Athletes are responsible for booking the hotel themselves. All the rooms are booked on a first come first served bases
Hotel : Ratomka (at the showground):
Koritskogo St, 136, pos Ratomka, Belarus
Tel: +375 17 502 22 56
Hotel: “Kryzhovka” (appr. 4 km from the show ground).
Tel: +375 17 502 83 22
+ 375 17 502 83 31
Hotel “Orbita”15km from the Showground
Мinsk, Pushkin Ave, 39
теl: + 375 17 252 39 88
fax: + 375 17 257 14 20
booking: + 375 17 206 77 81/83
Accommodated (bed and breakfast) from 26.05.2015 to 1.06.2015 at OCathleteexpense.
Meals : at the expense of OCathletefrom 26.05.2015 to 1.06.2015 at the Venue.
Accommodation. The same as the riders
Requests for accommodation must be sent with entries.
Accommodation will be at the cost of: OCAthletes from to .
At the expense of: The OC or Athletes
Meals provided from to . Where
N.B. If applicable, OC’s must provide proper sanitary conditions The showering facilities should be sufficient for both male and female grooms with hot and cold water. Shower facilities as well as restrooms should at all times be in a state of cleanliness.
Transport expenses to be paid by:
The OC at per km.
The Athlete
Stabling arrangements, from May 27, (12.00am till June 1, 12.00 am)
Cost to be paid byOCathleteFor any extra day – 30 Euro per day per horse (must be paid to OC).
The time and date of arrival of athletes and horses and their means of transport must be given to the OC in order to facilitate them on arrival. Time of arrival 7.00 am – 22.00pm.
Name: Ms. Aksana Rachikava
Tel: +375 29 69612 92, + 375 29 573 86 34
Walking distance
OC Shuttle Service
Public Transport to be paid by the OC / the Athlete . If paid by Athlete approximate cost per round trip: 1 euro from Orbita hotel.
Taxi: to be paid by the OC / the Athlete . If paid by Athlete approximate cost per round trip: from “Orbita” hotel – 5-7 euro.
Declaration of medical condition
Athletes with medical conditions that may be relevant in the case of a medical emergency are responsible, at every Event when riding, for wearing a medical data carrier* from a system provider able to communicate information at least in English. Alternatively (and at the minimum) a medical armband of good quality can be used. Athletes who chose to wear an armband should download and fill the form available for this purpose on the FEI’s website
* Medical data carrier (also called “medical identification tag”): small emblem or tag worn on a bracelet, neck chain, or on the clothing, intended to alert paramedics/physicians/ first responders that the wearer has an important medical condition.
Conditions that are relevant include recent head injury, serious past injuries/surgery, chronic health problems such as diabetes, long-term medications and allergies. If in doubt, the athlete should discuss this with his own treating physician.”
At International events, and all competitions except for the Nations Cup, athletes are authorised to carry the logo of their personal sponsor in accordance with Art. 256.3 and 257.3 of the FEI Rules for Eventing.
For Championship or CIO Nations Cup Competitions, please specify below.
Championship/Nations Cup: personal sponsor logo AuthorisedNot authorised
The Chief Steward will check that the advertising on athletes and horses complies with these Articles.
Number of athletes to present themselves for the prize-giving ceremony at the end of all programmes of the competition: best 3 riders/horses.
Other details:
All owners and athletes are personally responsible for damages to third parties caused by themselves, their employees, their agents or their horses. They are therefore strongly advised to take out third-party insurance providing full coverage for participation in equestrian events at home and abroad, and to keep the policy up to date.
The FEI insures all FEI Officials, whose names are published in the FEI Officials lists, against third party liability including Judges, Course Designers, Technical Delegates, FEI Stewards, FEI Veterinary Delegates, Para Classifiers, Members of the Judges’ Supervisory Panel and FEI Coaches (FEI EADCMP Veterinarians are covered under a different policy):
Who are acting for or on behalf of the FEI as stated in the approved schedule of the Event or who are acting in the scope and course of the FEI’s Business as described in the final approved schedule; and
Who have received the status of FEI Officials at FEI Events through a qualification process.
The FEI will NOT insure:
National officials officiating at FEI Events; and/or
FEI Officials, who have no official function at the Event.
The insurance extended is for any liability that the FEI Official incurs to a third party, and for the costs of defending any such claim arising as a result of actions undertaken by the FEI Official in good faith (including errors and omissions) on behalf of the FEI. However, the insurance for obvious reasons does not extend to any liabilities incurred as a result of an FEI Official’s dishonest, fraudulent, malicious, and/or illegal act.
Should an FEI Official become aware of an incident that he or she believes might result in a claim, FEI Official should notify the FEI immediately and provide all of the facts known to the FEI Official. The FEI cannot guarantee the insurance coverage described above in circumstances where the FEI Official has good cause to believe that there might be a claim and does not provide such timely notice directly to the FEI.
FEI Permitted Treating Veterinarians (PTVs) (Art 1005) are to have adequate professional indemnity insurance.
Entry right to the stable area acc. to VR Art. 1023.VI.
Athlete: 2
Partner: 1
Groom: 1
Horse Owner: (2 accreditations per FEI-Passport)
To be valid, all Protests and Appeals must be made in writing and accompanied by a deposit of CHF 150 or equivalent.