Personal and Possessive Pronouns 4 страница

Ex. 78.Insert the right article.

I. The hunters got lost in ... Rocky Mountains. 2. ... Buckingham Palace, ... Trafalgar Square, ... Houses of Parliament, ... Tower of London, ... Tower Bridge, ... National Gallery are the usual sights in ... English capital. 3. The six island countries of ... West Indies are ... Bahamas,... Barbados,... Cuba, ... Dominican Republic, ... Haiti and ... Jamaica. 4. In the mornings she used to read ... "Vogue" and he usually read ... "Mirror". 5. ... Berlin she had been born in, and where she had grown up, no longer existed. 6. ... Low Countries include ... Netherlands, ... Belgium, and ... Luxembourg. 7. ... Colorado River flows through ... Grand Canyon. 8. The names of the following streets have the definite article: ... Mall, ... Strand, ... Wall Street, ... Unter den Linden. 9. ... England of the 21st century will be very different from ... England of our days. 10. This producer got ... Nika for this film.

II. Chaucer would have had difficulty in recognizing ... London of Queen Elizabeth, just as Shakespeare would have been lost in ... brick-and-stone London of D.R. Johnson, while Dickens, well as he knew ... London, would have been bewildered by ... steel and concrete London of today.

Ex. 79.Insert the right article.


Located in ... Middle of ... World and ... American Subcontinent, ... Ecuador has always been known for its strategic geographical location. Fronting ... Pacific Ocean, it has access to ... major commercial centres of the world: ... United States, ... Canada, ... Japan, and due to its proximity to ... Panama Canal, it is within easy reach of ... Atlantic Ocean and ... Europe. To ... East, Ecuador is ... door to ... majestic headwaters of ... Amazon Basin. Many experts in economy and commerce now consider Ecuador as ... point of access to this market of unexploited opportunities that is now opening its doors to the world. Ecuador has become ... place to create ... wealth of ... future. ... Andes divide the country into three basic natural regions: ... coastal plains, ... mountainous highlands and ... humid tropical lowlands, or ... "Oriente" as the

Ecuadorians call it. These fertile regions are ... refuge of numerous species of animals and plants that increase ... exportable potential of Ecuador to the world. In recent years there has also been ... rapid increase in ... production of flowers, vegetables, and exotic fruit for



Ex. 80. Translate into English.

1. Япония— древняя страна на Дальнем Востоке. 2. Население Российской Федерации— около 150 миллионов человек. 3. Турция располагается на двух континентах — Азии и Европе. 4. Босфор — это про­лив, который соединяет Мраморное море с Черным морем. 5. Наполеон родился на Корсике, острове в Средиземном море. 6. Америка состоит из трех час­тей: Северной Америки, Центральной Америки и Южной Америки. 7. Красное море находится между Северной Африкой и Аравийским полуостровом. 8. Если вы поедете в Египет, то увидите Нил, знаме­нитые пирамиды, «Долину Королей» и «Долину Ко­ролев». 9. Мальта, Кипр, Капри — знаменитые остро­ва. 10. Амударья течет через пустыню Каракум и впадает в Аральское море.


EX. 81.Translate into English.

1. Среди достопримечательностей Москвы можно на­звать Красную площадь, Кремль, Манежную площадь, Тверскую улицу, Большой театр и многие другие. 2. Са­мый большой город в Африке — Каир, столица Егип­та. 3. Печора течет на север и впадает в Баренцево море. 4. Многие люди встречаются у памятника Пушкину на Пушкинской площади. 5. Музей изобразительных ис­кусств находится на Волхонке. 6. Кто получил Нобе­левскую премию в области литературы в 1958 году? 7. Самолет приземлился в аэропорту Майами. 8. Офи­циальная столица королевства Нидерландов — Амстер­дам. Гаага — резиденция голландского правительства и королевского двора. 9. Ватикан является резиденци­ей Римской католической церкви. 10. Берингов про­лив разделяет Америку и Азию. 11. Он корреспондент и работает в «Известиях». 12. Каждую субботу они хо­дят в пивную «Три Дуба» на Цветочной улице.

Ex. 82.Geographic Test.

