Normie’s car The story is written by Mark Kelly

The story is written in a matter-of-fact tone. The author’s style is clear and expressive.

The story is told by one of the personages of the story.

The theme of the story is trust in business. The idea of the story is even if you were cheated you should stray forward and you will be successful.


The story can be divided into 4 logically completed parts. The action is set in the car when the narrator meets Normie, a taxi driver, so the 1st part may be regarded as an introduction we get acquainted with the main character depicted in the story. After some time Normie decides to tell his story. In the second part it is described how Normie was cheated by a swindler after being flat broke. In the 3d part Normie meets a straight-up honest businessman so he made a good bargain with him in conclusion Normie makes all his repayments, buys a new apartment and thinks about expanding his business.

Story reads well. We must give the author credit for his skill of creating the unforgettable images. The story leaves a sense of euphoria, and willingness to do something special.

The author employs a number of stylistic devices that makes the narration more vivid.

Tough as nut – simile

Tell you at glance – hyperbole

Enlightened times – epithet



Killing Time

I would like to tell you a story “Killing time” written by Michael McPartlan. He was an American writer. The book is about a hero, brave woman who escaped not only a child from the death but all people. It is a heroic, tragedy and a little bit satirical story.

The story is told by one of the personage of the story. The woman was a participation of all happened event. Also, Narration full of dialogues.

Let me introduce characters of this story. The main character is a main hero till the end of the story a reader will never guessed that main hero is a woman. She has a brave heart, and according to the story she is strong in her arm. Then 2 robbers, the first is Biggie and the second is Smallie. As they names there were big and small robbers.

The story begins with event when 2 guys went in the bank to stick up it.

After some moment we can see thought of main hero who thinking about how to stop all this mayhem. She could do anything when a security-man, at the hazard of his life, tried to stop robbers. He killed one of the robbers but unfortunately he was killed by the second robber, Biggie as the main hero called him. After all mayhem Biggie decide to take his first hostage, I think, to kill. He chose ten-years old boy. This situation was a critical time and the main hero gave herself as a hostage to safe boy’s life. All in all she found the moment when Biggie turned out of her and she just took his neck and broke it. At the end I knew that she was being charged with murder. I hope she would not get a sentence. As I said is a little bit satirical story, satire is the moment when I recognized the reason why she so easily killed the robber. The thing is she has killed lots of chickens on her farm in the way she killed the robber.

The main idea is doesn’t matter who you are you experience can help you to make good things which even can safe somebody’s life.

Of, course author used some stylistic devices.

For instance, I found repetition: “Could I hide and wait and hide and wait and let all this happened…”

Also there were two similes: “He said this as I he was a doctor inviting a patient into his surgery.”

“It broke like a toothpick”

This is very marvelous story. It showed how one people could act in such an unpredictable situation. Everybody can be a hero everybody can stay with audience.

The Little People of the Night

It is a short entertaining story, which was written by Jimmy O'Connor. This story is written in the form of the author’s narration

As the title implies the passage describes attitude towards "little people"


The little man is the type of literary character who is a representative of low social status and origin. Therefore, such a hero usually suffers from injustice of life due to the inability to resist something.

In this passage author has not presented a prototype of such a hero, he was only mention of them through the description of the protagonist' attitude of "little people". The main character is managing director who dares to compare his their employees with mechanical machines that must work without cease and be useful to the employer.

As far as I can judge the main theme of the text is attitudes of people from higher strata of society to the people of lower strata of society. The idea of the text is each of us should treat people humanely no matter what the kind of differences exist between of us.

The author remains a little away; he does not condemn his hero and does not impose his perception of the thing described on the reader.

Nevertheless the author frequent employs of internal monologue in order to expresses thoughts of the main character.

For having read this passage I noticed following stylistic devices: Epithet 1 little people of the night; 2 sensible number; 3silly word, silly peopleSimile 4 like soldiers; 5 workers …as their mechanical colleagues

Metaphor.: 6 gnawing dread; 7 growing company; Personification: 8 a loss of heat; loss of energy; equation and numbers didn’t lie.