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<<Перший Київський Медичний Коледж >>

Prominent scientists of the Renaissance and their contribution to medicine

Студентки 2МН1 курсу

Страшенко Анастасії

Вчитель :Бобловська Тетяна Василівна

Київ 2013

1.Epoha revival in world history is of great importance, because brought with it the active development of art and science including medicine, the power of the church weakened and were able to do autopsies. Greater sharing of knowledge among the masses in Europe contributed to the beginning of printing, which made ​​the book more accessible. The first printed book of medical content published in Germany in 1456 in Latin. It mentioned the days of the month, when it was considered useful to do bloodletting and take laxatives. Among the Slavic peoples first started printing Czechs: in 1475 was printed Yevanhiliye. medicine in Western Europe adopted except heritage of ancient medicine as advanced medical heritage of the East. Studying medicine in medical faculties in almost all contemporary European universities was reduced to the study of Canon Ibn Sina, comments on the works of Hippocrates, Galen. Many universities separately taught astrology, which sought to establish the influence of heavenly bodies on human health, to show how, depending on their position can give a prognosis of the disease in humans, predict the course of events in the lives of individual cities and even entire countries. The ability to make such horoscopes included in terms of contemporary knowledge of each certified physician. Development of marked and the system of medical education. In the fifteenth century Europe was about 40 universities.Advanced on the level of development of science were universities of Northern Italy, particularly in the city of the republic of Venice.Science Center venitsianskoyi Republic was the University of Padua, which scientists have made ​​major discoveries in various fields of science, including medicine, in response to claims that arose in connection with the rapid development of trade and manufacturing industry respupliky young. In Peduanskomu University one of his first manager Pietro Abano opposed scholastic learning, introducing a practical element in teaching their classes. This tententsiya characteristic of the Renaissance. Leading thinkers of the Renaissance sought to know the reality on the basis of experience, abandoning blind conformity authorities. Particularly acute in the protest was of Paracelsus. 2.PARATS | Eels | (Paracelsus) (real name Philip Theophrastus Bombast von Aureol Hohenheym), renowned physician and naturalist | doctor |, natural philosophers | Renaissance and alchemist., one of the founders | founders | Iatrochemistry |. Subjected to critical review ideas of ancient | ancient | medicine. Instrumental in introducing chemicals into medicine. Wrote and taught not in Latin but in German | tongue |.Education | education | Born December 17, 1493 in Eynzideln, family doctor, chemist | physicians |, which came from an old, but | and | an impoverished noble family . The first teacher | teacher | Paracelsus was a father who introduced him to | a | fundamentals of medical art. One of the mentors Paracelsus was Johann Tritemiy, known for his performances | outgo | in defense of "natural magic."University Medical education in Ferrara (Italy), where he was awarded the degree | degree | Doctor | the doctor | medicine. after graduation, as it was then accepted among scientists, he took his Latinized name Para-Celsus like Celsus. Disappointed in medicine of the ancient Greeks and Arabic medicine, he seeks new knowledge in universities and medical practitioners in England, France, Germany and Poland. Teaching About the beginning of his course, he said the announcement printed in German: "In our time, few people have successfully happiness an medical art. Someone wants to clear it from the barbarians made ​​rough by? Dear: too timid, they both oracle holding the names of Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna.