1. What are the most famous monuments in Moscow? 2. The longest river in Italy has the shortest name, consisting of only two letters. What is it? 3. What is the highest point on Earth? 4. What is the longest street in St. Petersburg? 5. When we think of this river, we picture Paris, the Eiffel Tower and everything that is French. Can you name it? 6. What is the oldest country in the world? 7. What river flows through a city that has a country inside it? 8. Do you know the name of the town where Shakespeare was born? What river does it stand on? Is there any world famous theatre there? 9. Can you say what is the oldest Zoo in the world? 10. Name the smallest country in the world, with the population of just 750 people. 11. What is the biggest ocean in the world? 12. Name the biggest sea on our planet. What is the smallest one? 13. "The Mother of Rivers" — what river in Europe is called so? 14. There is a neutral country in Europe, which actually hasn't been in wars since 1515. What is it? 15. What is the longest river on the globe? Do you know what the second longest is? 16. What is the difference between a channel and a canal? Name the most famous ones. 17. Name the country in Central Europe with the highest population density. 18. What is the most mysterious spot on the Earth's surface? 19. There is a famous city, which is in danger of going under the water. What is it? 20. What are the oldest books in the history of mankind? 21. What are your favourite places in your city, country or in the world?


Ex. 83.Comment on the nouns in bold type.

1.—"I'm looking for a Mr. Silver,"she answered, jumping off her bike. — "Well, you've found him," the man said, "I'm Mr. Silver."2. Amelia told me she had made a will. "It's all for Catherine. She is a Silver.The last of the Silvers.And the land I'm leaving for her has belonged to the Silversfor almost two hundred years." 3. For her part, she had proved herself to be a Jar dinethrough and through. 4. Excuse me, you have a phone call, Meredith. It's a Mrs. Alexander.5. Irina Troubetzkoy's mother had been born a Romanovand was a cousin of Czar Nicholas. 6. David was shocked. "You are painting a very strange picture. That's not the EmmaI know." 7.1 am not the Claudiaof whom you thought, but anunimaginable Claudiafrom whom you would recoil. 8. Dear old Marion!No words can tell how I miss you! 9. Now I do recognize the practical, sensible Trisch,the Woman Who Got Things Done. 10. ... Sergeant,can I ask you to help me? 11. She's as eccentric as hell! And whenever I think of her, I think of scarves. She's always worn masses of them, rain or shine, all kinds of weather. Gwenny's a regular Isadora Duncan,if you ask me. 12. — You are areal Childe Harold! — Andyou are a Don Juan!13. Would you recognize a Shagalfrom a Malevich? 14. — Is Father in? — Notyet, but Mother and Aunthave just come.


Ex. 84.Translate into English.

1. В библиотеке нашего института есть полная «Бри-таника». 2. — Неужели это действительно Васнецов в доме у твоего родственника? — Да, это так. 3. Вас спрашивает какой-то Романов. 4. Я уже не та Ната­ша с которой ты ходил в школу, я выросла. 5. Да ты просто Джеймс Бонд! 6. Лорд Сэндвич изобрел бутер­брод. 7. — Няня дома? — Она гуляет в саду с ребен­ком. 8. Она истинная Ричардсон. И подобно всем Ричардсонам всегда всего добивается. 9. Я собираюсь купить новый словарь — Хорнби или же Коллинз. 10. Национальная галерея купила Гогена на аукцио­не. 11. Мы совсем не узнаем деловую, практичную Марину. Перед нами совершенно другая Марина. 12. Серебровы — большие книголюбы.

Ex. 85.Comment on the nouns in bold type.

1. The house drew her back like a magnet.2. They train like fanatics. 3. Thesea was like black oil.4. There's no fool like an old fool.5. They were like two peasin a pod. 6. The moon shone in the purple sky, like a cointossed up and caught mid-game. 7. My wife looks like acomplete knockoutin this frock. 8. "You mustn't be embarrassed," he murmured in an understanding tone.9. They danced in silence,cheek to cheek. 10. Why are you talking in a whisper?11. Patsy had always been as solid as a rock,hardworking, dependable, devoted and loyal. 12. Gosh, I'm as happy as a pumpkinin a patch to see you! 13. "Your words are not flattering," she replied with a dry smile.14. "I can never be yours," she said with pathos,and he accepted the words with a heavy heart.15. If you had as little money as manners,you'd be the poorest of all the people. 16. They were as different as chalk and cheese.

Ex. 86.Insert the article if necessary.

