questions for preparation to examination
Questions for carrying out first boundary control:
1. Concept and basic features of state.
2. Theories of an origin of the state.
3. State machinery.
4. Functions of the state.
5. Forms of the state.
6. Concept and features of legal state.
7. Legal state and a civil society.
8. Concept and basic features of law.
9. Theories of an origin of the law.
10. Sources of the law.
11. Current law in the RK.
12. Concept and types of law violation.
13. Concept and types of legal liability.
14. Modern legal systems.
15. Object, method and sources of constitutional law of the RK.
16. General characteristic of Constitution of the RK 1995.
17. Legal status of person: concept and types.
18. System of constitutional rights, freedoms and duties of person and citizen of the RK.
19. Citizenship: concept and principles.
20. Acquisition and stoppage of citizenship.
21. Concept of constitutional order of the RK.
22. Constitutional-legal status of the President of the RK.
23. Constitutional-legal status of the Parliament of the RK.
24. Constitutional-legal status of the Government of the RK.
25. Constitutional Council of the RK as a body of constitutional control.
26. Constitutional-legal bases of judicial authority of the RK.
27. Constitutional-legal bases of local public administration and self-government in the RK.
28. Electoral law of the RK: concept, principles and features.
29. Features and types of electoral system.
30. System of law-enforcement authorities of the RK.
31. Public administration in the RK.
32. Concept and principles of civil service in the RK.
33. Government of administrative-political sphere.
34. Civil law: object, methods, sources and system.
35. Concept and types of civil legal relationships.
36. Citizens as a subjects of civil rights.
37. Legal entities/incorporated persons as a subject of civil rights.
38. Deal as a cause for origin of civil legal relationships.
39. Legal bases of enterprise in the RK.
40. Right of ownership and other interests in estate.
41. Basic conception of inheritance law.
42. Legal succession.
43. Testamentary succession.
44. Concept and types of obligations.
45. Right of intellectual property.
Questions for carrying out second boundary control:
1. Legal positions of copyright.
2. Family law: object, sources.
3. Enter into a marriage and divorce.
4. Marriage contract.
5. Rights and duties of parents and children. Adoption of child.
6. Guardianship and trusteeship: concept and general characteristic.
7. Alimony relations of family members.
8. Concept, object and method of financial law.
9. Financial system of the RK.
10. Financial control: concept, problems, types and methods.
11. Legal bases of bank credit, money circulation and payments.
12. Bases of currency regulation in the RK.
13. Budgetary law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
14. Fiscal system of the RK.
15. Bodies of fiscal service.
16. Taxes: concept and types.
17. General and special fiscal regimes.
18. Labour law: concept, methods, sources and system.
19. Legal bases of employment and job placement.
20. Individual employment contract.
21. Collective contracts and agreements.
22. Working hours and rest time.
23. Salary. Guarantees and compensations.
24. Protection of labour.
25. Material accountability.
26. Labour dispute/conflicts.
27. Concept of welfare law and its sources.
28. Legal bases of pension service in the RK.
29. Legal bases of compulsory social insurance.
30. Ecological law: object, methods, sources and system.
31. Land law: object, methods, sources and system.
32. Criminal law: object, methods, sources and system.
33. Concept and features of a crime.
34. Criminal liability: concept, reasons of its attachment.
35. Circumstances of acts of excluding criminality.
36. Circumstances of aggravating liability.
37. Circumstances of mitigating liability.
38. Accompliceship/participation in crime.
39. Criminal punishment: concept, features and aims.
40. Anti-corruption practices in Kazakhstan.
41. Liability for commission of a crime connected with corruption.
42. Procedural law: concept, role and value.
43. Object, method, system and principles of civil procedure law.
44. Object, method, system and principles of criminal procedure law.
45. Stages of criminal procedure law.
Exemplary final test tasks:
1. When there was a right?
2. What is the essence of the modern state?
3. What are the organs of the state belong to the representative (legislative) power?
4. What are the organs of the state belong to the executive power in the Republic of Kazakhstan?
5. Which terms are defined as follows: the system of all who have the bodies of power of the state, created to deal with its tasks and exercise its functions?
