absolute value of vector product of the given vectors


11. The angle between lines 31335a=90

12. Find length of the median OC of triangle OAB if coordinates of vertices are O(0, 0), A(6, 0),

B(0, 10).OC=sqrt(34) AB=3;5;

13. Find equation of the line that passes through the origin and constitutes 1500 with the OX axis.y=-sqrt(3)x/3

14. Find length of the altitude (height) BD of triangle ABC if coordinates of vertices are A(-3, 0), B(2, 5), C(-3, 2).D=5

15. Find coordinates of the point of intersection of medians of the triangle ABC if coordinates of

vertices are A(-2, 0), B(0, 6), C(4, 0).M(2/3; 2)

16. Find eccentricity of the ellipse x2+4y2=256.E=sqrt(3)/2

17. Find eccentricity of the hyperbola x2 - 4y2=256.E=sqrt(5)/2

18. Find scalar product of two vectors a = (2,-1, 0) and b = (0, 5, 0).AB=-5

19. The angle between two vectors a = (-1,2, 0) and b = (1, - 4, 2) is …cos(a)=-9/sqrt(105)

20. Vertices of triangle ABC are A(2, -1, -3), B(1, 3, 1), C(0, 0, 5). Find angle B in the triangle.cos(b)=-5/sqrt(858)

21. Find modulus of the vector product [ a,b ] where a = (1,3,2) , b = (0,-1,0) .A,B=sqrt(5)

22. Find coordinates of the vector product [a,b ] , where a = (1,2,5) , b = (0,-2,0) .A,B=10; -2

23. Find area of the triangle ABC if its vertices are A(1,-2,3), B(0,0,6), and C(6,2,0).sqrt(664)/2

24. Volume of the tetrahedron with vertices O(0,0,0), A(5,2,0) B(2,3,0), C(1,2,8) is44/3

25. Find equation of the plane passing through the point A(1,0,0) and perpendicular to the vector


26. Find coordinates of the normal vector of the plane 5x-z=3.N(5, 0, -1)

27. Find equation of the plane through three points A(1,0,0), B(0,-2,0), C(0,0,1).-2x+y-2z+2=0

28. Find the distance from point O(0,0,0) to the plane x+2y+z=1.1/sqrt(6)

29. Find the direction vector of the straight line in the space given by 43 P(0, 1, 1)

30. Find intersection point of the line and the plane 5x+y+z=5.55 x=1, y=0, z=0

31. Find slope of the straight line 1+5y=0.K=0

32. Find length of the line segment intercepting by straight line x+2y= -1 on OX-axis.L=1

33. The modulus of vector a = 2i + j - k is …sqrt(6)

34. Find the value of l so that vectors a = i + 2 j - k and b = 4i - 2 j +lk will be orthogonal.l=0

35. Two vectors a = (1,l,2) and b = (-1,1,-5) are collinear if l equals …l=-1

36. Absolute values of two vectors are | a |=1, | b |= 3 and their scalar product (a, b )= 2 . Find themodulus of the vector product [a, b ].sqrt(5)

37. Two points A(1,2) and B(6,7) are given. Find coordinates of point C which divides the segment AB in the ratio 2:1.C(13/3, 16/3)

38. Let points A(1,1), B(3,4), C(3,-1) be the consecutive vertices of the parallelogram. Find

coordinates of the fourth vertex.D=5; 2

39. Find the angle between straight lines x-6=0 and x-4y+3=0.1/17

40. Find equation of the straight line through point M(2,-3) and parallel to the straight line


41. Find equation of the line through the point of intersection of two lines 3x-y=0 and x+4y-2=0 and perpendicular to the line 2x+9y=0-9x+2y+6/13=0

42. Find equation of the plane which passes through the points M1(1,-3,1), M2(2,-1,2) and M3(4,-

2,6).y=-3, x=1

43. Straight line is given by 2x-y+5z-5=0 and x+3y-2z+8=0. Find canonical equation of the line.(x-1)/-13 = (y+3)/9 = z/7

44. Volume of parallelepiped constructed on vectors is equal to the

Absolute value of the triple product of the given vectors

45. Area of parallelogram constructed on vectors is equal to the

absolute value of vector product of the given vectors

46. If coordinates of two points are A(3,-3) and B(-4,1) find coordinates of vector

____AB and its length.Sqrt(65)

47. If coordinates of two points are A(-1,2) and B(3,2) find coordinates of the unit vector 0

____AB.AB=1; 0

48. If coordinates of two points are A(3,2) and B(-4,-10) find unit vector 0

____AB.AB(-7/sqrt(193), -12/193)

49. If coordinates of three points are A(-2,1), B(4,-2), C(0,6) find coordinates of point D so that

____ ____AB = DC.x=-6, y=9

50. If coordinates of two points are B(6,-2), C(0,8) find coordinates of point P lying on the line BC so that BP = PC.P=(3, 3)

