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Дисциплина: «Практика устной и письменной речи»
Специальность 2-02 03 08 «Иностранный язык (английский)»
1. Speak about different ways of travelling.
Compare their advantages and disadvantages.
Explain your choice.
2.Touch upon the most prominent holidays, customs and traditions of Belarus and Great Britain.
Highlight some typical customs and traditions.
Comment on their similarity and difference.
3.Enumerate London's most famous museums.
Describe one of them.
Explain the reasons for its popularity with tourists.
4.Give your ideas about a healthy way of life.
Speculate on the laws of health.
Prove that prevention is better than cure.
5.Give examples of numerous places of entertainment in Minsk.
Characterize some of them and value their importance for the cultural life of the country.
Give grounds for your preference.
6. Describe the sights of London connected with the history of Great Britain.
Make a walking tour for a group oftourists.
Advertise the advantages of this tour.
7. Define the global environmental problems the world faces today.
Analyze their causes.
Suggest possible solutions to the improvement of the environment.
.8. Give the description of the British scenery.
Characterize the landscape of different parts of Great Britain.
Prove that each part has its own unique beauty.
9. Speak about the environmentalists' organizations, which involve the power of public opinion.
Illustrate their actions that appeal to you.
Prove that an individual citizen of the planet can contribute to the safety of our planet
10. Give examples of numerous places of entertainment in London.
Characterize some of them.
Value their contribution to the cultural life of the country.
11. Give account of various kinds of sports and games.
Explain their popularity in different countries (Olympic Games).
Prove that sport helps people to be healthy.
12. Say what features of character are desirable in a teacher.
Explain your choice.
Analyze how the personality of a teacher can affect his/her pupils.
13. Speak about your last visit to one of the theatres (cinemas) of Minsk.
Comment on your impressions.
Explain what makes this kind of entertainment popular with people.
14. Describe transport in Minsk and London.
Compare their peculiarities.
Prove the importance of public transport in the development of the cities.
15. Say what services are available at your Multiple Service Block.
Appreciate their importance in modern life.
Give your idea how to improve
16. Speak on the role of music in your life.
Classify musical genres.
Characterize your musical preferences.
17. Speak on Belarusian / British Pictorial Art.
Comment on its contribution to the world's culture.
Show the unique features of the British / Belarusian works of art.
18. Speak about Shakespeare's life.
Comment on his creative activity.
Prove that he is one of the greatest figures in the world culture.
19. Give account of Belarusian tourist attractions.
Choose one of them and explain your choice.
Advertise it.
20. Describe some ancient English towns.
Give comparative characteristics of them.
Appreciate their place in the national heritage.
21. Say what places you would include while making a route around Great Britain.
Explain why you have chosen these places.
Prove that this route will give you the best panorama of the country.
22. Speak about teaching as a career.
Point out its advantages and disadvantages.
Speak about your career prospects.
.23. Give account of the maladies of the XXIst century.
Describe their symptoms and the factors that cause them.
Give your ideas on their prevention.
24. Say what preparations should be made to be ready for an interview.
Explain the importance of making a favourable impression on the interviewer.
Give your idea how to shine at the interview.
25. Speak about career prospects for language students.
Characterize some of them.
Give grounds for your preference.
26. Enumerate the ways of applying for a job.
Speak on steps a job-hunter should follow (application, resume, interview).
Prove their importance.
27. Formulate your view on family life.
Analyze different family patterns.
Speculate on the ideal one for bringing up children
28. Talk on the life in the country and in a big city.
Express your point of view on the advantages and disadvantages of living there.
Give your preference.
Преподаватели: _______ Е.В. Корунчикова
_______ Л.А. Сафонова
_______ Н.Б. Артеменкова.
_________Н.Ю. Воронцова
_______О.В. Сацюк
__________В.А. Тарасевич
_____Н.В. Соловей
_________К.А. Пришивалко
Рассмотрено на заседании ЦК практики устной и письменной речи
Протокол № 10 от 11.05.2012
Председатель ЦК И.М.Довнар