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Read the rules for computer ergonomics and name the main rules.

The Rules for Computer Ergonomics


The following are some rules for computer ergonomics to help you maintain the safest positions while working at or using a computer:

Working position. If you are working at a computer, the way you sit and align(вирівнювати) your body will affect you. The ideal situation and set up would include:

a) The top of the monitor should be situated at or below eye level.

b) Head and neck are balanced and in line with the torso, so you are sitting up straight in your chair and not hunched (згинатися) over the keyboard.

c) The elbows are supported and close to the body, with the wrists and hands in line with the forearms (передпліччя).

d) Lower back should be supported in an ergonomic chair or with a pillow. Stools should be avoided when sitting at a computer.

e) The feet should be flat on the floor.

Placement of components. Where the components of your desk and computer are placed is also important to your overall health.

Computer monitor. Ideally, your monitor should be situated so you don’t have to strain(розтягувати) your neck and lean forward to look at it. You don’t want to have it too close or too far from you, as this can result in blurred vision. In addition, it should be placed in an area where there is sufficient lighting and reduced glare.

Key board: The placement and support of the keyboard are also important, as continual typing puts you at increased risk for carpal tunnel syndrome (тунельний синдром зап’ястя). Your keyboard should be placed so that your arms are parallel with the floor.

Computer mouse: The mouse should be placed so that it allows for a straight, neutral wrist position. You can use a mouse pad with a special wrist support so you can keep this neutral position.

Desk: Your desk should have sufficient space for your computer, mouse, phone, documents, and anything else so you are not cramped or overcrowded. The desk should also be made so a chair can fit comfortably under it, and your knees are not hitting drawers or supportive structures for the desk.

Chair: Your chair should allow you to be level with the computer screen while at the same time providing sufficient support for your back.

Computer ergonomics allow you to work with a computer more comfortably. The above rules will help you to follow computer ergonomic guidelines so you will have the least amount of stress on your eyes and joints as possible

Talking points.

1) Describe the ideal conditions of work for computer operator. Do you think that it is a task of safety engineer to check the working conditions of the computer operators?

2) While reading this unit did you change your opinion about the safety of computers?

3) According to the scientific investigation these signs show you addiction to computer. Do you agree with them? Why?


(Compulsively checking e-mails; failing to use the computer less, even when you make an effort to cut back; ignoring family and work obligations, and even personal hygiene and health; devoting more time to cyber friends than real friends and family; and hiding how much time you spend on the computer from loved ones are just a few of the signs of computer addiction.)


1. The presence of cactus pots …… harmful influence intensity of display electromagnetic radiation.

a) decrease b) increase c) conduct d) avoid


2. Computer radiation spectrum consists of wide range of electromagnetic waves other….