1. David grinned like ... Cheshire cat. 2. Life is funny, she mused, it's like ... circle. 3. Harris and Ben curled their lips like ... sullen teenagers. 4. Why make yourself miserable with ... jealousy? 5. Carl drove like ... maniac. He had to. 6.1 am as happy as ... clam in ... seaweed. 7. She said it in ... low, thoughtful voice. 8. The women looked like ... typical country matrons. 9. The moon shone like ... promise. 10. On this particular morning, she looked as bright and sparkling as ... brand-new penny. 11. "Another dead end," he said in ... miserable tone. 12.1 am quite breathless with ... admiration. 13. Her spirits were as light as ... air. 14.1 think you may go with ... easy mind. 15. He looks like ... hippie. 16. Why are you looking so gloomy, my love? You've got a face like ... wet weekend.


Ex. 87. A. Match the given phrases with suitable words. Model: l.As easy as pie, ABC.

1. as easy as . 2. as fat as... 3. as cold as... 4. as dead as ... 5. as blind as... 6. as plump as .. 7. as quiet as ... 8. as silent as... 9. as tough as ... 10. as soft as... 11. as black as ... 12. as greedy as . 13. as free as ... 14. cunning as...   the grave a lamb a bat a doornail a fox a bird pie, ABC a pig charity pitch a partridge leather butter soot  


B. Complete the phrases with suitable words Give as many variants as possible.

1. She sings like...

2. She runs like ...

3. She swims like ...

4. She flies like ...

5. It was as light as ...

6. She was as happy as ...

7. She sleeps like ...

8. It was as safe as ...

9. She was as pretty as ...

10. He was as busy as ...

11. A change is as good as ...

12. It was as hard as ...

13. It was as heavy as ...

14. He was as ugly as ...

15. It was as black as...

16. She was as white as...

17. He is as slow as ...

18. He is as merry as ...

19. He is as brave as ...

20. He is as blind as ...

21. He is as limp as ...

22. He is as obstinate as ...

23. It's as old as ...

24. It's as safe as ...

25. He is as deaf as ...

26. He is as drunk as ...

C. Use some of the given above phrases to describe the characters and habits of your friends, relatives, teachers, etc. Mind, that your criticism should be mild and friendly.

Ex. 88.Translate into English.

1. «Извините, но я очень тороплюсь», — сказала она тихо. 2. Если ты хочешь чего-то добиться, то дол­жен крутиться как «белка в колесе». 3. Она хоро­ша как картинка. 4. Она мне как вторая мать. 5. Со­седи отнеслись к нам с пониманием и симпатией. 6. Ричард обращается с ней как с хрустальной вазой. 7. Нэнси могла читать каждого из своих детей как раскрытую книгу. 8. Он подобен кошке, у которой девять жизней — он всегда выходит сухим из воды. 9. Слова обрушились на нее словно электрический шок. 10. Разве ты не понимаешь, что ведешь себя глупым образом? 11. Ты не сообщил мне ничего но­вого. История стара как мир. 12. — Похоже, будет дождь. — А мне кажется, что будет снег. 13. Небо было похоже на бездонный колодец. 14. Я в отчая­нии, а вы ведете себя как безответственные люди. 15. —Я поговорю с ним. — Нет, нет. Это будет слов­но красная тряпка для быка. 16. Честно говоря, для меня мир подобен мыльной опере.

Ex. 89.Comment on the use of articles with nouns in bold type.

I. Amanda always remembered her childhood with a feeling of bittersweet nostalgia.2. He looks like a manof great heart. 3.Olivia Wainright was a woman of impeccable character, high principles, and down-to-earth common sense. 4. Hedid it in the flick of an eyelash. 5.The question was on the tipof her tongue. 6.We'll set off at the crack of dawntomorrow. 7. She knows Yorkshire like the backof her hand. 8. He was a creature of habit. 9. She had a great sense of style.10. We are right in the middle of Christmas preparations now.

II. The face of a personshows what life he has lived. 12. Grammar isn't just a set of rules,is it? 13.1think I could do with a quick cup of coffee. 14. A bar of fruit and nuts chocolateis a good snack. 15. Can you give me a piece of sensible advice?16. They promise a spell of good weather at the end of the month.

