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So, what kind of vision correction method to choose?

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На засіданні комісії гуманітарних та соціально-економічних дисциплін

протокол № ____ від «___» _________ 2014 року

Голова ЦМК _______ __________ Шушняєва Ю.В.



М. Первомайськ



І. Актуальність теми: Вивчення теми «Сorrection defects of vision» займає одне з важливих місць серед інших тем навчальної програми. Вивчаючи цю тему, студенти поширюють свої знання про англійську мову, про сфери її вживання, вдосконалюють свої знання з термінології.

II. Навчальні цілі:

Знати: лексику по темі

Вміти:вірно вимовляти лексичні одиниці; вживати їх в мовленні.

III. Матеріали для підготовчої роботи:

3.1. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для самостійного вивчення теми. Матеріали доаудиторної самостійної роботи.

Дисципліни Знати Вміти
Українська мова   лексику до теми   перекласти з англійської мови на українську Спілкуватися в межах даної тематики з опрою на зразок


3.2. Зміст теми:

Ophthalmologists around the world in one voice say that the human eye is simply not suited for those loads which he feels in the modern world, because the evolution of the eye was completed long before the advent of our civilization: primitive man did not have to read or write or work on the computer .


What is the cause of these diseases, which deprive many people, full of life and can even lead to blindness?

Some of the anomalies caused not, strictly speaking, in violation of the organ of vision and optic nerve disease or damage to the center of the brain. The vast majority of these cases, modern medicine virtually powerless because of the extreme complexity and often the impossibility of neurosurgical operations. Nevertheless, some of these patients can partially (or completely) correct vision using the method of William Bates .On this method, which is one of the most effective in ophthalmology will be discussed later. In the meantime, let us consider the classical views on the cause of eye diseases caused by disruption of the body, the symptoms of their manifestations, and some modern methods of correction used when correcting eye diseases.

The main purpose of gymnastics for the eyes - prevention of eye diseases, as well as their gradual correction. Its basic principles are: muscle relaxation, tired of the concentration of view on small items, and exercise all the muscles of the eyeball, achieved a perfect complex rotational and translational motions.


Now consider the more medication. There are 3 groups of "eye" of groups:

1- groups that artificially relaxing muscles of the eye;

2- medicines deepening night's rest eyes;

3- groups that improve the condition of the retina.

Just restore vision promotes proper nutrition. To do this, you must follow some rules:

-moderation in eating;

-full, varied, easily digestible and match food;

- increased consumption of foods rich in vitamins A, E and C.


So, what kind of vision correction method to choose?

Glasses. This is a common method, but not very user-friendly and does not correct the cause of the disease, which can lead to disease progression.


Contact lenses. They are convenient, easy to handle, but irritating to eyes, not safe and their use is allowed is not for all occupations. Besides a number of contact lenses are contraindicated patients.


Operation. Up to 18 years did not do - eye to this age are actively growing, and surgery can only hurt him. In other cases, it should be borne in mind that even if the competent technique of the operation the surgeon qualifications, availability of high-quality medical instruments individual's ability to heal effect on postoperative outcome, leading in some cases to hypoeffect, different astigmatism, distortion of the image. Therefore, this method of correction is gradually receding into the background, giving way to a more accurate and safe laser technology.


Laser correction methods. The most common are: photorefractive keratectomy, intrastromal keratomileusis (LASIK), laser epithelial keratomileusis (LASEK) and technology InCorr +, used hyperopia and presbyopia (age farsightedness). These methods restore vision, but do not eliminate the causes of the disease, are modified healthy tissue.

3.3. Рекомендована література:

Основна: Козырева Л. Г. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ: учебное пособие / Л. Г Козырева, Т. В. Шад­ская. — Изд. 7-е. — Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2007.

Допоміжна: С.А.Тылкина «Пособие по английскому языку » М:1985 ст.57

3.4. Орієтновна карта для самостійної роботи з літературою з даної теми:

№п/п Основні завдання Вказівки Відповіді
  - засвоїти лексику; - перекласти текст; - виконати завдання.    

3.5. Матеріали для самоконтролю: Питання:

Complete the following sentences:

1. Ophthalmologists around _______ in one voice say that the human eye is simply not suited for those loads which he feels in the modern world.

2. On this method, which is one of the most effective in _____will be discussed later.

3.Its basic principles are: ________, tired of the concentration of view on small items.

4. This is a common method, but not very user-friendly and does not correct the cause of the disease, _______to disease progression.

5.___________, easy to handle, but irritating to eyes, not safe and their use is allowed is not for all occupations.

6. Up to ___ years did not do - eye to this age are actively growing, and surgery can only hurt him.


Вправи. Завдання.

Виготовити наочність з теми.


VI. Література :

Основна: Козырева Л. Г. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ: учебное пособие / Л. Г Козырева, Т. В. Шад­ская. — Изд. 7-е. — Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2007.

Допоміжна: С.А.Тылкина «Пособие по английскому языку » М:1985 ст.57