Канал Шарвиз - встречные бои (19 января) - Dust Up, немцы атакуют
Dust up (Fair Fight) Two advancing forces clash, each determined to get through to their objectives. Soon a whirling battle develops as reserves arrive on the flanks and are thrown into the fray. Mission Special Rules Dust Up uses the Delayed Reserves (page 269) and Meeting Engagement (page 264) special rules. Right: The Dust Up mission deployment map. | ![]() |
Your Orders |
The Attacker Seize the initiative and thrust your forces into the enemy’s defences and secure a key objective. He who hesitates is lost. You must capture one of your objectives before the enemy captures one of theirs. | The Defender Parry your opponents thrust and manoeuvre your forces to take and hold a key position behind their lines. Be ready to attack when the time is right. Strike hard and fast to take an objective before the enemy does so. |
3. Прорыв 18-го корпуса к своим (23 января) – Break Out, Советы атакуют
Break Out Mission: Defensive Battle The attacker is attempting to break out of an encirclement. Defending forces are surrounding the enemy with a blocking force in front and a reserve rushing the flanks. The attackers have only moments to breakout before their fate is sealed. Breakout uses the Prepared Positions (page 264 of the rulebook), Reserves (page 268), and Scattered Reserves (page 269) special rules. Your Orders Attacking Player You are caught in a pocket, surrounded by enemy forces. Launch an attack immediately to break through the blocking force before the enemy tightens up the pocket. Defending Player Your plan has worked, the enemy is trapped between you and the blocking force. You need to close the trap and destroy them. Preparing For Battle 1. The defender chooses which short table end they will defend. This half of the table, excluding the area within 12”/30cm of the table centre line, is their Deployment Area. 2. The attacker’s Deployment Area is the other table half, excluding the area within 16”/40cm of the short table edge. | ![]() |
3. Starting with the defender, both players place one Objective each in the defender’s end of the table. They must be at least 16”/40cm from the centre line of the table, and may not be placed within 8”/20cm of any table edge. 4. Next the defending player nominates at least half of their platoons to be held off the table in Delayed and Scattered Reserves. 5. The defender Deploys their remaining platoons. 6. The attacker Deploys all of their platoons. 7. Both players now Deploy any Warrior teams that are not part of a platoon and all Independent teams, starting with the defending player. Beginning The Battle 1. Starting with the defender, both players make Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce teams they have on table. The attacking player has the first turn. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons may begin the game Dug In. 2. The attacking player has the first turn. 3. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons may begin the game Dug In. Ending The Battle The battle ends when either: ■ the attacker has Taken any of the Objectives at the start of their turn, or ■ the defender starts any of their turns, starting from turn six, with no attacking teams within 12”/30cm of any Objective. Deciding Who Won If the game ends because the attacker has started their turn holding an Objective, they have broken through to safety and have won the game. Otherwise, the defender has won, holding off the attack long enough for the enemy to be swept up and destroyed. |