Arguments in Support of Censorship

We'll now get into the reasons of why censorship is good and something all countries must practice even if the system is liberal like in the United States and others like it.


When it comes to derogatory music related to religion or other sensitive issues, it is usually banned from being aired on the radio, with only pirated sites being able to view these as downloads. Even profane lyrics are silenced to avoid listeners from hearing abusive content. Usually music artists record two versions of the same song, one in its explicitness and the other in a clean format. Genres are treated differently depending on what the lyrics convey. The more controversial the song, the higher the chances of the band / musician suffering from severe censorship rules.


There are certain authors who pen down details of an unstable topic, aggravating readers who find it going against their belief system or culture. Like the infamous Salman Rushdie who's book spurred not just anger and a censorship in India banning the distribution of his books, but a rage against the author to a point of driving him out of his own country. He now takes refuge beyond its borders for fear of being killed by the opposition. Certain books when they cross a fine line between what is acceptable and what is not, are often banned from readers and public circulation.


Certain content is withheld from public viewing simply because content shown is of an explicit and obscene nature, that must be monitored before viewing. Some censor boards allow the movie / documentary / television series to be viewed although blurring or cutting out the part in the sequence of events. Children and those who are too young to watch the said graphic material, aren't allowed to dabble in such immoral content. There is a 'Parental Guidance' warning with even age-specific messages for a movie,which is a practice for adults to monitor television time. Even some websites have these before one ventures forward into its content.

Internet / Magazines

Certain countries ban the distribution of magazines that feature pornographic content, including those like Penthouse and Playboy for their vulgarity and openness towards the exposed human body through print. The Internet is a behemoth in our present media age, and the content that it provides (some of which is freely viewable) is questionable and extremely uncouth. Child pornography is a major industry that is a red alert area for the government and censorship boards, where usually these sites are either banned or shut down for good. Other kind of content that features sexual material like bedroom "toys", nude advertisements and imagery are all under control in countries that severely go against such content.

Media censorship needs to be exercised to a great extent, given the situation the world is in when it comes to such shady arenas. When keeping the young in mind, one is forced to imply such rules where even otherwise it is abhorrent to put on display.



1. Why is censorship necessary?

2. Who is greatly affected by the media?

3. Why do music artists usually record two versions of the same song?

4. What are the examples of music censorship?

5. Why are certain books often banned from readers and public circulation?

6. What does “television censorship” mean?

7. How parents can monitor television time for their children?

8. Do you agree with the following statement

· The Internet is a behemoth in our present media age, and the content that it provides (some of which is freely viewable) is questionable and extremely uncouth?

9. Why does media censorship need to be exercised to a great extent?

10. Summarize the text.

Text 5

Censorship and the Arts

By Robert Fulton Drive[37]

The freedom to create and to experience works of art is essential to our democracy. At present this freedom is under attack. Private groups and public leaders in various parts of the nation are attempting to remove certain artworks from public display, to censor exhibitions, to label particular works as “controversial”, and to identify some artworks and artists as “objectionable”.

These actions arise from a view that censorship is needed in order to avoid the subversion of politics and the corruption of morals. Moreover, it is not only artworks that are being subjected to efforts at suppression. These efforts are related to a larger pattern of pressure being brought against education, the press, film, and television. It is important to note that even when such efforts do not actually suppress particular types of expression, they cast a shadow of fear which leads to voluntary curtailment of expression by those who seek to avoid controversy. The arts cannot thrive in such a climate of fear.

Art educators should be deeply concerned over efforts at any kind of suppression of works of art. Freedom of expression is guaranteed by the Constitution. This freedom of expression includes both verbal expression—speech and writing; and non-verbal expression, which includes the “language” of the various arts.

Free communication is essential to the preservation of a free society and a creative culture. Now, as always in our history, artworks—literature, theatre, painting, sculpture, music, and dance, are among our most effective instruments of freedom. They are powerful means for making available ideas, feelings, social growth, the envisioning of new possibilities for humankind, solutions to problems, and the improvement of human life.

On the other hand, suppression of ideas and of artistic expression leads to conformity, the limiting of diversity of expression to a narrow range of "acceptable" forms, and the stifling of freedom.

As art educators in a free society, we confirm the following:

· Freedom of expression in the arts must be preserved.

· The individual has the right to accept or reject any work of art for himself or herself personally, but does not have the right to suppress those works of art to which he or she may object or those artists with whom he or she does not agree. The free individual and the free society do not need a censor to tell what should be acceptable or unacceptable, and should not tolerate such censorship. All censorship is contrary to democratic principles.

· It is the duty of the art educator to confront students with a diversity of art experiences and to enable students to think critically. The art educator need not like or endorse all images, ideologies, and artists he or she makes available to students, but should allow the individual student to choose from among widely conflicting images, opinions, and ideologies. While some works of art may indeed be banal and trivial, and some works may be repugnant and unacceptable to some individuals, the art educator should insist upon the right of every individual to freely express and create in his or her own way and to experience, accept, or reject any particular work of art.

· The art educator should impress upon students the vital importance of freedom of expression as a basic premise in the free democratic society and urge students to guard against any efforts to limit or curtail that freedom.



1. Why is the freedom to create and to experience works of art under attack at present?

2. Do you agree with the statement that censorship is needed in order to avoid the subversion of politics and the corruption of morals?

3. What does the freedom of speech include? Analyze the definitions below.

Fig. 5.1 Freedom of Speech Definitions

4. Why is free communication essential to the preservation of a free society and a creative culture?

5. How must freedom of expression in the arts be preserved?

6. Why is all censorship contrary to democratic principles?

7. Why should the art educator impress upon students the vital importance of freedom of expression?

8. Why should the art educator insist upon the right of every individual to freely express and create in his or her own way?

9. Do you agree that it is the duty of the art educator to confront students with a diversity of art experiences and to enable students to think critically?

10. Summarize the text.

Text 6