The Personally of My Best Friend
My best friend Ivan is very extraordinary person, because of his inadequate behavior which reflect reach inner world. He is stargazer and idealist who firmly want to make this world better. This is the chief thing I like. Whole his worldview enveloped with romantic dreams, but another side of his person is really crazy. Sometimes, he proposed to do some unbelievable things like skipping on bike in the river from bridge. Also he is very emotional and sensitive, therefore perceived all events extremely personal. Just that very combinations of wildness and dreaminess which composed so harmonious make him so personable that I couldn`t be a long time without his presence.
The Personality of Someone I Really Admire
My best friend is a person who`s individuality I really admire. First of all, I delighted with his faithfullyness and sincerity. These features are the corner stone of our friendship. Secondly, he astonishes me by his enthusiastic and obstinate attitude to the life. He never lose hart even in the most dangerous and psychologically difficult situations. I respect his artistic and creative abilities and diligence. He is a strong and resolute personality who always take the responsibility for all he say and do. Also he is quite easy-going and sociable. This set of the trait of character made him charismatic and attractive for people. Consequently, I am cock sure that combination of this traits of character will bring success to his owner.
The Personality of My Role-Model(A Peson I Want to Be Like)
Everybody has his own ideal personality which lived in the mind and develops during the whole life. My fantasy created my personal example of the human I want follow to. This is a mix from many famous statesman and public figures. Firstly, I want became more decisive and convincing. Two these features always let you to rise to the occasion. Also it would be better to be more patient and mindful to others, because all my life I concentrate on the remote thoughts and ideas, therefore my close people suffer from lack of attention. All in all, I refine my character permanently and with my personality modify my role-model personality.
Reflexion About a Positive and a Negative Either From Movie or From Real Life. Comparison of Their Personalities
Rowan Atkinson is one of the most striking personalities I had ever know. I called him two-faced Janus, because of difference between his movie character and his real personality. He is funny, naive, asocial and eccentric guy whose behavior makes us laugh, but he is so only in the films. In a real life he is awful bore and pedantic. Abyss between his character and him real is so huge, that you can`t even imagine until you make sure on tour own eyes. Near relatives and close friends say that Rowan has very difficult character and relations with him requires great efforts and inwardness. All in all, as we can see all people have many personalities and put on appropriate to the particular situation.
Features of My Own Personality Which I Like and The Ones I`d Rather Get Rid of
My character likewise all other in the world has positive sides which I am proud of and negative ones that I`d rather get rid. The most important features of my personality are creativeness, passion, easiness to stir up, vigorousness and optimism. However, the dark side of my character also exist. I am lazy, absentminded and stubborn person who hardly ever completed all my projects. I want to improve my will-power and become full of enthusiasm for my work, because hard work is pledge of success. Also I`d rather become more easy-going, because very often my attitude to life and people is too serious. To sum up, notwithstanding all this I completely satisfied with my personality.