Несостоявшиеся великие компании


В период бурного роста глава Burroughs, «умнейший, но жесткий чело­век», провел масштабный реинжениринг. Сокращение расходов породило проблемы с дисциплиной, хорошие специалисты начали уходить. Выбрали слабого руководителя. Преемник не справился и его заменил «выдающийся, стремительный, исключительно амбициозный» глава фирмы, который выра­ботал новое направление развития, обвинив во всех невзгодах прежнее руко­водство. Еще одна массивная реорганизация, 400 руководителей ушли в от­ставку. На стенах были развешаны плакаты, восхваляющие новую программу. Компанию снова перестроили. Снова сменили генерального директора, кото­рый снова попытался запустить новую программу реструктуризации и изме­нить направление развития. Очередная неудача, и снова новый генеральный директор.12


Пять лет прекрасных результатов, а затем откат обратно в кризисное состояние. «Как и многие пациенты с сердечными проблемами, мы пережили срочную операцию несколько лет назад только для того, чтобы вернуться к нашему нездоровому образу жизни», - писал один из менеджеров. Распыление внимания: итальянские спортивные машины, корпоративные самолеты и обо­ронная промышленность. Несколько улучшили свои показатели в 1990-е, но затем продались Daimler.13


Поднялись в период правления главы фирмы, у которого была «концеп­ция ежа» и который добился некоторого прогресса в раскручивании махови­ка. Но он не смог добиться того, чтобы команда руководителей поняла и приняла эту концепцию. Позже, когда он вышел на пенсию, руководство заменило «концепцию ежа» мантрой «рост». Harris начала бизнес автомати­зации офисов, что обернулось крахом, затем пустилась в не связанные друг с другом поглощения. Приобрела ярко выраженный синдром «продать запах с кухни, но не приносить бифштекс». Маховик заклинило.14


Hasbro — одна из компаний, отобранных для сравнения, которой почти удалось стать великой. Добилась выдающихся результатов, следуя своей «кон­цепции ежа», воскрешая классические игрушки, такие как «Солдат Джо». К сожалению, архитектор программы трансформации умер очень молодым. Его преемник был скорее руководителем 3 уровня (компетентный менеджер), чем пятого. Маховик замедлился. Глава компании объявил реструктуризацию и нанял кого-то со стороны, чтобы восстановить прежние темпы роста.15


Если и была компания, миновавшая стадию накопления потенциала, то это Rubbermaid. Ее глава запустил «полную реструктуризацию компании, весь­ма драматичный и травматический шаг». Рост стал мантрой, рост во что бы то ни стало, даже в ущерб долгосрочному раскручиванию маховика. Когда генеральный директор вышел на пенсию, стало очевидно, что он был основ­ной движущей силой, у него не было команды, которая руководствовалась бы «концепцией ежа». Движение маховика замедлилось, компания заболела бо­лезнью реструктуризации и продажи будущего без конкретных результатов сегодня. Rubbermaid потеряла свой титул «самой любимой компании Амери­ки» журнала Fortune's и была куплена Newell всего через пять лет.16


Teledyne поднялась и пала под гениальным руководством одного челове­ка - Генри Синглтона, по прозвищу Сфинкс. «Концепция ежа» компании была, по сути: следуйте за мозгами Генри. Синглтон осуществил более 100 поглоще­ний в областях от электроники до экзотических металлов. Проблемы возник­ли, когда Синглтон ушел на пенсию и унес с собой свои мозги. Teledyne полетел вниз по спирали, потом слился с Allegheny. 17


ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 8.А Примечания

1"Hermit Kingdom", The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 12,1958, l:6;"Remodeling the A&P," Business Week, March 23, 1963, 36;"Ailing A&P", The Wall Street Journal, April 21,1964, l:6;"NewMen For A&P's Top Rungs",Business Week, June 20,1964,32;"A&P Reorganization Is Announced; Move Takes Effect February 24", The Wall Street Journal, January 15, 1969, 4:2;"A&P—Awakening Giant", Financial World, February 25, 1970, 5;"Great Expectations", Barrens, January 19, 1970, 5;"Renewing A&P? Business Week, February 20, 1971, 68;"How A&P Got Creamed", Fortune, January 1973, 103;"A&P Goes Outside Ranks For First Time, Picks Scott To Assume Eventual Command", The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 11, 1974, 8:2.

