I. Закончите следующие предложения

1. The eclipse of the Sun enabled scientists to ... . 2. On the day of the ellipse astronomers ... . 3. Cameras were set up to take pictures of ... . 4. The position of the stars was somewhat changed because ... . 5. Many scientists thought that the light rays could not be affected by ... . 6. As a result of Einstein's theory Newton's picture of the Universe ... . 7. The astronomers measured the distances of the stars from ... . 8. Great Einstein is the founder of the theory of ... . 9. Einstein's theory has overthrown the foundations of ... . 10. The theory made it possible to ... .

II. Поставьте к тексту 10 вопросов.

III. Перескажите текст на английском языке.


Grammar Exercises

I. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения. Поставьте их в вопросительную форму.

1. These new houses have been built by our students in summer. 2.Your letter has been sent in time. 3. The delegation has just been met. 4. This question had been widely discussed by 3 o’clock. 5. The articles will have been read by 6. 6. They had been invited to the party by Monday.


II. Закончите предложение, поставив глагол – сказуемое в форму Past Perfect Passive.

1. When I came ... 2. By 5 o’clock yesterday ... 3. By last Monday ... 4. By the time you arrived ...


Прочтите текст. Перескажите его на английском языке.


Once upon a time and in a country a long way off there was a king who was very ill. All the doctors of the court attended him but, in spite of all they could do, he got worse instead of better. At last they called in a famous doctor from another country. He came, looked at the king, and then looking very serious, said, «Your Majesty, there is only one thing that can help you».

«What is that?» said the king. «Whatever you want shall be brought for you».

«You must sleep for one night,» said the doctor, «in the shirt of a happy man!»

So the king sent two of his chief servants to find a happy man and, when they had found him, to bring back his shirt.

Well, they went first to the richest man in the city and asked him if he was a happy man.

«Happy!» he said, «when I never know whether my ships are going to be lost next day, when thieves are always trying to break into my house. How can a man be happy with all these troubles?»

So they went to the king's Chief Minister, the most powerful man in the country, except for the king.

«Are you a happy man?» they said.

«Don't be silly,» he said. «Our enemies are trying to make war on us any day. There's John trying to push me out of power, the workers are always wanting to have more money, and the rich wanting to pay less taxes. How do you think a Chief Minister can be a happy man?»

So they went all over the country looking everywhere for a happy man but never finding one.

They were returning home, tired and miserable (for they quite expected that the king would have them put to death for not finding what he wanted), when they saw a beggar, sitting by the roadside. He had made a little fire, and was frying some sausages in a frying-pan, and singing merrily as he watched his supper cooking.

They looked at each other. Had they found what they were looking for? They went up to him and one of them said, "You sound very happy, my friend." "Of course, I'm happy," he said. They could hardly believe their ears. With one voice they said, "We want your shirt." The beggar laughed heartily. "I'm sorry, gentle-men," he said, "but I haven't got a shirt."


Lesson 12

Грамматика: повторение времен (active, passive)


Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени.




D. 1. Mendeleyev, the great Russian scientist, (to be born) in Tobolsk in 1834. After finishing school at the age of 16 he (to go) to St. Petersburg and (to enter) the Pedagogical Institute. He (to graduate) from the Institute in 1855. In 1856 Mendeleyev (to appoint) to the University where he (to give) a course of lectures on chemistry. His lectures always (to listen) to with great interest and attention. Even in the hall with two hundred students everyone (to be able) to follow his discussions from the beginning to the end.

Interesting experiments (to make) in his lectures. Both he and his students-assistants (to work) long hours in preparing the demonstrations of the experiments so that all (to go) well.

At the University Mendeleyev (to teach) classes in the morning. In the afternoon he (to make) experiments in his two-room laboratory. At night Mendeleyev (to spend) much of his time working with the cards on which he (to put down) information on each of the chemical elements.

Mendeleyev (to make) thousands of experiments with his own hands. He (to make) thousands of calculations, (to write) a lot of letters, (to study) many reports. Everything in the world that there (to be) about the chemical elements Mendeleyev (to know). For months, for years he (to search) for the missing data. Finally, he (to bring) all the data together and (to group) them in a special way. In 1869 the description of more than 60 elements (to complete), and Mendeleyev (to publish) his Periodical Table. The Periodical Table (to speak of) as the beginning of a new era in chemical thought.

In addition to this work Mendeleyev (to pay) much attention to many subjects of an applied chemical nature. He (to be) the first to put forward the idea of studying the upper layers of the atmosphere. Mendeleyev (to elect) the member of many academies abroad.



Vocabulary Exercises

I. Переведите вопросы на английский язык. Ответьте на них.

1. Кто такой Д. И. Менделеев? 2. Когда родился Д. И. Менделеев? , 3. Где родился Д. И. Менделеев? 4. Когда он окончил школу? 5. Где он получил высшее образование? 6. Где он работал после окончания института? 7. Какие лекции читал Д. И. Менделеев? 8. Как он готовился к демонстрации опытов? 9. Куда Д. И. Менделеев вносил сведения о химических элементах? 10. Каким образом Д. И. Менделеев изучал все, что было известно в мире о химических элементах? II. Как он создавал Периодическую систему элементов? 12. Когда Д. И. Менделеев опубликовал свою Периодическую систему элементов? 13. Какими другими проблемами интересовался Д. И. Менделеев?