No eloquence and knowledge of languages, not the study of books and annoying? Shennya titles creates a doctor, but only the knowledge of the mysteries of nature. Every day, two hours lecture will be read from their works on practical and theoretical? Retychnoyi medicine, not babies Hippocrates and Galen, based on the property? Term experience of the highest teacher of nature ... "Lectures Paracelsus was designed for two semesters . Part of the training was carried at the bedside, during ekskur? Sions in the field and in the mountains. As a sign of rejection of any author tetiv introductory lectures on labor Galen, Paracelsus burned and Ka? Non Avicenna
Journey | journey | and ordeals
C | of | 1517 Paracelsus did many | numerous | travel | journey |, visited various universities in Europe, was participate as a medic in the military | military | campaigns seen in the imperial land | soil |, to France, England, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, the Scandinavian countries, Poland, Lithuania, Prussia, Hungary, Transylvania, Wallachia, states of the peninsula (rumors he traveled to North Africa, Palestine, Constantinople, Muscovy and in Tatar captivity). In 1526 gained | acquired | burgher right to Strasbourg, and in 1527 by the famous publisher protection | knyhovydavnyka | Johann Froben became a city doctor | physician | Basel. At the University of Basel, he gave a course of medicine in German | tongue |, which was a challenge the whole university tradition that obliges | ordered | teach only | just | in Latin. In 1528 as a result of | due due | conflict | with | city authorities Paracelsus moved to Colmar.
Traveling | journey | and scholarly work
in subsequent | following | years Paracelsus traveled through the cities and states | soils | Holy Roman Empire and Switzerland, wrote, preached, healed, studied, asked alchemical experiments conducted astrological observations. In 1530 the castle Berattshauzen he completed work on "Parahranumom" (1565). After | then | short stay in Augsburg and Regensburg moved to St. Gallen and graduated in 1531 at the beginning of this perennial | perennial | work on the origin and course of disease treatise "Paramirum" (1562). In 1533 he stopped | stopped | in Villahe his childhood, where he wrote "The Labyrinth of physicians" (1553), which is wrong, and "The Chronicles of Carinthia" (1575). recent years, the last years of life were created treatise "Philosophy" (1564) "Potayena philosophy" (first edition made ​​in translation | translation, transfer | the Flemish language | tongue |, 1553), "Large Astronomy" (1571) and a number | lava series | small natural philosophy | works, among them "The Book of nymphs, sylph, pygmies, salamanders, and other giants of the spirits "(1566).In 1541 Paracelsus settled | settled | in Salzburg, finding a patron | Deputy | represented by the archbishop, where he soon died | died |. Natural Philosophy The ancient doctrine that the body is composed of four co? Kiv blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black He believed in vain? sliv'yam. Man, Paracelsus, created from the ground, and her body was built with the same components as the soil. Bridging chemistry and medicine, Paracelsus considered | rozhlyaduvav | live operation | lively | organism as a chemical process, and calling alchemist found | nahodyv | not in gold and silver mining, and | and | to manufacture drugs that give people healing. He taught | taught |, that living | lively | organisms are composed of the same substances mercury, sulfur, salt | G | forming any other body of nature, when a person is healthy, these substances are | are | in equilibrium with each | a | a , mean disease prevalence or, conversely, lack of | shortage | one nyh.Usi about? processes in the body are chemical in nature. Following him? Second glance, Paracelsus began to widely used in medical practice? Sovuvaty copper, iron, tin, arsenic, sulfur, mineral water. Paracelsus paying particular attention to the dosing appoint? Vano patient therapeutic substance. "Everything is poison, he taught, nothing is devoid of toxicity. Only the dose makes the poison unnoticed. " The level of knowledge of that time gave no chance even rebellious mental Paracelsus completely free of months? Policy.


Paracelsus came from the idea of unity of the universe | universe |, intimacy and relationship of man and Peace | World |, man and God.He styled man not only | not just | «microcosm" small world that contains the properties and nature of all things, but the "quintessential" or the fifth, the true essence | essence, by nature | Peace | World |. By Paracelsus, man made ​​| handles, made ​​| God of | a | «hoods | extraction |» whole world as a | as though |, the grand alchemical laboratory, and bears the image of | image | Creator. There is no | no | forbidden for a man of knowledge, it is able | capable | and, according to Paracelsus, even obliged to explore the essence of | the essence, nature |, existing not only | not just | in nature, but also abroad. It should not stop or embarrass | zbentezhuvaty | their unusual, because nothing is impossible for God, and this substance | substance, nature | certificates | certificates, certificate | his omnipotence, like a nymph sylph, gnomes, salamanders, sirens, giants, dwarfs and other creatures that inhabit the four elements.
Paracelsus main merit is to work in the field of chemistry, in fact he was one of the founders of modern pharmacology, as he introduced the doctrine of "dose." 3.VEZALIY Andreas (1514-64), naturalist, founder of the anatomy . Activity Vesalius passed | passed, floated | in many European countries. One of the first to explore the human body through autopsies | autopsy |. In the main work "On the structure | structure | the human body" (Bk |. 1-7, 1543) gave a scientific description of the structure | structure | all organs and systems, pointed out the many errors of his predecessors, includingGalen. Andreas Vesalius was born in Brussels on December 31, 1514 He came from a family Vitinhiv who lived a long time Nimveheni.Vesalius wrote a "Letter of the Chinese root" (1546) about how he, as in 1546 a few months and the city Nimveheni found the graves of their ancestors: "I had a chance to see family graves Vitinhov that came from a very old and the famous Wesel, where I found these nice and sacred memories for me. " The name of the city Wesel and comes obviously named Vesalius. Several generations of families in which Vesalius was born, were scholars, doctors and medical experts works of historical significance. Great-grandfather Vesalius, Peter, known physician and collector of medical treatises written comments to the fourth book "Canon of Medicine" great encyclopedic East Abu Ali ibn sons (Avicenna). son Peter John, grandfather Vesalius, he taught at the University of Louvain. He was a mathematician and a doctor in Brussels. son of John Everard, Vesalius's grandfather, also a doctor. He commented on the work of "Hell Al Mozareme" Abubekra-bin-Zacharias-ar-Razi, the famous Arab physician-scientist X century., And, in addition, applications written to the first four paragraphs of aphorisms of Hippocrates. Vesalius's father, Andrew, was a chemist at the court Charles V. Vesalius's younger brother Francis also studied medicine and became a doctor. Vesalius growing among doctors who visited his father's house, and from a young age enjoyed a rich library of medical treatises that met in the family and passed down from generation to generation. Thanks to this young and talented Vesalius became interested in studying medicine. After finishing primary school in Brussels, Vesalius entered a young apparently in 1530 in Louvain University, where he taught ancient Greek and Latin language and mathematics. But Louvain University was a center of humanist education, and in 1531 moved to the Vesalius College of Education (Pedagogium trilingue), based in Louvain in 1517r. This study of three major language was placed carefully, it was necessary for the independent path in science. These languages ​​are Greek, Latin and Hebrew. Vesalius thoroughly studied Latin, which was taught in the tradition of Cicero, revived and humanists Erasmus, Greek knew directly and Hebrew badly. Later, he tried to correct the deficiencies of the knowledge learned and read "Canon of Medicine" Ibn Sina in Hebrew translation.