2"IBM's New Copier", Business Week, March 22, 1976;"Addressograph Gets Ash and $2.7 Million", Business Week, October 4, 1976;"How to Nip Away at the Xerox Market", Business Week, November 8, 1976;"Roy Ash's Challenge", Newsweek, December 13, 1976;"Roy Ash is Having Fun at Addressogrief-Multigrief", Fortune, February 27, 1978;"Coup at AM; Roy Ash Resigns Under Fire", Time, March 23, 1981;"Curious Tale of Mr. Black", Financial Times, February 27, 1982;"AM Files Chapter 11 Petition", New York Times, April 15, 1982.

3 Gary Hector, Breaking the Bank: The Decline of BankAmerica (Little Brown & Company, 1988); "At BankAmerica a New Regime Strives to Reverse Declines", The Wall Street Journal, May 20,1982,1; "The Cost to Armacost", Economist, February 16, 1985, 76; "Bank of America Rushes into the Information Age", Business Week, April 15,1985,110; "Sam Armacost's Sea of Troubles", Banker, September 1,1985, l;"Schwab Joins the Ranks of Bank of America Dropouts", Business Week, August 25, 1986, 37; "Add Security Pacific to Bank of America", The Wall Street Journal, August 13, 1991, Al; "BankAmerica Finds it Got a Lot of Woe", The Wall Street Journal, July 22, 1993, Al.

4 John Strohmeyer, Crisis in Bethlehem (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1994); "Bethlehem Steel", The Wall Street Journal, May 13,1977, 4; "Bethlehem Sets New Pay Reduction", The Wall Street Journal, January 21,1983, 5; "Bethlehem to Ask Probe", The Wall Street Journal, January 24, 1984, 2; "Making Retirees Share the Pain", Business Week, April 16, 1984, 50; "Bethlehem Plans Further Cuts", The Wall Street Journal, January 15, 1985, 2; "Is Bethlehem Investing in a Future it Doesn't Have", Business Week, July 8 1985, 56; "Bethlehem Exits Freight Car Building", Journal of Commerce, November 1, 1991, 2B; "Faded Glory", Forbes, March 16, 1992, 40.

5 "Video Follies", Forbes, November 5, 1984, 43; "Tandy agrees to buy Assets of Eckerd unit", The Wall Street Journal, July 5, 1985, 4 "Diversification Appeals", Chain Store Age Executive, August 1,1979,81; "Video Follies", Forbes, November 5,1984,43-45; "Tandy Agrees to Buy Assets of Eckerd Unit", The Wall Street Journal, July 5, 1985, 4; "Jack Eckerd Holders will Receive All Cash in a $1.2 Billion Buyout", The Wall Street Journal, April 21, 1986, 31; "J.C. Penney Gets Eckerd Shares", The Wall Street Journal, December 18,1996, BIO.

6 Great WesternrGreat Western Financial Corporation: Remarks by James F. Montgomery, President, to the Security Analysts of San Francisco, March 8, 1977, The Wall Street Transcript, April 25,1977,46873-46874; Great Western: Great Western Financial Corporation: Remarks by James F.Montgomery, Chairman and President, to the Security Analysts of San Francisco, November 9,1981, The Wall Street Transcript, December 21,1981,64131 -64132; Great Western: Great Western Financial Corporation (GWF): James F. Montgomery, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, to the Los Angeles Society of Financial Analysts, September 11,1984, The Wall Street Transcript, October 22, 1984, 75659-75660; "Great Western: The Corporation: Strategies: How Playing It Safe Worked For Great Western: It waited until regulations eased to go on a buying spree", Business Week, September 7, 1987, 70; "Great Western: Corporate Focus: Great Western Financial Seeks to Chart a Fresh Course: No. 2 U.S. Thrift Faces Burden of Soured Home Loans, Bloated Overhead", The Wall Street Journal, May 17, 1993, B4.

