Rödig et al.[75] assessed the efficacy of 1% NaOCl, 10% citric acid and 20% EDTA in the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. According to their findings none of the irrigants or their respective combinations was able to completely remove the calcium hydroxide. Chelating agents such as citric acid and EDTA showed the best results. The combination of chelators and NaOCl did not result in significant improvement of calcium hydroxide removal. da Silva et al.[76] showed that irrigation with 17% EDTA-T and 37% phosphoric acid is more effective than NaOCl and citric acid in the removal of calcium hydroxide from the apical third. Salgado et al.[77] revealed that recapitulation of master apical file in combination with irrigants improved the removal of calcium hydroxide medication better than an irrigant flush alone.
Margelos et al.[78] revealed that using 15% EDTA or NaOCl alone as irrigants did not remove calcium hydroxide from the root canal, but combining these two irrigants with hand instrumentation improved the effectiveness of the removal.
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EGTA is a polyaminocarboxylic acid, a chelating agent that is related to the better known EDTA, but with a much higher affinity for calcium than for magnesium ions. It is useful for making buffer solutions that resemble the environment inside living cells[79] where calcium ions are usually at least a thousand fold less concentrated than magnesium.
The pKa for binding of calcium ions by tetrabasic EGTA is 110, but the protonated forms do not significantly contribute to binding, so at pH 7, the apparent pKa becomes 6.91. Qin et al.[80] for an example of a pKa calculation.
Calt and Serper[81] indicated that the action of EDTA is stronger than that of EGTA for removal of smear layer. However, EGTA did not cause erosion of the intertubular and peritubular dentine. Cruz-Filho et al.[46] reported that 1% EGTA and 15% EDTAC reduced root dentine microhardness similarly. In a SEM study Viswanath et al.[82] demonstrated that both EGTA and EDTA completely removed the smear layer. De Sousa and Silva[83] reported that that EDTA and EGTA presented the same effect on dentine Ca2+ extraction. Tripod et al.[84] demonstrated that EGTA solubilized more than 60% of dentine while EDTA solubilized about 20% of it.
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The dentine adhesion of root canal sealers can be improved by dentine pre-treatment with EDTAC; although, this effect is more pronounced after Er:YAG laser pre-treatment. The highest increase in adhesiveness was found for Sealer 26. For calcium hydroxide-based sealers only a slight increase was found.[85] Morris et al.[86] found that both NaOCl and EDTA significantly reduced the bond strength of resin cement to root dentine. Perdigao et al.[87] showed that this reduction can be completely reversed by application of 10% ascorbic acid or 10% sodium ascorbate. It has been revealed that dentine adhesives bound significantly better to calcified dentine than to decalcified dentine pretreated with EDTA. Michiels et al.[88] showed that the reduction in through-and-through leakage was significantly higher with the Nd:YAG laser as smear-layer modifier than when smear layer was removed with an EDTA rinsing solution.
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Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest: None declared
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