Ex. 90.Insert the article if necessary

1. ... beginning of ... detective story should be mysterious and gripping. 2. ... beginning of ... novel was boring but ... end was fantastic. 3. In big cities people have to live in ... blocks of ... flats. 4. Julia worked hard and soon was at ... top of ... class. 5. The snow lay thick on ... roof of ... house. 6. ... roof of ... private house needs regular care. 7. Chris had ... feeling of ... complete and ... utter love. 8. For her, the Union Jack was not merely

... national emblem of Great Britain, but ... symbol of ... justice, ... democracy and ... freedom. 9. ... piece of ... information we've just got is very timely. 10. They sat down on a bench under ... shade of ... weeping willow. 11. ... proof of ... pudding is in the eating. 12. Great treasures lie hidden in ... depths of ... World Ocean. 13. That's ... other side of ... coin, so to say. 14.1 know him like ... palm of my hand.

Ex.91.Translate into English.

1. Этот сыщик пытается добраться до сути дела. 2. На­чиная с ранней весны, крестьяне встают с первым про­блеском зари. 3. Мораль сей басни очень поучитель­на. 4. Стая голубей устроилась на крыше собора. 5. У моего друга обостренное чувство справедливости. 6. Неужели ты веришь, что в том, что он говорит, есть хоть слово правды? 7. Шекспир верил в колесо форту­ны. 8. Круговорот жизни бесконечен, и он никогда не меняется. 9. Судьба человека зависит от очень мно­гих вещей. 10. Высоко в небе мы увидели арку раду­ги. 11. С вершины холма можно увидеть панораму Флоренции. 12. Сердце женщины непредсказуемо. 13. Группа второкурсников изучает итальянский язык. 14. У меня сломалась машина, и теперь мне нужна кругленькая сумма денег, чтобы отремонтировать ее. 15. На рояле стояла фигурка солдата. 16. Фигура ма­некенщицы должна соответствовать определенным требованиям.

Ex. 92.Comment on the use of articles with nouns in bold type.

1. Matilda, a sensitive and brilliant girl, was very quick to learn. 2. The dictionary, a Collins,is the most reliable source of information for me. 3. Ben and Andy, undisciplined boys,drove many teachers to despair. 4. Tatyana, a colleagueof mine, invited us to her birthday party. 5. Pushkin, the great Russian poet,loved autumn very much. 6. Walt Disney, the famous film

animator and producer,created Disneyland, a large pleasure park,which was opened in California in 1955. 7. The next day, a Tuesday,a telegram came. 8. We had some wine for dinner, a bottleof Italian white wine. 9. President Washingtonwas an outstanding man.

10. Who is Prime Ministerof the UK? 11. Was the meeting of the President and the Prime Ministerunofficial? 12. The artist Stubbs painted mostly horses. 13. Colonel Baden-Powell, the founderof the Boy Scout movement, was an Englishman. 14. Mind, it won't work. As long as I'm headof this company, I will handle all of our top customers. 15. As long as I'm here, you'll respect Bruce. He's still chairman. 16.You see, Nigel, as managing directorof Jardine's, I have the last word. 17. The Queenacts on the advice of the Prime Minister.18. Peter the Great, Czarof all Russias, was an out­standing man.


Ex. 93.Insert the article if necessary.

I. Mr. Marshall is a well-known economist, ... expert in his field. 2. ... Princess Margaret is known for her charity work. 3. Helen Westwood, ... professor of philology, studies the slang of teenagers. 4. Tracey, ... monitoress of the group, kept the register. 5. ... Doctor Johnson will accept you in a minute, madam. 6. There lived once two brothers, ... good and unremarkable men. 7. Vladimir Nabokov, ... world-famous Russian writer, was a master of style. 8. Brian is ... personnel manager of our firm. 9. ... King Arthur is often compared with ... czar Peter the Great. 10. Many delegates spoke at the conference: ... chemist Malikov, ... ecologist Nesterova, ... biologist Dimov.

II. ... academician Lichatchyov was a great authority in this country. 12. He is ... President, so he has the last word. 13. Will ... Prime Minister Blair discuss it with ... Queen? 14. We are looking forward to July, ... month of our graduation. 15. I went into the town, ... large village really, looking for a hotel.


Ex. 94.Translate into English.

1. Байрон, великий английский поэт, сражался за сво­боду Греции. 2. Нам очень понравился их дом, неболь­шое двухэтажное строение на берегу реки. 3. Он — президент маленькой южноафриканской республики. 4. У президента были переговоры с премьер-мини­стром. 5. Зимний дворец был построен архитектором Растрелли. 6. Все дети любят Микки Мауса, знамени­того мультипликационного персонажа. 7. Андрей Ти­хонов — глава нашей фирмы. 8. Профессор Николаев был избран деканом математического факультета. 9. Собака, огромная овчарка, охраняла дом по ночам. 10. Дети, озорные подростки, часто приходили к нам поиграть в теннис. 11. На Рождество тетушка Соня и дядя Антон приезжают повидать нас. 12. Мой друг — вице-президент большой компании. 13. Картина, не­большое полотно, стоила целое состояние. 14. Киви, тропический фрукт, богат витамином С.


