Ukrainian and international internet resources




« 23 » October 20 15 № 5

tel: +380936330336

Association of animal protection organizations of Ukraine


FOUR PAWS - international organization for animal protection


«Land of helping animals» - Kyiv, Ukraine

Happy Paw» - charitable foundation for helping stray dogs


Ukrainian and international internet resources


For information: fulfilling duties of city mayor

L. Tsymbalyuk




Volunteers of «Zhytomyr city organization for animal protection» ask for help all people, who are not not indifferent to the destiny of stray animals! In October started terrible mass poisoning of stray dogs in Zhytomyr. There wasn’t such a nightmare in the city before: dogs were going into convulsions in the middle of the day near schools, nursery schools, in the city-center and other regions of the city ( )! Three dogs were dying in terrible pain during the mass entertainment event, which was organized by the candidate to local authorities, just in 10 meters from concert scene, thousands of people saw it. Besides mass poisoning, somebody has cut pure animal a stomach and left it die:

It all began, when the volunteers of animal protection organization started to demand from local authorities solving the problem of stray animals in the city in a human way - using sterilization.

In July 2015 the authorities solved this problem, but, as always, with their own benefit: they announced a tender for financing the sterilization of stray dogs using city budget, tender was won by State city hospital of veterinary medicine ( 190 000 UAH were allocated from the budget). Our organization started to control the process of sterilization on the legal conditions, and it wasn’t in vain! So called veterinarians mocked the animals: they cut dogs stomachs in unsanitary conditions. After such operations seams began to rot, we couldn’t save some dogs after such operations. Volunteers treated and saved the dogs with THEIR OWN MONEY in the same hospital and also with their own money at another veterinarian doctors.


Thanks to the efforts of volunteers the work of knackers was stopped:

During the last three years to our city came to help «International organization for animal welfare - FOUR PAWS», doctors of that foundation made sterilization of stray dogs for free. The cooperation with local authorities was really on the high level - Zhytomyr had nothing to be ashamed of before the international foundation.

But this year the authorities of our city with fulfilling duties of city mayor Lyudmyla Tsymbalyuk made another mistake: ignoring the previous agreements with the leadership of foundation, SIGNING THE AGREEMENT about cooperation, three days before doctors coming, our candidate to Zhytomyr mayer has changed her mind and decided don’t invite the organization «4 paws» to our city, the reason was lack of money in city treasury! But at the same time there was allocated 223 000 UAH for celebrating mass booze, called «City day»( We can’t understand why those celebration and helium balloons for amount 10 000 UAH are more important for our city, than solving the problem of stray animals quantity in a human european way! The only thing, which our local authorities had to do was financing accommodation and meals for 6 people - volunteers of foundation «4 paws»!

And again with the help of volunteers and not indifferent citizens of Zhytomyr, who reminded L. Tsymbalyuk about signed agreement, she decided to «help» and offered meals for volunteers at the center for fugitives. Finally!!! But the gladness was hasty: during the first food there, in the meal, which was disgusting itself, the representative of international foundation had a maggot!

Representatives of «Zhytomyr city organization for animal protection» appealed for help to Zhytomyr regional council.

Thank’s to the substitute of the head of regional council Godovanyj Ruslan Mykolayovych, deputy of regional council and our permanent patron Korkh Oleg Viktorovych, and also the substitute of fulfilling duties of city mayor Sukhomlyn Sergiy Ivanovych, the question about accommodation and food for the representatives of «FOUR PAWS» was solved very fast and qualitatively!


But terrible mass poisoning of dogs continues! Died home pet, which was a favorite dog of one family! Really, with such speed of poisoning in one week we will have no animals even for the sterilization! And we may see how easy and fast authorities have found money for poisoning!

With this application we want to pay attention of ukrainian and international community to the things going on with stray animals in Zhytomyr! Acting authorities don’t solve this question in a human way, break valid Ukrainian laws ( article 299 CCU is forgotten at all, and this article is broken according to every poisoned dog). International convention about animal protection is also broken!

Law enforcement authorities don’t react, they laugh at volunteers. « There is a war in the country, and you ask about your dogs» - it is the main phrase of today!


We ask to share this information!!!



Head of ZHCCOAW О.V. Mel’nyk



Also, volunteers of «Zhytomyr city organization for animal protection» and citizens of Zhytomyr, who are not indifferent to the destiny of stray animals.