LIST of all OLIMPIC GAMES from 1896

Нижегородской области

Урок-конкурс по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме:

"Спорт. Олимпийские игры"


подготовила: В.А. Касланова

учитель английского языка

Личадеево, 2013г.


по теме: "Спорт. Олимпийские игры"

УМК: Биболетова М. З. и др.

Класс: 7

Тема урока:Спорт. Олимпийские игры.

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изученных

лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по спортивной тематике. Задачи урока:


Образовательные задачи:

1. Совершенствовать лексические навыки говорения по теме »Спорт. Олимпийские


2. Тренировка учащихся в умении вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых

ситуациях и ролевых играх.

Развивающие задачи:

1 Развивать учебно-организационные умения и навыки (взаимоконтроль, навыки самостоятельной работы, умение участвовать в коллективной познавательной деятельности, умение обобщать и анализировать).

2 Развивать умения работать с информацией;


Воспитательные задачи:

1. Воспитывать чувства гордости за спортсменов своей страны, Нижегородской области.

2. Развивать патриотические качества личности школьника.

  1. Оснащение урока:плакаты с символикой; репродукции «Звезды российского спорта», лозунг «Higher! Faster! Stronger!»; плакаты: «5 колец – 5 континентов», импровизированные медали победителям, ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ №1, №2.


  1. в игре 4 раунда,
  2. в каждом раунде принимают участие равное количество учащихся,
  3. на каждый вопрос викторины все пишут свои варианты ответов на листочках,
  4. когда ответы написаны, каждый показывает свой вариант ответа,
  5. выигрывает в каждом раунде ученик, ответивший правильно на большее количество вопросов.


  1. Начало игры. Оргмомент.

Good afternoon! You all are fond of sport: watching sport competitions on TV or going in for different kinds of sport. So, today we are going to have a lesson devoted to history of Olympic Games. It is a sports quiz consisting of 4 rounds. The topics of them are: “The History of the Olympic Games”, “The Olympic Champions of my country, Nizhegorodskaya Region ”, “National sports of Great Britain and the USA”,the game “The INTERVIEWER.”

. Every round will have its winners. Be attentive and polite. Write your answers on papers, please.

    • Who was the founder of the modern Olympic Games?
    • When were the first Olympic Games?
    • What do 5 rings mean?
    • What was the motto of the Olympic Games?

Проведение игры.

Итог игры.

Ход урока-конкурса.

1-st round “The History of the Olympic Games”


  1. When and where did the first Olympic Games take place? (In Athens, 1896)
  2. How did they take place? (every 4 years)
  3. Why did the Olympic Games become the symbol of peace and friendship? (For the period of games all the wars stopped)
  4. What is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement? (The International Olympic Comitee)
  5. When did Russia join the Olympic movement? (1952)
  6. Where and what did Olympic Games take place in our country and when? (the 22-nd Olympic Games, Moscow, 1980)
  7. What does the Olympic motto mean? (the motto of the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” - Faster, Higher, Stronger)
  8. Where and when did Olympic Games take place last time?

В. Викторина об олимпийских играх. Ответьте «true» or «false».

    • Baron Pierre de Coubertin was the founder of modern Olympic Games.
    • The first Olympic Games were in 1894 in Greece.
    • There were the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980.
    • The Olympic Games become the symbol of peace and friendship.
    • There were no Olympic Games in England.

Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...

Let’s start the 2-nd round.

2-nd round “The Olympic Champions of my country, in Nizhegorodskaya Region ”

I will name some Russian sportsmen and you must up the number of kind of sport they are.

(учитель называет имя спортсмена, детям нужно вспомнить, какой вид спорта представляет этот спортсмен; )

  1. Olga Slusareva – Cycling
  2. Vladislav Tretyak – Hockey
  3. Aleksandr Karelin – Greek-Rome Fighting
  4. Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze – Figure-Skating
  5. Aleksei Nemov – Gymnastics
  6. Maria Kiseleva – Synchronized Swimming
  7. Dmitri Berestov – Weight-lifting
  8. Aleksei Yagudin – Figure-Skating
  9. Vyacheslav Fetisov - Hockey
  10. Svetlana Khorkina – Gymnastics
  11. Gaidarbek Gaidarbekov – Boxing
  12. Belova Irina– Free exercises
  13. Dmitryi Lobkov-Skating
  14. Kornilov Denis-Ski-jumping

Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...

Let’s start the 3-rd round.