Ex. 95.Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to the phrases in bold type

Step by stepwe are getting nearer to our goal. 2. They walked from room to room,admiring what they saw. 3. Day after daythings are improving. 4. We've been working side by sidefor so many years. 5. She read the foreign text slowly, line by line. 6.We call each other from time to time.7. The fellow kept grinning from ear to ear. 8. Itwas all a biglie from start to finish. 9.1must tell you that from beginning to endyou acted most foolishly. 10. He is a gentleman from head to toe.11. During the war the family lived from hand to mouth.

12. He keeps all his bank accounts under lock and key.13. Let me announce you now husband and wife. 14. Mother and childshould be protected by State. 15. Time after timeI've tried to walk away from you. 16. The moon was rolling slowly in the sky, from star to star.17. Traffic stood nose to tailall the way down the Strand.


Ex. 96.Complete the sentences with the phrases from the right column.

1. Do you prefer travelling ... or ... ? • in mind

2. If they start ..., they will be ... for • by mistake the train.

• in vain

3. I miss you so much! You are always • by air, ...

by ferry,

4. It was ... or ... that she was saved. by train

5. This Persian carpet is made .... -on time

6. Her son, a sailor, is most of the time • at once,

in time

7. I know him ..., but not personally. • by hand

8. ... you have come! Where have you been • on my mind

9. It's a reliable airline. Planes are always • by chance or by good fortune

10. — Is this book still ... ? — No, it's out of print. • by night or by day

11. We can't say ... what will come out of it. • at sea

12. I must tell you ... that we've lost a • by thumb • on foot

first-rate teacher in Jim

13. — Are they still ... ? — Yes, they • by name. • at last

are going to get married on Sunday

14. My car is out of order again, I'll have • on sale • off-hand

to go ... to the office.

15. We travelled to Britain first..., then and then ... . • in private ..., • in love

16. ... did the parents try to stop him. He wouldn't

listen to them.

17. Sorry, I've taken your keys ....

18. It's most important! Keep it ..., will you?

19. Vadim travelled all over Europe ... .

Ex. 97.Translate into English.

1. День за днем она мечтала о встрече с ним. 2. Они живут душа в душу. 3. Око за око, зуб за зуб. 4. Мы промокли с головы до ног. 5. Начался шторм, и катер швыряло из стороны в сторону. 6. Книга такая инте­ресная, что я знаю ее от корки до корки. 7. Они встре­чали все трудности плечом к плечу. 8. Они пришли на встречу под ручку. 9. Вы когда-нибудь встречались с ним лицом к лицу? 10. Машина и водитель слились в единое целое. 11. У отца и сына должно быть взаи­мопонимание. 12. Хозяин и помощник трудились с утра до ночи. 13. Они неразлучны, словно рука и перчатка. 14. Они очень бедны и живут впроголодь. 15. Дама в красном танцует со мной щека к щеке. 17. Транспорт стоял вплотную на Ленинском проспекте.

Ex. 98.Read and translate the sentences. State what parts of speech are substantivized and explain the use of articles with them.

I. He never stopped looking for the unexpected.2. We reward the courageous and the wounded. 3.This meeting is for me like a jump into the unknown.4. Now I am reading a book by I. Murdock "The Redand the Green". 5.It's still unclear when the officialsare going to take decisive measures. 6. If there is one secret weapon that's possessed by the successful,it is that they are highly organized. 7. Ben often thought regretfully about the past.8. Try to learn to sort the goodfrom the bad.9. The Greeksbuilt a wooden horse that the Troyanstook into the city. 10. Must I understand the answer as a negative?

II. Don't feel jealous, it's a him, not a her I'm dining with tonight. 12.1 hope I'll get a fivefor the test. 13. We talked about what we wanted to do, in the war and after, if there was an after. 14. The play was still running, it was a sell-out at weekends. 15. And the sky now was a hard metallic blue.16. The Downsare an area of low grassy hills in the South of England. 17. The poor man lived among the down-and-outin the city Liverpool.

Ex. 99.Insert the right article.