6. In accordance with the principle of separation of powers, government agencies are divided into
7. The most important characteristic is the authority of the State
8. What is the state?
9. What are the internal functions of the state
10. Of these functions call external function of the state
11. Political (public) mode - it is:
12. What are the signs of their own states distinguish it from other forms of organization of people?
13. Form of Government of RK.
14. Law - is:
15. The fundamental principle of the rule of law is:
16. This is indicative of a dictatorial regime?
17. The principle of law, which essentially consists in the precise and continued compliance with the law of all citizens, officials, state bodies and public associations
18. Rules of conduct established for a long time and actually applied in the habit of not requiring special government coercion
19. The Federation - is:
20. The structure of the relationship:
21. Form of government of RK:
22. What is the form of government, which is a temporary alliance of states to ensure their common interests?
23. Property of the state, as reflected in the rule of state power within the country and the independence of other states:
24. The structure of the law consists of:
25. Relationships - is:
26. The composition of the offense
27. It allowed the ROK dual citizenship?
28. Who decides the issues in the ROK admission to citizenship?
29. Who is the only source of state power in the ROK by the Constitution?
30. The right of citizens to freedom of association should be understood as
31. Which of the following authorities shall have the right to give an official interpretation of the Constitution of the RK?
32. To belong to a particular state, generating a reciprocal legal rights and responsibilities
33. What is the human right to practice any religion in the Constitution of the RK?
34. Who heads the local body in the ROK?
35. Form of government of RK
36. The secular state is ...
37. Republican referendum -
38. Name the body, whose mandate is to decide questions of war and peace
39. Which of the following bodies, is a representative?
40. What is the purpose of the prosecution?
41. Judicial system are:
42. The term of office of Judges:
43. To whom act as the official interpretation of the Constitution
44. Whom shall be appointed Chairman of the Constitutional Council:
45. Where can you appeal the final decision of the Constitutional Council:
46. Who is a life member of the Constitutional Council:
47. When entering into force of the final decision of the Constitutional Council:
48. The issue of the correctness of the referendum rests with the
49. The question of the correctness of the election of the President of RK is assigned to
50. The question of the correctness of the election of deputies of Parliament responsible for
51. Directly subordinate and accountable to the President of RK special central government agency in a unified system of national security
52. Body, shape and identity of the transaction, the acts and facts of legal significance?
53. What is not included in the tasks of the Interior?
54. The decision to grant a license to practice as an advocate shall:
55. What is beyond the scope of national security?
56. That does not have the legal forms of governance:
57. Enter the two basic forms of management:
58. The legal forms of management include:
59. Control depending on the subjects divided into:
60. Grounds for the classification of acts of state government:
61. Administrative rules regulating:
62. Sources of administrative law are:
63. What are the regulations issued by governments?
64. In accordance with the laws of public associations are recognized:
65. Enter the main feature of the administrative - legal relations:
66. Classification of the executive bodies at central and local is based on:
67. Akim regions, cities and the capital shall be appointed:
68. Which of the following constitutional rights do not have foreign nationals on the territory of Kazakhstan
69. Which of the following duties are typical only for foreign nationals and stateless persons?
70. The State Service provides a:
71. Administrative detention:
72. Specify the attributes of an administrative offense:
73. Which of the elements of administrative law shall determine the measures of administrative punishment.
74. What is not a source of administrative law?
75. What requirement is mandatory for those entering government service:
76. Disciplinary liability of civil servants comes:
77. Which of these sentences shall not apply to public servants
78. The objectives of administrative warning:
79. The purpose of the administrative measures of restraint:
80. Point out the distinguishing feature of the administrative responsibility of discipline:
81. Administrative charges shall be:
82. At what age is a natural person shall be subject to administrative responsibility:
83. An administrative offense is:
84. Financial responsibility is:
85. Administrative - legal relations are:
86. Disposal of their assets in case of death, made in the statutory form of legal significance
87. What body can limit the capacity of citizen?
88. Protection of the interests and rights of the incapacitated person in civil and family law:
89. The right of ownership - is:
90. The deal - is:
91. If there are any conditions possible recognition of the individual who died:
92. Parties to the contract of sale may be
93. Buyer the right to trade non-food goods within:
94. In the absence of the necessary exchange of goods from the seller the buyer is entitled:
95. Types of inheritance:
96. Capacity - is:
97. At what age is due in full civil capacity in the ROK?
98. Types of legal persons under civil law:
99. A natural person under civil law - it's ...
100. What relations are governed by civil law:
101. What is meant by the capacity of citizens:
102. In which case, the legislator allows for the emergence of full legal capacity to adulthood:
103. Finances are divided into the following types:
104. Which of the following currencies are fully reversible
105. What is the object of exchange control
106. By currency values include:
107. What is the subject of the tax
108. The budget law, as a branch of law, consists of:
109. What is the subject of financial law
110. Who approved the national budget
111. Who developed the state budget
112. Who in Kazakhstan set the exchange rate
113. Who provides budget execution
114. Normal working hours must not exceed:
115. Working hours for employees aged 17 years shall not exceed:
116. Working hours for employees under the age of fourteen to sixteen years shall not exceed:
117. Overtime work shall be permitted
118. Overtime work with very dangerous working conditions must not exceed:
119. The subject of environmental law are:
120. In the subject of criminal law include: