Task 2. Match each of the words or phrases on the left to an appropriate definition

1 application d a) business or commercial activity; the amount of buying and selling of a particular type of goods
2 export c b) - the desire or need of customers for goods or services which they want to buy or use
3 price f c) something that is sent to another country for sale
4 research g d) a formal written request, especially for a job or a place in a school, club, etc.
5 tax h e) the system or type of money that a particular country uses
6 working hours i f) the amount of money that you must pay in order to buy sth
7 demandb g) a detailed and careful study of sth to find out more information about it
8 employment j h) the money that you have to pay to the government so that it can provide public services
9 currency e i) the number of hours in the week that you spend doing your job
10 market a j) the state of having a paid job



Task 3. Fill in the blanks using the word combinations given below, translate the letter.

Letter 1.

It was good to meet you again last week. ( c ), I would like to invite you ( e ) at the launch of our Healthy Eating Campaign. This ( b ) at our Leeds superstore on Monday 8 August.

Richard and I are very excited about this campaign. We are hoping it will make the public more aware of the importance of choosing a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables as part of their daily diet.

( a ) a provisional programme, from which you will see that 10 minutes has been allocated for the opening speech at 9.30 am. We will be happy ( f ) to and from our superstore on launch day.

( d ) your high profile in this industry would bring the crowds flocking to this launch. We hope you will decide to join us.


a) I am attaching

b) will be held

c) as discussed

d) I know that

e) to give the opening speech

f) to arrange your transport

Letter 2.

Thank you for your letter ( e ). I am pleased ( d )of our latest illustrated catalogue.

You may be particularly interested in our newest heater, the FX21 model. ( f )in fuel consumption, it gives out 15% more heat than earlier models. You will find ( a ) in the price list printed on the inside front cover of the catalogue.

Perhaps you would consider ( b ) to provide you with an opportunity to test its efficiency. At the same time this would enable you to see for yourself ( c ) and finish put into this model.

If you have any questions please contact me on 6234917.


a) details of our terms

b) the high quality of material

c) placing a trail order

d) to enclose a copy

e) enquiring about electric heaters

f) without any increase


Task 4. Choose the correct variant.

1.Being quite …, he failed to do this task.

a) experienced

b) unexperienced

c) inexperienced

d) experience


2.They sent an independent … to check everything.

a) supervisor

b) controller

c) inspector

d) assistant


3. This problem … be solved very quickly.

a) ought

b) can

c) is to

d) is


4. Right now he … TV.

a) watch

b) watches

c) is watching

d) will watch


5. He … many cars before he got his mechanic license.

a) repaired

b) has repaired

c) have repaired

d) had repaired


6. Language skills … at this department of the university.

a) teach

b) is taught

c) will teach

d) are taught



7.The stevedores loaded the boxes very ….

a) carefully

b) care

c) careless

d) careful


8.He wished he … behind the shades.

a) can read

b) could read

c) reads

d) was reading


9. If he … well, he would go to the university.

a) had been

b) was/ were

c) is

d) be


10.I’d better … at home.

a) stay

b) to stay

c) staying

d) stayed




Task 1. Complete the text with the words in the box.

1. present 5. customs 9. profitable 13. business cards 17. indicate
2. Otherwise 6. bow 10.commercial 14.entertainment 18. appropriate
3. Western custom 7. business contacts 11. emphasis 15. atmosphere 19. exchange
4. trip 8. be wrapped 12. gifts 16. counterpart 20. purchase