1. This book is about the dazzling world of ... rich and ... powerful. 2. Come in, come in, out of ... cold. 3. Her coat was ... cast-off from her cousin. 4. Blackie's skin was dark, it was ... nut brown. 5. Things have taken a turn for ... worse. 6. Emma was relieved at last that it was out in ... open. 7. I felt claustrophobic all of ... sudden. 8. He felt just ... opposite. 9. She always tried to see ... best in people. 10. The prospect of a new business deal gave her ... high. 11. Her eyes were ... startling blue. 12. The village was deserted, and it looked as if ... locals had left it. 13. You've said you like the house, and yet there's ... but in your mind; I know you. 14.1 vaguely remember that the house became a home for ... elderly. 15. My father, an archaeologist, seems to prefer ... past to ... present. 16. The Governments of many countries are doing ... near impossible to stop terrorism.


Ex. 100.Use the right article if necessary

1. ... English will endure any amount of ... humiliation and ... suffering if you can promise them ... nice cup of .. tea at ... end of it. 2. There is ... strong tradition of ... hard work and ... good manners in ... English Internet School. And ... terrific atmosphere! 3. At one end of ... town stood ... old church. Most of ... shops lay beyond ... church. 4. ... teddy bear has come out of the nursery and into ... auction room to fetch ... massive prices. ... bears are one of ... few collectables that touch ... heart. They are very loving. 5. ... cosmetic surgery was once ... extravagance of ... rich and famous, but nowadays more and more people are going under ... knife in ... pursuit of ... better body and face. 6. Two thousand years ago 20 000 people lived in ... Pompeii, ... city in ... southern Italy, off ... Bay of ... Naples. ... Pompeii was built at ... foot of ... Vesuvius, ... volcano 4,000 feet high. 7. ... most famous battle in ... English history was ... Battle of Hastings. 8. ... traffic warden is ... man or ... woman who controls car parking in towns. 9. Before ... driver has passed ... driving test, he must carry ... red and white L-plate on... back and on ... front of ... car. 10. ... head of ... Church of England is ... Archbishop of Canterbury.

11. ... emirate is ... country that is ruled by ... emir. ... emir is ... Muslim ruler, especially in ... South-West Asia and ... West Africa. 12. ... British Finance Minister is called ... Chancellor of ... Exchequer. 13. When ... woman agrees to marry ... man, he gives her ... engagement ring. 14. ... head of ... British university is called ... vice-Chancellor. 15. ... life is easier than you would think; all that is necessary is to accept ... impossible, do without ... indispensable, and bear ... intolerable. 16. ... Hawaii is ... state which is composed of many islands in ... middle of ... Pacific Ocean. 17. The people of ... Hawaiian Islands speak the Polynesian language.


Ex. 101. Translate into English

1. Синоптики сообщают, что погода наконец-то меня­ется к лучшему. 2. Мой друг — неисправимый роман­тик. Он верит во все лучшее в людях. 3. Сейчас я чи­таю роман Ф. Достоевского «Униженные и оскорблен­ные». 4. Чем раньше ты примешь решение, тем лучше. 5. Не говорите плохо об отсутствующих. 6. Чем сильнее буря, тем скорее она пройдет. 7. Он из другого мира, он один из избранных, из привилеги­рованных. 8. — Я космополит. — А я консерватор. 9. Небо было бледно-голубого цвета, а море — темно-зеленого. 10. Моя подруга работает в школе для глу­хонемых. 11. Я смотрю новый сериал — «Дерзкие и красивые». 12. Все мы ищем в этой жизни идеал. 13. У молодых и у старых, у бедных и богатых есть свои радости и свои проблемы. 14. Молодец, ты зас­луживаешь пятерку.

Test Your Articles

Ex. 102.Read the text and retell it. Comment on the nouns in bold type.

Venice — La Serenissima.

For these two days Vanessa became Frank's and Bill's guide, showing them places in Venice. These were small, 63

unique art galleries, museums and churches off the beaten track,shops where the best bargainswere to be had, popular eating places favoured by Venetians in the know."Shall we take a gondola up the Grand Canal,Vanessa? It's still the most spectacular trip,isn't it?" Bill asked, feeling a sudden rush of happinesssurging up in him. "Absolutely. And I'd love it. It's ages since I've done it myself, and I guess the Grand Canal personifies Venice, doesn't it? Besides, I find gondolas a very relaxing way to travel."