3-rd round “National sports of Great Britain and the USA”

  1. Which game is the most popular game in GB and in the world? (Soccer-football)
  2. What club is the biggest football club in the world? (“Manchester United”, England)
  3. What kind of sport is Derby connected with? (Horse racing)
  4. What kind of sport is Wimbledon connected with? (All-England and International Tennis Championships)
  5. When and where was basketball invented? (by a teacher at a sports school in Springfield, USA, 1891)
  6. What kinds of sports were originated in the USA also? (volleyball, wind-surfing, skate-boarding, triathlon)
  7. What does triathlon include? (swimming, bicycle racing and long-distance-running)

Let’s start the 4-th round.

the 4-th round the game “The INTERVIEWER”

Make up questions to this table-box. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №1.


Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...

This is the end of our sport quiz and we have … winners. They are ... They are awarded special medals of winners. Good luck.

Домашнее задание

T: The task you can choose yourself. Please, write an essay about your favorite sports.


T: Thank you for being industrious at the lesson. I am satisfied with your work. Each of you gets a good or an excellent mark. Now the lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye.


Общий зачет
Олимпийских игр 2012г





LIST of all OLIMPIC GAMES from 1896

  Year Date Place  
Summer Olimpic Games  
I 6.04-15.04 Athens, Greece  
II 20.05-28.10 Paris, France  
III 1.07-23.11 St. Louis (Missouri), United States  
Int.*1 22.04-2.05 Athens, Greece  
IV 27.04-31.10 London (England), United Kingdom  
V 5.05-22.07 Stockholm, Sweden  
VI Cancelled (WWI) Berlin, Germany  
VII 20.04-12.09 Antwerp, Belgium  
VIII 4.05-27.07 Paris, France  
IX 17.05-12.08 Amsterdam, Netherlands  
X 30.07-14.08 Los Angeles (California), United States  
XI 1.08-16.08 Berlin, Germany  
XII Cancelled (Winter War) Helsinki, Finland  
XIII Cancelled (WWII) London (England), United Kingdom  
XIV 29.07-14.08 London (England), United Kingdom  
XV 19.07-3.08 Helsinki, Finland  
XVI 22.11-8.12 Melbourne, Australia*2  
XVII 25.08-11.09 Rome, Italy  
XVIII 10.10-24.10 Tokyo, Japan  
XIX 12.10-27.10 Mexico City, Mexico  
XX 26.08-10.09 Munich, West Germany  
XXI 17.07-1.08 Montreal (Quebec), Canada  
XXII 19.07-3.08 Moscow, Soviet Union  
XXIII 28.07-12.08 Los Angeles (California), United States  
XXIV 17.09-2.10 Seoul, South Korea  
XXV 25.07-9.08 Barcelona (Catalonia), Spain  
XXVI 19.07-4.08 Atlanta (Georgia), United States  
XXVII 16.09-1.10 Sydney (New South Wales), Australia  
XXVIII 13.08-29.08 Athens, Greece  
XXIX 08.08-24.08 Beijing, China  
XXX 27.07-12.08 London (England), United Kingdom  
XXXI 5.08-21.08 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  
*1 – Intercalated *2 – Equestrian events were held in Stockholm, Sweden  
Winter Olimpic Games  
I 25.01-4.02 Chamonix, France  
II 11.02-19.02 St Moritz, Switzerland  
III 4.02-15.02 Lake Placid (New York), United States  
IV 6.02-16.02 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany  
  Cancelled (WWII) Sapporo, Japan / St Moritz, Switzerland  
  Cancelled (WWII) Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy  
V 30.01-8.02 St Moritz, Switzerland  
VI 14.02-25.02 Oslo, Norway  
VII 26.01-5.02 Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy  
VIII 18.02-28.02 Squaw Valley (California), United States  
IX 29.01-9.02 Innsbruck, Austria  
X 6.02-18.02 Grenoble, France  
XI 3.02-13.02 Sapporo, Japan  
XII 4.02-15.02 Innsbruck, Austria  
XIII 14.02-23.02 Lake Placid (New York), United States  
XIV 8.02-19.02 Sarajevo, Yugoslavia  
XV 13.02-28.02 Calgary (Alberta), Canada  
XVI 8.02-23.02 Albertville, France  
XVII 12.02-27.02 Lillehammer, Norway  
XVIII 7.02-22.02 Nagano, Japan  
XIX 8.02-24.02 Salt Lake City (Utah), United States  
XX 10.02-26.02 Turin, Italy  
XXI 12.02-28.02 Vancouver (British Columbia), Canada  
XXII 7.02-23.02 Sochi, Russia