canals so that it is quite possible to travel by water from one end of the country to the other.


The climate of the country is milder than that of the central regions of our country. The winters are warmer and summers are colder. Even in the most northern parts of Scotland snow never lies very long on the ground in winter. In the south of England the rivers never freeze. The summers are not very hot, there is often much rain.


One of the chief reasons for such a mild climate is a stream of warm water called the Gulf Stream.

Great Britain is a densely populated country. London is the capital of Great Britain. Its population with the suburbs is about ten million people.


There are many places in London which are connected with historical events. Such as Trafalgar square with the monument to Nelson, the st. Paul`s cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the Tower and many others.


Great Britain is an industrial country. There are a lot of factories and mines there. Sheffield is a centre of steel industry. In Manchester there are many textile factories, Liverpool is one of the big ports on the west coast of Scotland. Glasgow is a large sea-port and a shipbuilding centre.

Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh are University towns.


Great Britain is a monarchy, but the power of the Queen is not absolute but constitutional. Her power is limited by parliament. There are three main political parties at present dates in Great Britain. They are Labour, Conservative and Liberal.




  1. Where is Great Britain situated?
  2. What parts does it consist of?
  3. What can you say about the rivers in Great Britain?
  4. What is the climate of Great Britain?
  5. What is the chief reason for a mild climate?
  6. What is the capital of Great Britain?
  7. Is Great Britain an industrial or agricultural country?
  8. Are Oxford and Cambridge University towns?
  9. Is the power of the Queen absolute or constitutional?

10.How many political parties are there in Great Britain? What are they?





I am a student of the Drama faculty at the Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture. My future profession is an actor (actress),drama producer. We study for five years. While studying we should learn scene speech, plastics, actor’s skills and many other interesting things.


This profession requires an original mentality and imagination in a person. He/she should be a good organizer as he is going to work with people. The knowledge of psychology seems to be very important in this profession. The producer should be a highly educated person with a wide range of interests. He needs to be well versed in many areas of human knowledge – in philosophy, music, literature, arts, history. This knowledge is necessary for him to create a performance, show or festivity.


We learn both theory and practice while studying at the Institute. We go to the theatres, attend rehearsals of our local producers. In addition we participate in city’s festivities and shows, and learn to make performances ourselves. During years of studying we try to find a place where we could work after graduating from the Institute. It’s not easy to find something worth now – well paid and an interesting job at the same time. Unfortunately this job is very low paid now. But we hope that our future salary will be worthy of our knowledge and skills.


I love my future profession, it gives me a great contentment and pleasure. And I like to make people smile and laugh , and cry sometimes, with my art. I love to make them happy.




1. What faculty do you study at?

2. What is your future profession?

3. How long do you study at the Institute?

4. What do you learn while studying at the Institute?

5. What does your profession require?

6. Why should the producer be a highly educated person?

7. Do you attend rehearsals of our local producers?

8 . Why do you love your future profession?





I study at the faculty of socio – cultural and information activity. My future profession is a manager.

Manager is a person who is responsible for making decisions and carrying them out within some system. A personnel manager supervises people in an organization. Financial manager deals with funds in a way that achieves an organization’s desired goals. Sales manager is a person who is responsible for selling goods.

The main managerial functions are planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling. Any managerial system is characterized by these general functions.

Managers run a company’s business. They are involved in planning and policy making at almost every level. Their knowledge about an industry and their ability to provide direction are of great importance. When a problem exists a manager has to make a decision to solve it.

In decision making there is always some risk.

Managers spend most of their time in the office, working with department heads and other chief executives. Their primary function is to understand how the business operates. Managers analyze financial data and are responsible for producing profit and loss statements.

Managing is a responsible and hard work. There is a lot to be done and little time to do it. Managers bring a measure of order and purpose to their organization.

My future profession is very important and serious. It requires professional education and experience. At the same time it is very interesting and if you do your job well you can be satisfied with its results.



Answer the questions to the text

1. Where do you study?

2. What is your future profession?

3. What is a manager?

4. What can you say about a personnel manager?

5. Does a financial manager deal with funds?

6. Who is responsible for selling goods?

7. What are the main managerial functions?

8. What does your future profession require?

9. Is managing a responsible and hard work?

10. What does it require?





My future profession is a choreographer. I liked to dance from my childhood.