7 Burrough & Helyar, Barbarians at the Gate (Harper Perennial, 1990); "Cigarette Conglomerate", Financial World, February 5, 1969, 4; "Voyage into the Unkown" Forbes, December 1,1971,30; "When Marketing Takes Over at R.J. Reynolds", Business Week, November 13, 1978, 82.

8 "A Paper Tiger Grows Claws," Business Week, August 23, 1969, 100-102; "No-Longer-So-Great Scott", Forbes, August 1, 1972, 25; "Now an outsider will run Scott Paper", Business Week, April 23, 1979, 39, 42; "Scott a paper tiger", Advertising Age, November 3, 1980, 96; "Scott Paper's new Chief", Business Week, November 30,1981, 62; "Scott isn't lumbering anymore", Fortune, September 30, 1985, 48-55; "Bermuda Triangle," Forbes, January 6, 1992, 284; "Al Dunlap: an Insider's View", Navigator, December 1997;"Did CEO Dunlap save Scott Paper-or just pretty it up? The Shredder", Business Week, January 15,1996.

9 "Silo, Discount Appliance Chain, Enjoys Payoff from Hard Sell", Barren's, March 29,1971, 35; "An Appliance Dealer with Real Clout", Business Week, November 6, 1971, 76; "Cyclops Acquires Silo", The Wall Street Journal, October 16, 1979, 5; "Dixons Makes $384 Million US Bid", Financial Times, February 18, 1987, 1; "Silo-Dixons Power: How Far Can It Reach" Consumer Electronics, November 1988, 14; "Dixons Strategic Move into Los Angeles Area" Financial Times, November 12,1989, 10; "Shake-up at Silo", Discount Store News, March 4,1991,1; "Dixons Tightens Grip on Silo", HFD-The Weekly Home Furnishings Newspaper, February 3, 1992, 77.

10 "Upjohn: Two Upjohn Antibiotics Barred From Sale; PDA-Drug Company Confrontation is Seen", The Wall Street Journal, May 15,1969,38; "Upjohn: Tweedle Dee: Upjohn can't ever seem to do quite as well in ethical drugs as Tweedle Dum, its corporate lookalike, Eli Lilly, which is not great shakes either", Forbes, March 1,1970, 65-66; "Upjohn: Two Upjohn Drugs Linked to 32 Deaths Needn't Be Banned, FDA Aide Testifies", The Wall Street Journal, January 30, 1975, 14; "Upjohn: Hair-Raising Happenings at Upjohn (Testing a cure for baldness, the company squirms at the unwelcome clamor)", Fortune, April 6,1981,67-69; "Upjohn: R&D Scoreboard: Drugs", Business Week, June 22,1987,145; "Upjohn: Upjohn's Stock Falls on Study's Claim Its Anti-Baldness Drug Has Side Effects", The Wall Street Journal, February 9, 1988, 2; "Upjohn: Law: Upjohn Settles Liability Suit Over Halcion Sleeping Pill", The Wall Street Journal, August 12,1991, B2.

11 "Gillette President S.K. Hensley Resigns to Accept Presidency of Warner-Lambert", The Wall Street Journal, June 21, 1967, 32; "Say Little, Do Much", Forbes, December 1, 1974, Page 52; "After the Diversification That Failed", Business Week, February 28,1977,58; "Turning W-L into a Marketing Conglomerate" Business Week, March 5, 1979, 60; "Hagan Outlines Strategic Plan", PR Newswire, October 29, 1980; "Beating the Japanese in Japan", Forbes, April 27,1981,44.

12"Things Are Adding Up Again at Burroughs", Business Week; March 11, 1967, 192;"How Ray Macdonald's Growth Theory Created IBM's Toughest Competitor", Fortune, January, 1977, 94;"A Tough 'Street Kid' Steps in at Burroughs", Business Week, October 29, 1979, 50;"Will a Shake-Up Revive Burroughs?" Business Week, May 4, 1981, 53;"Can Burroughs Catch Up Again?" Forbes, March 28, 1983, 78.

