Match the words (1-10) with their synonyms (a-j)

A. 1.chart a)most

2.decay b)magnitude

3. ratio c)result

4. abundance d)graph

5. majority e)matter

6. enrichment f)enhancement

7. outcome g)break-up

8. value h)coefficient

9. quantity i)amount

10. substance j)prevalence


B. 1. average a)separate

2.available b)supplementary

3. particular c)exterior

4.typical d)mean

5.numerical e)rough

6. relative f)invariable

7.invariant g)common

8.external h)mutual

9.approximate i)obtainable

10. additional j)numeral


C. plot a)to alter cause b)to determine convert c)to draw

4. to define d)to affect contain e)to induce calculate f)to show influence g)to compute separate h)to transform

9. to change i)to comprise display j)to single out


Translate the sentences below paying attention to the emphatic constructions.

Emphatic «do» - действительно, всё же, на самом деле



Now we do appreciate what Galileo's discoveries meant in those dark days of Middle Ages. Теперь мы действительно ценим (понимаем), что значили открытия Галилея в мрачные дни средневековья.


1. The latest models of this device do attain energies in excess of 20 million electron volts.

2. It may and often does happen that two or more of the stages of a reaction are fairly slow.

3. Although the above expression does predict some slight (не­значительный) average frequency shift, this shift will be small, and we can neglect it.

4. According to dynamic theory atoms cannot touch one another for if they did touch there would be friction and heat vibrations would die down, (зд. - затухать)


It is (was) not until... that (when) ...

Только в; только тогда, когда; только после



It was not until 1936 that physicists felt that they had arrived at a satisfactory theory of the nucleus. Только в 1936 г. физики почувствовали, что они пришли к удовлетворительной теории ядра.

1. It was not until this theory was available that a clear definition of a semiconductor could be given.

2. It was not until the beginning of the 19'1' century that Young and Fresnel showed that diffraction of light does occur and that the apparently straight-line travel of light is the result of its very short wavelength.

3. It was not until the spacecraft came within 6.118 miles of the surface of the planet Mars that the discrepancy caused by fluctuations was detected.


3.6. Retell the text below. Use the following as phrase-openings:

Ø I would like to tell/say/speak …

Ø Let me say some/a few words/ideas about …

Ø I need/have to point out that …

Ø The problem(s) I want to tell about concern(s) …

Ø As far as I know …

Ø Finally/In the end I must/shall mention


1. You are going to listen to the staff report “Board Completes Discussions on Safety, Technology, and Verification“. Mind the proper names:

Director General Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei

the Board

Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS)

Additional Protocol agreement with Swaziland

Democratic People´s Republic of Korea (DPRK)

Chairman Milenko E. Skoknic

the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) safeguards agreement

2. Listen to the staff report “Board Completes Discussions on Safety, Technology, and Verification“. Note only the essential details of what you hear:

1.The IAEA Board of Governors concluded …

2.Nuclear Safety Review and Nuclear Technology Review reports …

3. IRRS will assist Member States …

4. On the topic of nuclear science and technology …

5. Board members emphasized …

6. FAO/IAEA partnership …

7. Additional Protocol agreement with Swaziland …

8. Chairman Milenko E. Skoknic …

9. Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) …

10. Dr. ElBaradei …

3. Listen to the staff report again and complete the gaps in sentences below with the correct word or phrase you hear:

1.…the Agency and its Member States, focusing primarily on the IAEA´s activities related to nuclear science, __________.

2. Both documents, __________, comprise comprehensive reports that are assembled from comments provided by Member States along with input from the Agency.

3. Several conclusions were drawn regarding the __________ in nuclear safety and waste management.

4. Board members commended the Agency for its efforts __________ associated with nuclear power, noting the IAEA´s work in applying safety standards, promoting safety Conventions, and the recent establishment of the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS).

5. While members cited the importance of nuclear power as a possible method to meet growing __________, they also raised concerns over rising uranium prices and called on the IAEA to examine issues related to its mining.

6. Chairman Skoknic emphasized the "continued need for negotiation and dialogue among all parties involved covering all relevant issues" as necessary to achieve a long-term solution to the __________.

7. The three-day meeting was held in Vienna __________.


4. Work in pairs or groups. Discuss the topic mentioned in the staff report “Board Completes Discussions on Safety, Technology, and Verification “.


Make up a presentation “NUCLIDES”

(See appendix 4)