Carefully studying at Louvain University and a series of classic rhetorical Sciences, Vesalius soon showed a tendency to medicine, particularly anatomy. In his spare time he of university classes with great enthusiasm and carefully roztynav preparuvav pets. Because of this tendency, the 17-year-old expressed his desire to study medicine in Paris. The court physician and friend of his father Vesalius Florent Nicolas was interested destiny Vesalius, supported tyahotinnya boy.
Subsequently, in 1539, Vesalius dedicated Florent his work "The Message of bloodletting" which named him their second father. Thus, after a family council Vesalius went to Paris and enrolled at the Medical Faculty of the University.
Due to the war of Charles V with | a | Francis I Vesalius leave France in 1536 and returned | in Louvain. In Louvain, he continued to engage in his favorite | ANY | science together with his friend hemo Friziyem, who later became a famous mathematician, astronomer and doctor | physician |. Together with a friend Vesalius made ​​his first associated skeleton. Since | a | very difficult | they stole the bodies of those executed, sometimes | occasionally | pulling them piecemeal | share |, rising with | a | danger to life on the gallows. Then rumors | tell |, that is before each autopsy requested apology | in near | God for what he was looking for the benefit of science secret of life in death. In Louvain Vesalius first samostitsno students demonstrated dissection of the human body. Dissections of human corpses Vesalius pidtrymuvalosyavidomymy leaders of the city and the university.Soon he received | received came | fame experienced | Research | surgeon and was invited to lecture on anatomy in Basel, Padua, Bologna and Pisa. In 1543 Vesalius published his famous work «De sorroris humani fabrica libri septem» (Basel), which opened | opened | new era in the history of anatomy: the authority of Galen was finally vtracheyy and human anatomy has been put on the ground accurate experimental | Research | research. This work led | led |, as expected, rage | hardcore | attacks from doctors | physicians |-obscurant against | against | which defended several polemical works | writings |. Since | a | in 1544 as Life medic | takes to himself at the service of Emperor Charles V, Vesalius accompanied him in all travels | travels |, but | and | then at his son, Phillippe | Phillip | II, the Spanish Inquisition managed to capture as a staunch enemy.Accused that during the autopsy of the deceased's heart showed some signs of life, Vesalius was condemned to death. Only | just | thanks to the patronage Phillippe | Philip | II, the death penalty was replaced pilgrimage to the tomb Hospodnoyi. On the way back | track road | storm threw the unfortunate scientist on the island of Zante, where he died | died | on p'yadesyatomu year of life.
Vesalius rightly be called the father of anatomy, is the anatomy, he put on a scientific basis, it has become possible due to section, which he has not on the corpses of animals (as before), and human corpses, made ​​possible thanks to the epic (although the influence of the church and still felt it was not executed). 4.VILYAM Harvey famous English doctor who opening circulation and research on animal egg deserves quite a founder of modern physiology, was born April 1, 1578 in Folkstoni in Kent, studied at Kenterberiyskoy school, and then at Cambridge. In 1598 he went to the University of Padua, the best while the medical school, where he studied under Fabrizio ab 'Acquapendente. According to Boyle, Fabrizio treatise on the venous valves Harvey brought the idea of circulation, but these words refuted Harvyeyem - he says that the idea of blood was the result of his thinking about the amount of blood continuously coming into the aorta, which is so great that if blood is returned from the arteries into the veins, then a few minutes latter would completely deserted.In 1602, Harvey received his doctorate, and settled in London. In 1607 London College of Physicians chose him as a member, and in 1609 he received a doctorate in place Hospital St.


