E) level of a public danger
Examination test
Basics of Law
Variant 4
1. What is the essence of a modern state?
a) state is the weapon of class priority;
b) state is a meaning of enforcement;
c) state is an organized violation of one class over the other;
d) state is an institution of compromise and approaching of common wealth;
e) state is the organization of political power and is the instrument of social compromise, softening and overcoming of controversies in the society as well as fulfilling of common deals and specific class tasks.
Choose the external function of the country.
a) defense of the country;
b) protection of rights and freedoms of a person ;
c) taxation;
d) ecology;
e) social functions.
Name the feature of legal state.
a) priority of law, human rights and freedoms;
b) republican form of governing;
c) institution of presidency;
d) borders of state;
e) different peoples and nationalities.
e) 4 Highest Constitutional control is fulfilled by –
a) Parliament of the RK;
b) President of the RK;
c) Prosecution Council;
d) Constitutional Council of the RK;
e) KNB.
5 Who is the only official representative of all society, all population united by the feature of citizenship?
a) party;
b) public organizations;
c) religious organizations;
d) state;
e) any power institution in the society.
Choose the external function of the country.
a) country defense;
b) protection of rights and freedoms of a person ;
c) taxation;
d) ecology;
e) social functions.
7 What RK bodies run justice?
a) prosecuting council;
b) high and local courts;
c) arbitrary courts;
d) special and extraordinary courts;
e) constitutional court.
8 What is the CIS form of structure?
a) unitary state;
b) federative state;
c) commonwealth;
d) empire;
e) international organization.
9 Social norms are –
a) rules of behavior to regulate relationship between people;
b) peoples’ attitude towards nature, technique, tools and means of production;
c) technical norms which are in the legislature;
d) rules of behavior based on mentality and honor;
e) rules of behavior set up as a result of voluntary agreement of people.
Name the element of legal norm which strengthens the rule of behavior by means of giving rights and obligations.
a) presumption;
b) juridical function;
c) disposition;
d) hypothesis;
e) sanction.
11 Duration of the week working hours for adolescents from 16 – 18 are:
a) 41 hours;
b) 36 hours;
c) 40 hours
d) 25 hours;
e) 18 hours
Name the bank of the first tie
13 Point out the necessary document to the job:
a) matriculation book;
b) certificate of marriage;
c) social individual code (SIC);
d) Labor Code;
e) TV instruction.
14 What body can resist a person in his capability?
a) Registrar Office (ЗАГС);
b) Akimat;
c) Government;
d) Court;
e) Prosecuting Council.
15 Power is conducted in the form of:
a) Parliament;
b) Maslikhat;
c) Constitution;
d) Referendum;
e) Court.
16 What body can resist a person in his capability?
a) Registrar Office (ЗАГС);
b) Akimat;
c) Government;
d) Court;
e) Prosecuting Council.
17 Sources of Law in the RK:
a) moral norms;
b) corporative norms;
c) political parties programs, talks of state leaders;
d) customs and traditions;
E) norms of law
18 Highest Constitutional control is fulfilled by:
a) Parliament of the RK;
b) President of the RK;
c) Prosecution Council;
d) Constitutional Council of the RK;
e) KNB.
19 Crime object is:
A) action or inaction;
b) secured public relations;
c) public dangerous consequences;
d) guilty in the form of intent and carelessness;
e) reason, aim of a crime.
20 Political and legal connection of a person and a state which gives the bilateral rights and obligations:
a) powers;
b) citizenship (гражданство);
c) quorum ;
d) citizenship (подданство);
E) political rights of a person
21 Form of State structure in the RK:
a) federal state;
B) unitary state;
c) autonomous state;
d) confederation;
e) association
22 Power is conducted in the form of:
a) Parliament;
b) Maslikhat;
C) Constitution;
d) Referendum;
e) Court.
23 The only source of state power in the RK is:
a) President;
b) Parliament;
c) Government;
d) High Court;
E ) People.
24 Difference between act and criminal action is in:
a) evidence of property harm;
b) carelessness of a deal;
c) guilty presence;
d) straight intent;
e) level of a public danger.
25 Right of property is:
a) recognized and secured right to own a property;
b) recognized and secured right to use a property;
c) recognized and secured right to dispose a property;