She told how she was learning to swim
She had been receiving beautiful long letters that winter from Master Jervie (with typewritten envelopes). And every week or so she received a very scrawly epistle(короткое послание), usually on yellow tablet paper from Jimmie.
She had been elected a member of the Senior Dramatic Club.
In sociology she was writing a paper on the Care of Dependent Children.
Julia was going abroad. Judy would never attempt the Adirondacks again as she had been discouraged the previous year. Judy was going to spend the summer at the seaside with a Mrs Charles Paterson and tutor(учить) her daughter who was to enter college in the autumn. She met her through the McBrides, and she was a very charming woman, Judy was to give lessons in English and Latin to the younger daughter. She would be earning 50$ a month. She finished at Magnolia (that was where she lived) the 1st of September and was going to spend 3 weeks at Lock Willow Farm.
She was getting independent.
3rd summer:
Daddy wished to send her to Europe that summer and she was intoxicated by the idea, but she decided to refuse.
She told Jervis that Daddy had invited her to go with a lady who was chaperoning a party of girls. He insisted on her going to Europe. He said it was a necessary part of her education and that she mustn’t think of refusing. They quarreled.
She packed her trunk and came up Magnolia. She was at Cliff Top (the name of Mrs Paterson’s cottage).
Florence (the little one) was a most uncommonly spoiled child; Judy would have to teach her first how to study – she had never in her life concentrated on anything more difficult than ice cream soda water.
She taught the girls Latin, English and algebra. She didn’t know how Marion (the second daughter) was going to get into college, or stay in after got there. Florence was helpless, but such a little beauty. [stupid but beautiful]
She received a letter from Jervis in Paris; she was not quite forgiven yet for refusing following his advice. If he came back in time, he would see her at Lock Willow Farm.
She received a letter from Sallie, she wanted her to come to their camp for 2 weeks. She decided not to ask Daddy for permission and go there. She wanted to have a rest and wanted Master Jervie to arrive at Lock Willow and fid her not here.
‘I must show him that he can’t dictate me. No one can dictate to me but you, Daddy – and you can’t always’.
She was at Adirondacks. Daddy’s letter hadn’t come in time. ‘If you wish your instructions to be obeyed, you must have your secretary transmit(передавать) them less than 2 weeks’.
Jervis had decided not to go to Lock Willow as he had accepted an invitation to go yachting with some friends. He knew all the time that Judy had been with the McBrides, for Julia had told him so. ‘You men ought to leave intrigue to women; you haven’t a light enough touch’.
4th study year:
She returned to the college. She was a Senior and an editor of Monthly.
Julia had a trunkful of the most ravishing(восхитительный) new clothes – an evening dress of rainbow Liberty crepe that would be fitting for the angels in Paradise.
Judy had copied Mrs Paterson’s wardrobe with the aid of a cheap dressmaker. She was entirely happy until Julia unpacked. ‘But now - I live to see Paris!’
She had been writing a book, all the previous winter in the evenings and all the summer. She had just finished it before college opened and sent it to a publisher. He kept it 2 month, and sent it back.
The editor’s opinion: ‘Plot is highly improbable(неправдоподобен). Characterization exaggerated(преувеличены). Conversation unnatural. A good deal of humor but not always in the best of taste. Tell her to keep trying, and in time she may produce a real book’.
She was planning to surprise Daddy by writing a great novel before she graduated. She collected the material for it while she was at Julia’s last Xmas. She burnt the novel.
Next morning she woke up with a beautiful new plot.
New subjects: biology (very interesting subject), philosophy – interesting but evanescent.
She believed absolutely in her own free.
Daddy had sent her 17 Xmas presents.
She sent him the necktie which she knit with her own hands.
She asked Daddy for 1000$ for a 24-year-old girl (who was a dressmaker for 1.50$ a day) and for her family as they have 6 children (4 visible and 2 boys have disappeared into the world to make their fortune) as his father worked in a glass factory and got consumption(чахотка).
She had been laid up with swollen tonsils(миндалевидные железы) for 2 days.
She received a cheque from Daddy and was very thankful.
They were reading Samuel Pepys. It seemed a little early to commence entertaining.
Sallie and Judy came to Lock Willow Farm for ten days on the Easter Vacation because there was quiet and they had been tired.
She began to write a book about the JGH – about the tiny little things that had happened every day. ‘Master Jervie and that editor man were right; you are most convincing(убедительный) when you write about the things you know’. She abandoned romanticism and became a realist.
Commencement was coming in 3 weeks from the future Wednesday. Judy wanted Daddy to come. ‘I shall hate you if you don’t’.