Transformation of a value of given quantities to the system of units SI


After A. S. POPOV


Department of physics of optical communications



Module 1. Electrical current and magnetic field of a current



for bachelor training of educational area 0924 –“Telecommunications”




by the Faculty Council

Protocol № 7

from 14.02.2009




UDK 621.382

Plan of publication 2009.


Writers: assoc. prof. GorbachevV.E., Tumbrukati E.G.

The following methodical guide is about section “Electromagnetism” of physics course for telecommunications technician. Four problems allow students to learn basics of electrical engineering and calculations techniques applied to determine main characteristics of electrical systems and magnetic field. It contains sufficient theoretical information combined with examples of problems’ solutions.

Recommended for students of TE-group, educational area 0924 –“Telecommunications”.



at the Department session

Protocol № 6

from 27.02.2009





Module № 1.„ Electrical current and magnetic field of a current” – 72 hours total

Lectures – 16 hrs, pract. trainings – 0 hrs, labs – 16 hrs, self-studies – 33 hrs.





Number of lessons Denomination of lessons Hours
Module № 1
Vector of electric intensity. Electrostatic force. Electric potential. Difference of the potential. Work done by the electric field moving a charge in electric field. Electro capacity of conductors’ systems. Energy of electric field. self
The principle of superposition of electric fields. Calculation of resultant electric intensity. lab
Laws of direct current. self
Calculation of branched circuits. lab
Magnetic induction and magnetic intensity. The Ampere force. The Lorentz force. Motion of charged particles in magnetic field. self
The principle of magnetic fields’ superposition. Calculation of resultant magnetic intensity. lab
  Electromagnetic induction. Self-induction law. self
Electromagnetic induction law. Calculation of ЕMF of the induction. lab



All problems should be solved in a individual way, i.e. each student have its own variant, which is specified by instructor.

Appropriate homework must forego to solving a problem. The homework contains self-studying of theory of sections Electrostatics,Direct current and Electromagnetism of course of physics for telecommunications technician.


· Complex task is consists of four problems: 1.1; 1.5; 2.1; 2.4. Student must implement on one task from each problem. Concrete numbers of conditions on each stage and initial data in thirty variants is specified in Tables of task variants. Number of the variant is determining by the index of surname of student at a group journal.

· Report is implementing on individual exercise book. Writings should be made on one side of double-page spread.

· On the cover there is need to mark title of the work, number of the variant, surname and initials of student, code of group.

· Calculation part it is necessary to dispose in order of numeration of the problems.

· Calculation part of any problem must contain eleven points:

1. Title of theproblem;

2.Complete statement of a task;

3. Short writing of statement;

Transformation of a value of given quantities to the system of units SI.

5.Explained scheme or figure;

6.List of laws and formulaswhich reflect the physical phenomena of theme of the problem. All denotations at the formulas need to explain;

7.From resulted formulae at point 6 it is necessary to make system ofequations and to present solution of the task or it’s part at the letter kind, where sought quantity must be present through given quantity at letter (symbolic) designate.

8. Checking ofunit of measurement of quantity which receives on correspondence with the expected. For this necessary to substitute into the formula of letter solution in place of symbol of each quantity its unit of measurement and realize the necessary transformations.

9.Only after coincidence of the units of measurements with the expected it is necessary to substitute into the formula of letter solution the numerical values of measurements and execute the calculations (see examples of execution of calculated part). Calculation is transacted with three significant digits.

10. Resultof execution of calculated part.

At the end of work it is necessary to enumerate the list of the used literature.

Becides this guide is recommended to use literature from bibliography given at the end of this guide.

Problem 1.1.