Bartholomew, about 1623 appointed court physician, and in 1625 an honorary doctor under Charles I. In 1616 he was offered the chair of anatomy and surgery at the College of Physicians, and the following year he had expressed his views on the circulation in a clear and distinct manner, but released them only 12 years later in the book «Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus» .This book marks the beginning of modern physiology. By Harvey in European science ideas reigned ancient scholars, mainly Galen. It was assumed that in the body there are two kinds of blood, rough and inspired: the first spreads from the liver veins throughout the body and is used strictly for power, the other moves through the arteries and provides the body vitality. Part of the blood is passed into the arteries veins (through the heart and lungs), in turn, provide the artery vein "spirit." But this does not prevent every kind of blood maintain its independent movement in their own independent system of blood vessels. Despite the opening of Vesalius, Servetus, Colombo, Fabrizio and other anatomists, these beliefs prevailed until Harvey, representing, however, more and more confusing, vague shape due to differences introduced by the new research. Harvey scattered this chaos, replacing it with a clear, precise, complete doctrine of eternal circulation of the blood. At significant points of his theory is based on a few simple and visual experiences, but each piece is illustrated countless vivisection and autopsy, the process of circulation explore in all its variations across the animal kingdom (as was feasible without the help of a microscope). Then find out the role and valves and valves that allow blood flow only in one direction, the value of the heartbeat and the like, Harvey absolutely free from metaphysical principles in kind "Archean", "spirits", etc., which replace the true mental knowledge. In the book it is no trace of a priori reasoning, which were filled with works of physiologists and physicians, who built the science, not dyvlyuchys a real body. «Exercitatio» Harvey in the full sense of the word modern scientific work, where all issues are resolved investigation of the facts available observation and experience, which has become of great importance, both in England and on the continent. But Harvey had to endure a brutal attack by fans of classic old looks. For ten years he was almost alone in the crowd of enemies. His opponents were Primroz that denied Harvey quotations from ancient authors Parizanus, Franzol, admitting and new discoveries, only they would not conflict with the old, Zhe De La Torre, who argued that the facts relied upon by Harvey, are random, pathological nature, and in normal blood moves through the body of Galen; Hyuyi-patented, calling the opening of Harvey "paradoxical, vain, false, impossible, incomprehensible, absurd, harmful to human life", and many others, including "head and coryphaeus anatomists of his age" Riolan J. Younger, which Harvey replied in two letters («Exercitationes ad Riolanum», I et II). This is known in the annals of science vidhoholosok spores found in sophisticated literature of the time: Moliere ridiculed Hyuyi-patents (in «Malade imaginaire»), Boileau Paris Faculty of «L'Arret burlesque»), rejecting follow Riolanom circulation. But Harvey had during his lifetime to see the full accuracy of its opening. Recognizing circulation, various scholars, however, attributed the discovery of its Chinese. In fact, Harvey belongs to the idea of ​​circulation, and the proof of this idea. Courtiers relationships often torn Harvey from professional occupations. Thus, in 1630 1631 he accompanied the Duke of Lennox in the train to the mainland, in 1633 I went with Charles to Scotland in 1686 was in the retinue oz. Arondelya, who was ambassador to Germany. When the revolution began, the king left London and Harvey went after him.London Whitehall population looted and flat Harvey: because killing of his work on comparative and pathological anatomy and embryology result of years of research.