13 Robert A. Lutz, Guts: The Seven Laws of Business that Made Chrysler the World's Hottest Car Company (NewYork John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998), 27 "President lacocca", The Wall Street Journal, June 28,1982, 1; "Is there life after lacocca", Forbes, April 8, 1985, 75; "Lee lacocca's Time of Trouble", Fortune, March 14,1988, 79; "Can lacocca Fix Chrysler Again?" Fortune, April 8 1991, 50; "After Lee", The Economist, March 21, 1992, 70; "How Chrysler Filled Detroit's Biggest Shoes", The Wall Street Journal, September 7, 1994, Bl; "Daimler-Benz Will Acquire Chrysler in $36 Billion Deal That Will Reshape Industry", The New York Times, May 7,1998, Al:6.

14"Harris-Intertype, Radiation Inc Directors Approve Merger pact Valued at $39 million", The Wall Street Journal, April 3, 1967, 30;"Critical Mass?" Forbes, April 15, 1976, 86;"Technology Transfer's Master," Business Week, October 10, 1977,120;"Harris Corp.'s Remarkable Metamorphosis," Forbes, May 26, 1980, 45;"Harris Corp.'s Bold Strategy," Forbes, April 25, 1983, 96;"Harris is Raising its Bet on the Office of the Future," Business Week, July 18, 1983, 134;"Harris Corp. Elects Hartley to Added Post of ChiefT The Wall Street Journal, April 1, 1986, 45;"New Harris President Prefers Growth to Downsizing," U.P.I., April 23, 1993.

15 "Hasbro: On a Roll: Toymaker Hasbro Continues String of 25% Yearly Growth," Barren's, July 19,1982,40; "Hasbro: Hasbro Toys Find Profits In Tradition," The Wall Street Journal, December 12,1983, 29, 53; "Hasbro: News: Hasbro gets its guns: Stephen Hassenfeld's loading up for battle," Industry Week, April 30,1984, 17-18; "Hasbro: Silver: A Play on Toys: Hasbro ВгаШеуЪ Hassenfeld," Financial World, April 16, 1985, 29; "Hasbro: Merry Christmas: It Has Already Come for Hasbro, Biggest U.S.Toymaker," Barren's, December 23, 1985,34; "Hasbro: The Corporation: Strategies: How Hasbro Became King of the Toymakers: With $1.2 Billion in Sales and $99 Million in Profits, it is Now No. 1 Worldwide," Business Week, September 22, 1986,90-92; "Hasbro: Marketing: Toys: It's Kid Brother's Turn to Keep Hasbro Hot: Alan Hassenfeld must fill big shoes at the toymaker," Business Week, June 26, 1989, 152-153.

16 "Rubbermaid: Sincere tyranny (Why has Stanley Gault spent the last four years moving and shaking at Rubbermaid? It was a case of serious problems masked by cheery numbers)," Forbes, January 28, 1985, 54-55; "Rubbermaid: Rubbermaid emerges a 'clear' winner; food storage containers," Chain Store Age—General Merchandise Trends, October 1986, 67; "Why the Bounce at Rubbermaid?: The company sells humdrum goods in a mature market, and most of its competitors undercut its prices. But it has double sales and tripled earnings in the past six years," Fortune, April 13, 1987, 77-78; "Rubbermaid: America's most admired company," Fortune, Feburary 7, 1994, 50-54; "Rubbermaid: From the most admired to just acquired how Rubbermaid managed to fail," Fortune, November 23, 1998, 32-33.

I7"Henry Singleton's Singular Conglomerate," Forbes, May 1,1976,38;"Two PhDs Turn Teledyne Into a Cash Machine," Business Week, November 22, 1976, 133;"The Sphinx Speaks," Forbes, February 20, 1978, 33;"Teledyne's Winning Roster," Forbes, August 17,1981,35;"Parting With Henry Singleton: Such Sweet Sorrow For Teledyne?," Business Week, April 9,1990,81;"Teledyne to Pay $17.5 Million To Settle U.S. Criminal Charges," The Washington Post, October 6,1992, D6;"Teledyne Struggles to Recapture Magic of Yesterday," The Wall Street Journal, November 22, 1993, B4:3;"Richard Simmons to Share Spotlight At Allegheny Teledyne, Sees 'Good' Fit," The Wall Street Journal, April 3, 1996, B8:4.