The main objective of studying of discipline of "Quality management system" and a task solved in the course of studying




Chair “Standardization and certification”


Course of lectures on discipline




for students of specialty 5В073200 - «Standardization, certification and metrology»







Chair «Standardization and certification»







On discipline

"Quality management system"

For students of specialty

5В073200- «Standardization, certification and metrology»


Shymkent, 2015.


UDC 005 (075)


Originators: Tulekbayeva A.K, Ormanov G. M.

Course of lectures on discipline "Quality management system" – Shymkent: M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university, 2015 – ____ page.

The course of lectures is made according to requirements of the curriculum and the discipline program «Quality management system» also includes all necessary data on performance of lecture occupations of a course by that.

Course of lectures are intended for students of specialty 5В073200 - «Standardization, certification and metrology».

Purposes, tasks and content of discipline: the discipline - «Quality management system» is intended for studying by students of scientific methods of statistical quality control of production and practical application of bases of these methods in production and in product quality control.



Kaldybekova Zh.B. - cand. tech. sci., associate professor of chair M. Auezov SKSU.

Yeshankulov A.A. - cand. tech. sci., associate professor of chair M. Auezov SKSU.


Reviewed and recommended by the meeting chair «Standardization and certification» (protocol № ___ from ___ _____ 2015)

Approved by the methodical commission of faculty «Mechanics and oil and gas business» (protocol № ___ from ___ _____ 2015)


Recommended for publication Methodical council of M. Auezov SKSU, protocol № ___ from ___ _____ 2015.



© M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university, 2015.

Responsible for release: Ormanova G. M.


Introduction: Purposes and problems of discipline; structural and logic scheme of discipline, its communication with such disciplines as: the higher mathematics, standardization and certification, qualimetry, intersubject communications, namely: communication of quality management system with metrological ensuring productions. Thinking evolution about quality: the main terms and determination of quality, the concept of policy of quality, the process concept, inquiries and expectations, philosophy of the quality system of Deminga from constant aspiration to improvement, continuous improvement, a strategy choice…………………………………………………………...  
Evolution of forms of quality management. The factors influencing quality of production. Emergence of a system approach. Quality systems: BIP, SBT, KANARSPI, NORMS, KSUKP. Advantages and disadvantages……………………………………….  
Concept and TQM models (general quality management) Principles of TQM and interrelation with quality management system (QMS) on ISO 9000. Structure of the international ISO 9000 standards. The main concepts and definitions on ISO 9000:2000.  
Basic provisions of quality management system on series ISO 9001. Justification of need of systems of quality management. Requirements to QMS. The System approach to QMS. The Process approach with reference to QMS. Policies and the purposes in the field of quality, a role of the top management, documentation, QMS estimation, continuous improvement, a role of methods of engineering of quality. Interrelation between systems of quality management and perfection models…………………………  
Operations procedure during the developing, introduction, QMS functioning. Standard algorithm of actions. Aspects and quality management functions. Structural and functional schemes of quality management. Models of ensuring quality. Quality control.  
Policy of the organization in the field of quality. Purposes and an organization task when developing policy. Providing the obligation on development and QMS introduction. Policy formulation…………………………………………………………..  
Quality manual. Basic purpose and general provisions. Maintenance of a quality manual. Quality manual elements. Quality manual Structure……………………………………...  
Maintenance of elements of a quality manual. Responsibility of the management. Management of documentation and records in QMS. Management of resources. Production. Measurement, analysis and improvement……………………………………  
QMS documentation. Structure and hierarchy of system of documentation of QMS. QMS Documentation. Actions during the developing, introduction and QMS functioning………………………………………………………………………………...  
Process and system approach. Deminga-Shukhart's cycle and process approach. Methodological bases of introduction of a process approach to QMS. The system approach to management………………………………………………………………….  
Information support of quality systems – CALS, ARIS – technologies. Application of the computerized technologies of the electronic description of processes of development, a complete set, production, modernization, sale, operation, service and production utilization……………………………………………………………………...  
Methods and quality system role in the integrated system of management of the organization. Organizational structure of business management. Structural and functional schemes of quality management………………………………………………  
Ensuring quality. Management of technological processes on quality indicators. Methods of the analysis and ensuring quality in production, operation, repair. Ways of elimination of the reasons worsening quality in production, operation and repair……….  
External and internal audit of the quality system. Conditions of audit. Plan of audit. Documentation of audit. Plan of correcting and warning actions. External audit of the quality system. Certification quality system………………………………………………  

Lecture 1

Introduction: Purposes and problems of discipline; structural and logic scheme of discipline, its communication with such disciplines as: the higher mathematics, standardization and certification, qualimetry, intersubject communications, namely: communication of quality management system with metrological ensuring productions. Thinking evolution about quality: the main terms and determination of quality, the concept of policy of quality, the process concept, inquiries and expectations, philosophy of the quality system of Deminga from constant aspiration to improvement, continuous improvement, a strategy choice

Lecture plan:

1. The main objective of studying of discipline of "Quality management system" and a task solved in the course of studying

2. Essence of quality as object of management

2.1 Concept of quality

2.2 Main levels of quality

3. Quality as object management

4. Qualimetry

The main objective of studying of discipline of "Quality management system" and a task solved in the course of studying

The purpose of studying of discipline of "Quality management system" consists in acquisition by students of knowledge for development, creation and introduction of quality management system at the enterprises

Problems of teaching discipline is: to give to bachelors an idea: about quality management system, about basic elements of quality management system, about a configuration of system, about development prospects, about elements of management; to give to bachelors of knowledge: about elements of quality management system, about opportunities of management of them, about the principles of quality management, about requirements imposed to systems; to give to bachelors ability: about that how to make production assessment, the analysis of the existing quality systems, to develop quality management system, about development and decision-making at introduction of quality management system; to give the chance to bachelors to gain practical skills: in an assessment of quality of production; in an assessment of the existing quality system; in creation of elements of quality management system; in management of the processes influencing quality.