Harvey was under Charles I during edzhhylskoy battle, and then settled in Oxford, which for a time became the main headquarters of the king. Here he was appointed dean mertonskoy College, but in 1646 Oxford was taken by Parliamentary forces and Harvey had to leave the post of dean. This year he is completely withdrawn from politics (which still has not actively participated) and moved to London, where he had built for the London College of Physicians building in which was placed a library and meeting place society gave the same academic institution collection zhyvoistorychnyh drugs tools and books. In recent years, life was embryology. The result of these Zann was the book: «Exercilationes de generatione animalium» (1651) the first systematic and complete treatise on embryology.Harvey showed that animals, like yaytsekladni, develop from eggs, and outlined his views in a famous formula: «Ornne animal ex ovo».He proved that the so-called scar (cicatricula) is actually the embryo and proslidyv its development, how it was possible without the help of a microscope, found the value of the so-called chalaza; showed that the egg shell is porous and breathable to the embryo, etc. . The book has already seen its main ideas Embryology: primary identity of different types, the gradual development of, compliance with the transitional characteristics of man and the higher animals with permanent signs below. Of course, embryology, entered the stage of true science only in the last century, but still enriched Harvey of great discoveries, brilliant generalizations and gave strong impetus to further research. Until the publication of the book about the birth of animals merits Harvey were recognized scholarly world, and he lived out his life, surrounded with glory and honor, the new generation of British physiologists and doctors saw him their patriarch, the poet Dryden and Cowley wrote in honor of his poems. London medical college set in the boardroom of his statue, and in 1654 chose him as their president, but he rejected this honorary degree, citing old age and disease. The morning of June 30, 1657, he noticed that not speak the language, and felt death approaching, he sent for the family, gave them their belongings in memory, and later the same day he died on the 80th year of life. Harvey works reprinted many times.Complete collection: «Gvillelmi Harveii. Opera omnia, and collegio Medicorum Londinensi edita »(1766). Harvey works translated into English Brews Willis. Thu. Aikin, «Notice sur Harvey» («Magazin encyclop.», 1795); Aubrey, «Letters of eminent Persons»; Willis, «William Harvey» (London, 1878); Flourens, «Histoire de la decouverte de la circulation du sang "(Paris, 1854); Daremberg,« Histoire des sciences medicales »(1870).
Harvey thoroughly researched circulation, to the extent possible without a microscope, it works founded physiology. 5.Vysnovky: Renaissance brought with him a flowering of science, was founded and put on a scientific basis the fundamental medical discipline, it has become possible thanks to research many scientists and naturalists, besides the above is a series of famous names: Ambroise Pare (described in detail the indications and techniques extractions), Girolamo Fracastoro (conjectured the existence of germs, but then they are so call it, and mentions this hapoteza fully confirmed), Kaspar Azelli (opening lymphatic vessels), Robert Hooke (the invention of the microscope), Giovanni Borelli (yatrofizyk, limb movements likened to the action of the lever, measuring the temperature of its various organs still imperfect thermometer concluded that heart is the main organ thermogenesis), Marcello Malpighi (described kapilry) Realdo Colombo (described Grinding circulation), Bartolomeo Eustace (described in detail and kidney organ of hearing) and is not all. Though the influence of the church largely eased, but many scientists poblatylysya for their views, for example, the Spanish scholar Miguel Servet, who described alongside the Colombo described Grinding circulation, was named a heretic and burnt in Switzerland, Vesalius also persecuted church.

And along with that, no matter what science has evolved and today has reached a high level of development.



SOURCES "Much Encyclopedia Cyril and Mefodyya" C. A. Verkhratsky and P. Yu Zabludovsky - History of Medicine, Graduate School, Kyiv, 1991 W. N. Ternovskii - Andrew Vesalius, Nauka, Moscow, 1965


1.Епоха Відродження у світовій історії має неабияке значення, бо принесла з собою активни розвиток мистецтва і науки, зокрема медицини, влада церкви послабилася і з'явилися можливість робити розтини. Великому поширенню знань у масах сприяв початок в Європі книгодрукування, що зробило книжку набагато доступнішою. Перша друкована книжка медичного змісту вийшла в Німеччині в 1456 р. латинською мовою. В ній зазначалися дні місяця, коли вважалося корисним робити кровопускання та приймати проносні. Серед слов'янських народів перші почали книгодрукування чехи: в 1475 р. було надруковано Євангіліє.

В галузі медицини Західна Європа прийняла крім спадщини античної медицини також спадщину передової медицини народів Сходу.

Навчання медицини на медичних факультетах майже в усіх тогочасних університетах Європи зводилось до вивчення Канону Ібн-Сіни, коментарів до творів Гіппократа, Галена. У багатьох університетах окремо викладалась астрологія, яка намагалася встановити вплив небесних світил на здоров'я людини, показати, як залежно від положення їх можна дати прогноз захворювання у людини, передбачати хід подій у життя окремих міст і навіть цілої країни. Вміння складати такі гороскопи входило в коло знань кожного тогочасного дипломованого лікаря.

