IV. Найти соответствия левой колонки с правой

1. customs regulation a. юрисдикция,сфера полномочий

2. jurisdiction b. таможенное регулирование

3. exercise (v) c. соответственно,согласно

4. pursuant d. выполнять

5. supervision e. надзор,наблюдение

6. uniformity f. выполнять,осуществлять

7. prohibit (v) g. единообразие

8. means of conveyance h. транспортное средство

9. implement (v) i. вносить поправки

10. participate (v) j. запрещать

11. amend (v) k. Участвовать














V. Найти соответствия.

1. border a. a law or set of laws

2. regulation b. an official document that give someone

permission to do or to use smth.

3. license c. the activity of collecting money

for a particular purpose

4. collection d. the official line separating two countries

or regions

5. legislation e. an official rule that controls the way

things are done









VI. Выберите правильные ответы, используя текст.

1. The customs regulations are exercised in accordance with the

A. customs legislation of our country and Federal law

b. laws of economy of the Russian Federation

c. Constitution of our country

2. The customs legislation of the Russian Federation regulates relations in the sphere of

a. customs activity +

b. political activity

c. economic activity

3. The Government of our country exercises general .supervision oi the customs system in accordance with

a. Russian federal legislation +

b. the Customs Code

c. the Harmonized system

4. It is stated in the Customs Code of Russia that the customs business is the activity which includes

a. the prevention of economic crimes

b. import of goods

c. the procedures for transporting goods and means of conveyance across the customs border of our country +

5. Our country participates in

a. international meetings

b. international cooperation in the field of customs regulations+

c. discussions


VIII. Перевести слова и выражения в тексте с русского на английский.

1. В соответствии c the Constitution of our country the customs regulations are subject to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.

2. The customs regulations выполняются in accordance with the customs legislation of our country and Federal Law of-the Russian Federation on the государственного регулирования of Foreign Trade Activity.

3. In accordance with Russian федеральным законодательством the Government of our country exercises general supervision of the customs system.

4. The Federal Custom's Authorities guarantee соответствующее выполнение of customs-related tasks and uniformity of application by all customs bodies of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation on the territory of our country.

5. The customs functions are: to calculate and collect the duty on imported dutiable goods, to issue import and export лицензии for restricted goods, to предотвратить trade of запрещенных goods.

6. It is stated in the Customs Code of the Russian Federation that the customs business is the activity which includes the procedures and условия for transporting goods and means of conveyance across the таможенную границу of our country, the взимание of the customs payments, customs registration, customs control and other instruments for осуществления the customs policy.


1. В соответствии – In accordance with the

2. Выполняются – are exercised

3. Государственного регулирования – on the State Regulation

4. Федеральным законодательством – federal legislation

5. соответствующее выполнение – proper fulfillment

6. Лицензии – licenses

7. Предотвратить – prevent

8. Запрещенных – restricted

9. Условия – terms

10. Таможенную границу –customs border

11. Взимание – collection

12. Осуществления – implementing