Friday, 9th November, 2012

  • 08:30 – 17.00 Arrival of teams, registration, and weighting (College of Physical Education)
  • 17.00 – 18.30 Coaches Meeting
  • 18.30 – 19.30 Trainers-representatives Meeting


Saturday, 10th November, 2012

  • 09.00 – 13.00 Competition
  • 13.00 – 13.45 Opening ceremony
  • 13.45 – 18.00 Competition
  • 18.00 – 19.00 Medal awarding


Sunday, 11st November, 2012

  • 08.30 – 16.00 Competition
  • 16.00 – 16.30 Medal awarding




Individual male and female patterns

Degree categories:

(A) 8 GUP, 7 GUP, 6 GUP, 5 GUP

(B) 4 GUP, 3 GUP, 2 GUP, 1 GUP

(C) 1-2 Dan black belts

(D) 3 Dan+ black belts


Age categories:

6. - 10 years (sportsmen that mark the age of 10 years in 2012 can participate at one of the categories: - 10 years or 10 - 14 years); A,B degrees

7. 10 - 14 years (sportsmen that mark the age of 14 years in 2012 can participate at one of the categories: 10 - 14 years or 14-18 years); A,B,C degrees

8. 14-18 years (sportsmen that mark the age of 18 years in 2012 can participate at one of the categories: 14-18 years or 18-35 years); A,B,C,D degrees

9. 18-35 years; A,B,C,D degrees.

10. +35 years. AB and CD mixed degrees.


Individual Pattern procedure:

8 - 5 GUP - will compete according to the APPOINTED model, with a tul from Chon-Ji to YUL-GOK

4 - 1 GUP will compete according to the APPOINTED model, with a tul from Chon-Ji to CHOONG-MOO

1-2 DAN will compete according to the APPOINTED model, with a tul from Chon-Ji to JUCHE.

3 – 6 DAN will compete according to the APPOINTED model, with a tul from Chon-Ji to MOON-MOO.


Male and female team patterns


Age categories:

1. -14 years

2. 14 - 18 years

3. +18 years


The teams must consist of 5 sportsmen (mandatory) + 1 reserve sportsmen (optional).


Team pattern procedure:


All the teams will compete according to the APPOINTED model, with a tul from Chon-Ji to GE-BAEK, in accordance with the minimal degree of the members of the team.


Male and female individual sparring

Degree categories:


(B) PERFORMERS (4 GUP-Black Belts)


Age categories:

1. - 10 years (sportsmen that mark the age of 10 years in 2012 can participate at one of the categories: - 10 years or 10 - 14 years);

2. 10 - 14 years (sportsmen that mark the age of 14 years in 2012 can participate at one of the categories: 10 - 14 years or 14-18 years);

3. 14-18 years (sportsmen that mark the age of 18 years in 2012 can participate at one of the categories: 14-18 years or 18-35 years);

4. 18-35 years ;

5. +35 years (sportsmen that mark the age of 18 years in 2012 can participate at one of the categories: 18 – 35 years or +35 years).


Age categories – Weight – Male/Female:

-10 years (children)
Male Female
-20 kg -20 kg
-25 kg -25 kg
-30 kg -30 kg
-35 kg -35 kg
-40 kg +35kg
+ 40kg  
Fight length: 1 round of 1:30 minutes. Final fight length 2 rounds of 1:30 minutes.
10-14 years (children)
Male Female
-30 kg -30 kg
-35 kg -35 kg
-40 kg -40 kg
-45 kg -45 kg
-52 kg +45 kg
+52 kg  
Fight length: 1 round of 2 minutes. Final fight length 2 rounds of 2 minutes.
14-18 years (juniors)
Male Female
-52 kg -45 kg
-58 kg -50 kg
-63 kg -55 kg
-70 kg -60 kg
+ 70 kg +60 kg  
Fight length: 2 rounds of 1:30 minutes. Final fight length: 3 rounds of 1:30 minutes.
18-35 years (seniors)
Male Female
-54 kg -52 kg
-63 kg -58 kg
-71 kg -63 kg
-80 kg -70 kg
+ 80 kg + 70 kg
Fight length:2 rounds of 2 minutes. Final fight length: 3 rounds of 2 minutes.
+35 years (veterans)
Male Female
-65 kg -60 kg
-75 kg -67 kg
-85 kg -75 kg
+ 85 kg + 75 kg
Fight length: 2 rounds of 1:30 minutes. Final fight length: 3 rounds of 1:30 minutes.


Male and female team sparring

Age categories:

1. - 14 years; (one round of 1,5 min)

2. 14-18 years; (one round of 2 min)

3. +18 years; (one round of 2 min)


The teams can consist of both color and black belts, but male and female separately.


*The teams will consist of 3-5 sportsmen (mandatory) + 1 reserve sportsmen (optional), up to 10 sportsmen can be enrolled.




Black Belts ONLY


Male, Female and/or Mixed Couples

Age categories:

1. - 14 years;

2. 14-18 years;

3. +18 years;


Pre free arranged sparring is according to the pyramid system.