Comparison of characteristics and selection of the desired type of optical cable


Optical communication cables perform essentially the same function as conventional cables.

In accordance with the adopted in most countries of the structure of construction of communication network, appointment, conditions of use and placement of the OC are divided into trunk, zonal and vnutriobektnye.

Since the OC less durable than traditional cables, they must be protected from the harmful effects of the environment and human activities. These effects include: mechanical stress - tension, bending, compression, torsion, shock; changes in temperature, the penetration of water, prolonged exposure to mineral oil and fire, rodents. The specific design provides protection against these effects by selecting the appropriate cable designs and measures for additional protection.

Conditions for the existence of cables to the trunk, internal, local, facility (LAN) communication networks are different, and the design can be used pretty much different from each other in design, not only the core but membranes and integument. So, OC backbone can be laid directly in the ground, in cable ducts, sewers, tunnels, in the aquatic environment (rivers, lakes, sea), in the air. Most of the cables intrazonal and local networks are in similar circumstances. The much lighter work OC under site-networks, mostly laid before the premises [17].

OC zonal serve to organize multi-channel communication between the regional center and districts with communication range up to 250. Gradient used 50/125 fiber sizes. Wavelength 1.3 ... 1.5 [9].

When choosing a cable design should take into account that the zonal cables are designed with a shaped core.

Zonal cables are used to connect the regional center with the districts and towns of the region. The communication range is usually within a hundred kilometers.

They are made as optical cables zonal communication in which remote power circuit separated from the armor wires and aluminum screen located inside the cable. The cable may comprise 4, 8 or more fibers [9].

Currently, domestic (Russian) cable industry has mastered proizvodstvo optic cables of virtually all types and purposes. These cables meet the requirements of international standards and are made of fibers opticheskih foreign proizvodstva.Vse used OB meet the standards of the ITU-T (ITU-T) G.651-G.654. For making OC applied as otechest-governmental as well as imported materials of high quality. Optical fibers postavlyayutsya following well-known companies - Corning Incorporation (USA), OFC - Optical Fiber Solution (formerly a division of LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES, owned by Furukawa now located in the United States), Fujikura (Japan), Alcatel (France), which produces optical fibers type TeraLight, Sumitomo (Japan).

In our country, only just adjusted the production of the cable (optical) products and is mainly used for telecommunication purposes cables foreign and Russian manufacturers. Characteristics of foreign manufacturers of cables are given in the form of a table (Table 1) [PA].

This project proposes to use cable products in Russia.

On the basis of the above fibers (. ITU-T standard (ITU-T) G.651-G.654), fiber optic cables in Russia produce fourteen enterprises [23]:

- JV "Svyazstroy FFS-1," Fiber Optic Cable Company (VOCK), co-founder of OFC (USA), Voronezh;

- JV "Moskabel-Fujikura" (IFC), the co-founder of Fujikura (Japan);

- JV "Samara Optical Cable Company" (JPAC), Samara, co-founder of Corning Inc. (USA);

- CJSC "OCS01" St. Petersburg;

- LLC "Opten" St. Petersburg;

- CJSC "Saranskkabel-Optics", Saransk,

- JSC "Sovkabel-Optics", St. Petersburg;

- Ltd. "Elix-Cable", Moscow;

- CJSC "Yauza cable", Moscow;

- LLC "Eurocable", Moscow;

- CJSC "TRANSVOC" Borovsk, the Kaluga region;

- JSC NF "Wiring harness", Moscow;

- Company VNIIKP-OPTIC, Moscow.

One of the largest Russian companies producing optical cables, is a national firm AONF "Wiring harness". This plant produces almost all types of fiber optic cables for terrestrial PLAYBACK - from the trunk and hanging up intrabuilding OC, and OC to vnutristoechnyh compounds. Figure 1.2 shows a cross section of several types of main OC.



Figure 1.2 Optic trunk cables manufactured by JSC NF "Wiring harness"


Cables type OCBS-T (Figure 1.2) are intended for laying in grounds of all categories, including rodent infected (except soils subject to low temperature deformations), in water for installation over river crossings and navigable rivers deeper than two meters in cable ducts , tubes, blocks, collectors, on bridges and in cable shafts. This type is OC on the outside is covered with a polyethylene membrane, which has a steel wire armor, and under it - the armor of corrugated steel tape.

Figure 1.2 b shows a section OC OCB-M ... OCNB M types. This type of cable has the same purpose. As the power element it uses steel wire or fiberglass rod (center). The outer cable sheath is made of conventional polyethylene or polyethylene, flame retardant. Under the shell there is a steel wire armor.

Cable type OCB-T, shown in Figure 1.2 and has an outer shell made of polyethylene, which is located under the steel wire armor. All of these types are based on OC singlemode OB damped 0.22 dB / km at a wavelength of 1550 nm. their main characteristics are incorporated in the names of the cables:

OCSBS 6,0-10-0,22-8-T - is an optical cable, steel wire armor, the diameter of the central tube (6.0), the core diameter RH (10), the damping RH - 0.22 dB / km, 8 - the number of fibers. Other design parameters OC trunk shown in Table 1.3.


Table 1.3 Constructive parameters of main production OC NF ZAO "Wiring harness"

    Structural parameter   Cable type  
OKBST 6,0- 10-0,22-8 OKB-M, OKNB-M OKBT -6,0- 10-0,22-8    


1.3 Table continuation

  -3,0; 4,0; 6,0     3,0; 4,0; 6,0
The diameter of the central tube, mm   -
Number of fibers 4... 24 4... 48 4... 24
Fiber Type Single-mode or multimode Single-mode or multimode Single-mode or multimode
Number of modules - 6,8 -
Module diameter, mm - 2,0 -
Central strength member   Steel wire or fiberglass rod  
The tractive force, H
Operating Temperature, ° C   -40...+50 -40...+50 -40... +50


As the most suitable and satisfying the requirements of graduate design, choose the brand cable OCBST 6,0-10-0,22-8.