IV. Match the beginning of each sentence in the left-hand column with the endings in the right-hand column. Combine the sentences so that they make sense

The USA is the world's foremost economic and military power,… …..a multitude of demographic characteristics such as religious background, occupation and ethnic group membership.
The cultural affiliations an individual in the United States may have commonly depend on social class, political orientation and… … invented in the United States or first widely adopted by Americans.…  
In the United States occupation is one of the prime factors of social class… . … famous actors, and the center for the film industry.
Many American cities are home to ethnic enclaves such as a Chinatown and… ….with global interests and an unmatched global reach.  
Many of the new technological innovations in the modern world were either first… … Dick Clark, for ABC to provide some competition for CBS and the Grammys
New York Cityis the only locality in the United States where more than… … give airtime to extreme hues of political - often right-wing - and religious thinking.
Fox News is the dominant… … US cable news network.
Freedom of expression is guaranteed by the constitution, and some broadcast outlets … … and is closely linked to an individual’s identity.
Hollywood began to be known as the home of… …at many of America's universities.  
Football, basketball, and ice hockey are the country's… … three other leading professional team sports
The American Music Awards (AMA's) launched in 1973, created by… ……..half of all households do not own a car
Music is offered as a field of study… … little Italies remain in some cities.…

V. Choose the correct variant.

1. The culture of the United States is……

a) Eastern;

b) Western;

c) Northern.


2. What culture is considered the most individualistic in the world?

a) Russian;

b) American;

c) Thailand.


3. What play a great role in the American culture?

a) Airplanes;

b) Bicycles;

c) Automobiles.


4. Which city is the only locality in the United States where more than half of all households do not own a car?

a) Washington DC;

b) New York Сity;

c) Los Angeles.


5. What is America's most popular medium?

a) TV;

b) Radio;

c) Internet.


6. How many commercial radio stations are in the US?

a) 100;

b) 36,540;

c) 10,000.


7. What is an American tradition?

a) Beverly Hills;

b) Hippodrome;

c) Hollywood.


8. By the early … Hollywood was already becoming world famous, producing movies that are now considered classic films.

a) 1894;

b) 1999;

c) 1920.


9. Since the late … century, baseball is regarded as the national sport.

a) 17;

b) 18;

c) 19.


Were once the most watched individual sports.

a) Boxing and horse racing;

b) Golf;

c) Cricket.

VI. Solve the crossword.


1.Historically an ethnic enclave of expatriate Chinese people.

2. US culture’s primary contribution to global fashion.

3.Americans tend to view obtaining …license as a rite of passage.

4. The national sport of Americans where play two teams of nine players.


1.Worldwide system of interconnected computer networks.

2. This nation generally work extensively and being productive in high regard than its counterparts in other developed post-industrial nations.

3.What is the home of famous actors and the center for the film industry? . 4. American “King of Pop”.

5. 50 stars on the American flag represent 50…..

6. American football.

7.What social class is spread in American society?

8. The Academy Award statuette was allegedly nicknamed … when Academy librarian Margaret Herrick saw it on a table and said, “It looks just my uncle …”.








VII. “American way of life”. What associations arise in your mind with this term?