Розвитком відмічається і система медичної освіти. У ХV столітті в Європі було вже близько 40 університетів. Передовими щодо рівня розвитку науки були університети Північної Італії, зокрема у місті-республіці Венеції. Науковим центром веніціанської республіки був університет у місті Падуї, вчені якого зробили великі відкриття в різних галузях науки, зокрема й медицини, у відповідь на вимоги, які постали в зв'язку з бурхливим розвитком торгівлі і молодої мануфактурної промисловостї респупліки. У Педуанському університеті один з його перши керівників П'єтро Абано виступав проти схоластичного навчання, ввівши практичний елемент у викладанні своїх лекцій. Така тентенція характерна для епохи Відродження. Передові мислителі епохи Відродження прагнули до пізнання дійсності на основі досліду, відмовившись від сліпого підкорення авторитетам. Особливо гостро цей протест виявився в діяльності Парацельса.

2.ПАРАЦ|ЕЛЬС| (Paracelsus)(справжнє ім'я Філіп Ауреол Теофраст Бомбаст фон Гогенгейм), прославлений лікар і природодослідник |лікарка|, натурфілософ| і алхімік епохи Відродження., один із засновників|фундаторів| ятрохімії|. Піддав критичному перегляду ідеї стародавньої|древньої| медицини. Сприяв впровадженню хімічних препаратів в медицину. Писав і викладав не на латині, а на німецькій мові|язиці|.


Народився 17 грудня 1493 у місті Ейнзідельн, в сім'ї лікаря-хіміка |лікарки|, що походив із старовинного, але|та| збіднілого дворянського роду. Першим вчителем|учителем| Парацельса був батько, що познайомив його з|із| основами лікарського мистецтва. Одним з наставників Парацельса був Іоганн Трітемій, відомий своїми виступами|вирушаннями| в захист «натуральної магії». Університетську медичну освіту здобув у Феррарі (Італія), де і був удостоєний ступеня|міри| доктора|лікаря| медицини. по закінченні навчання, як було тоді прийнято серед учених, він узяв собі латинізоване ім'я Para-Celsus — подібний до Цельса. Розчарувавшись у медицині давніх греків і арабській медицині, він шукає нових знань в університетах і у лікарів-практиків Англії, Франції, Німеччини, Польщі.


Про початок свого курсу він повідомив надрукованим німецькою мовою оголошенням: «У наш час мало хто має щастя успішно займатись лікарським мистецтвом. Дехто бажає очистити його від внесених варварами грубих по­милок: надто боязкі, вони, як за оракула, тримаються за імена Гіппократа, Галена, Авіценни. Не красномовство і знання мов, не вивчення книг і прикра­шення титулами творить лікаря, а лише пізнання таємниць природи. Щоденно по дві години читатимуться лекції на основі власних праць з практичної і тео­ретичної медицини, а не з крихіток Гіппократа і Галена, грунтуючись на влас­ному досвіді, здобутому у найвищої вчительки —• природи...» Курс лекцій Парацельса був розрахований на два семестри. Частина занять провадилась біля ліжка хворих, під час екскур­сій у полі і в горах. На знак відмовлення від будь-яких автори­тетів на вступній лекції Парацельс спалив праці Галена і Ка­нон Авіценни

Мандри|мандрівки| і митарства

З|із| 1517 Парацельс робив численні|багаточисельні| подорожі|мандрівки|, відвідував різні університети Європи, брав участь як медик у військових|воєнних| кампаніях, навідувався в імперські землі|грунти|, до Франції, Англії, Шотландії, Іспанії, Португалії, скандінавських країн, Польщі, Литви, Пруссії, Угорщини, Трансільванії, Валахию, держави Апеннінського півострова (ходили чутки, що він побував в Північній Африці, Палестині, Константинополі, московії і в татарському полоні). У 1526 придбав|набув| право бюргера в Страсбурге, а в 1527 по протекції прославленого книговидавця|книговидавника| Іоганна Фробена став міським лікарем|лікаркою| Базеля. У Базельськом університеті він читав курс медицини на німецькій мові|язиці|, що було викликом всієї університетської традиції, що зобов'язувала|зобов'язала| викладати тільки|лише| на латині. У 1528 в результаті|унаслідок,внаслідок| конфлікту з|із| міськими властями Парацельс переїхав в Кольмар.