But only at the Institute of Arts and Culture I understood what choreography means.

Choreography is the art of creating and arranging dances. The ballet master or the choreographer is the arranger of dance. Dance is the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music, for the purpose of expressing the idea or emotion, releasing energy

Or simply taking delight in the movement itself. One of the most basic motives of dance is the expression of emotions. People and even higher animals often dance as way of releasing powerful feelings, such as a sudden access of high spirits, joy or anger.

As all the dancers I need grace, rhythm and strength. So I have to go to class every day. When we speak of a dancing class we mean a very large room with large windows. There is a bar along the walls of the room and large mirrors.

Ideally a choreographer must be a competent dancer and a good musician. The great choreographers have a conductor’s knowledge of music. Balanchine for example had passed the conservatoire.

At the Institute we study classical, folk and modern dances: waltzes and tango, polka and quadrille. While studying at the Institute some of our students take part in the performances of the Musical Comedy Theatre and other professional companies. After graduating from the Institute most of the students work at different aesthetic centers, schools and dancing groups.


Questions to the text:

1. What is your future profession?

2. What does choreography mean?

3. Is choreography the art of creating and arranging dances?

4. What do you know about a dance?

5. When do people usually dance?

6. What do all the dances need?

7. What do we mean when we speak of a dancing class?

8. How can you describe an ideal choreographer?

9. What dances do you study at the Institute?

10. Where do you want to work after graduating from the Institute?




My future profession is a musician. Musician is a person , skilled in art or practice of interpreting, performing or composing music.

The profession of a musician implies composing music, vocal and instrumental performing it.

There are musicians who perform classical or modern, serious or light music.

Vocalists or singers perform folk songs, vocal pieces for two, three or more singers. There are vocal ensembles (duets, trios, quartets) and choirs.

Choral singing is an excellent practice for a singer. He will gain confidence from hearing voices around him. Choral music sung by voices alone without accompaniment is called “ a cappella”.

Vocalists can perform cantatas ( musical work for soloists – singers, sometimes for a chorus with orchestra), oratorios (which reminds operas but are performed in concerts without stage action and theatrical costumes), operettas and operas.

Instrumental genres have been developed later than vocal ones. They are chamber music and symphony music. Musicians performing chamber works are not large in number.

The full complement of the symphony orchestra of today usually numbers from about 80 to100 players.

Some talented musicians give solo recitals.

The profession of a musician is of great importance because he interprets the ideas of a composer to listeners. Only talented performers never mechanically repeat notes but having perfect artistic feeling, style, temperament and taste can understand the mysterious sense of a musical text and can interpret its contents to the listeners. It’s the main quality of a profession performer of music.


Questions to the text:

  1. What is your future profession?
  2. What does the profession of a musician imply?
  3. What do vocalists perform?
  4. Is choral singing an excellent practice for a singer?
  5. What is cantata?
  6. What is the full compliment of the symphony orchestra?
  7. Do you like your future profession?
  8. Where do you want to work after graduating from the Institute?
  9. Where do you work now?
  10. What is your favorite musical instrument?




My profession is a librarian bibliographer. I work in the library. There are many types of libraries in our city: one central libraries and a number of branch libraries. My library is called a public library. It may be used by any member of the public.

Nowadays the library plays a great role in the life of our society. The main task of the library is propaganda of knowledge. A librarian must help the reader to keep pace with the latest achievements and events in the life of our country and abroad.

I have a lot of work to do in my library. Usually I look through all magazines, journals, newspapers and lots of books. The work with readers is the most important. I give all possible assistance to a reader. My duties are to explain the rules of using the books, catalogues and reference material.

As a rule, once a month I organize an exhibition, library sponsored talk and review of literature. I do an extensive work with a book itself. New entries are classified, registered

and stamped



Questions to the text:

1. What is your profession?

2. Where do you work?

3. What are the types of the libraries?

4. Who can use a public library?

5. What is the main task of the library?

6. How must the librarian help the reader?

7. What is the most important work in the library?

8. What are the duties of a librarian?

9. What else do you do at the library?

10. Do you like your work?