51. If coordinates of three points are A(-2,-1), B(3,-4), C(0,4) find length of the vector (2 )

___ ____ AB- BC .sqrt(365)

52. If coordinates of two points are A(3,4), B(-1,6) find modulus of the projection of

___ AB to the vector (8, 1)___CD = - .

53. Coordinates of vertices of triangle ABC are A(1,-6), B(5,-4), C(2,-3). Find length of median

AM .sqrt(50)/2

54. Find vector x which is collinear to the vector a = (2, -1,1) and satisfies the condition that

scalar product (x,a) = 5.x=5/3, y=-5/6, z=5/6

55. The angle between two vectors a and b is 1200 and | a |= 6, | b |= 4 . Compute

2 (a + b) .28

56. Find the area of parallelogram constructed on the vectors a = i + 6 j - 2k and b = 2i - 3 j - 4k .5sqrt(45)

57. Compute [k ,[j, k ]], if i, j, k are standard basis vectors.[j]

58. Compute [k , ( i + j)] , where i, j, k are standard basis vectors.j-i

59. Compute [2 j, ( i- k )] , where i, j, k are standard basis vectors.-2k-2i

60. Find the area of parallelogram constructed on the vectors a = 2i - 4 j + k and b = 2i + 3 j - k .sqrt(213)

61. Find the volume of parallelepiped constructed on the vectors a = i + j + 3k ,b = 6i - j + k ,

c= 3i - 4 j + k-63

62. Find an equation of the straight line through the point A(-1,4) and parallel to the straight line


63. Find an equation of the straight line through the point A(1,-2) and perpendicular to the straight line x-3y=1.3x+y-1=0

64. Find an equation of the straight line through the point A(-2,5) and perpendicular to the straight line x+5y=4.-5x+y+15=0

65. Two vectors are a(4;-1) and b(2;4) . Find coordinates of the vector a -3b .(-2, -13)

66. Find the point of intersection of the straight line 2x + 5y - 6 = 0 and OX-axis.x=3

67. Find semi-axes of the ellipse 4x2 + 25y2 = 400a=4, b=10

68. Find slope of the line that is perpendicular to the straight line 9х + 2у–3 = 0.2/9

69. Canonical equation of the straight line is 1425.Find coordinates of the direction vector of the line.P=(4, -5)

70. Indicate the equation of the straight line passing through the origin.

71. Find the distance from point M(-1, 5) to the straight line 2x-3y+10=0.7/sqrt(13)

72. Find the angle between straight lines y=5x+1 and y=0.5x-1.-9/7

73. Find eccentricity of the ellipse2252914/5

74. Find eccentricity of the hyperbola 292161 5/3

75. Find directrix of the ellipse 7521002361 +-12.5

76. Find directrix of the hyperbola 225291 +-25/34

77. Find vector product of the given two vectors a = (3,0,8)and b = (-2,1,0).-8i-16j+3k

78. Find equation of the plane which is parallel to the plane (OXY).


79. What is the relative positions of the planes x+y-z+1=0 , 5x+5y-5z+6=0?


80. Find the distance from point M(1,2,3) to the plane 2x+5y-1=0.11/sqrt(129)

81. Find the angle between the planes 3x-y+9z-4=0 and 5x+3y-5z+2=0

82. Find coordinates of the direction vector of the straight line:

83. Find parametric form of the equation

84. What is the relative positions of the plane 2x-3y+z-1=0 and the straight line

Straight line is perpendicular to the plane

Straight line is parallel to the plane

Straight line lies in the plane

Straight line intersects the plane

None of these

85. Find equation of the straight line passing through the point M(1,5,-1) and parallel to the line

86. Represent the straight line in canonical form.

87. Find angle between the straight lines


88. Find angle between the straight line

and the plane 4x+2y+z-5=0.

89. Find angle between the given two planes: x-5y+5=0 and 2x-y+5z-16=0.

90. Find distance from point (2,5) to the line 4x+8y-5=0.

91. Find angle between the straight lines y = 2x + 4 and y = -3x –1.

92. Find equation of the straight line that passes through the origin and is parallel to the straight

line y=4x+6.

93. Find equation of the plane through the point (-2,8,3) and parallel to the plane x-6y+5z-1=0.

94. Find equations of asymptotes of the hyperbola 2x2 - 3y2 = 16.

95. If C(-3,-14) is the midpoint of the line segment AB and coordinates of A(-5,-7), find coordinates

of point B.

96. Let A (4,6) , B (-4,0) , C (-1,-6) be vertices of the triangle. Find equation of side BC.

97. Let A (4,6) , B (-4,0) , C (-1,-4) be vertices of the triangle. Find equation of the altitude from

vertex A .

98. Let A (4,6) , B (-4,0) , C (-1,-4) be vertices of the triangle. Find equation of the median

dropped from vertex B.

99. Find equation of the straight line through the point A(-1,-3) if the angle between it and the Xaxis

is 600.

100. Find equation of the straight line through the point A(-1,-5) if the angle between it and the Xaxis

is 300.

101. Find equation of the straight line through the point A(-1,-5) if the angle between it and the Xaxis

is 1800.

102. Find distance from the origin to the straight line: 9x -15y +10 = 0.

103. Find distance from the origin to the straight line –x+y=0.

104. Find equation of the plane that passed through the point (2,-5,3) and is parallel to the

coordinate plane XOZ.

105. Find equation of the plane through point A(1,2-9) and is parallel to the XOY-plane.

106. Find distance between two parallel planes: 11x - 2y -10z + 30 = 0, 11x - 2y -10z - 45 = 0 .

107. Find the volume of the tetrahedron if its vertices are A(0,0,2), B(3,0,5), C(1,1,0), D(4,1,6) .

108. Coordinates of vertices of triangle ABC are A(1,6), B(-5,2), C(2,-3). Find angle at vertex B.

109. Find angle between the line

and the plane 4x-2y-2z+7=0.

110. Find canonical equation of the straight line: x - y -3z - 2 = 0, x - 2y + z + 4 = 0.

111. Find equation of the line through point M(6,-2) and parallel to the OY-axis.

112. Find canonical equation of the line passing through point M(1,0,-2) and parallel to the vector

s= 2i - 5 j .

113. Find the values of and such that vector a = (3,-1,a) is perpendicular to the vector

b= (2,b ,1) if b = 5 .

114. What is the relative position of two straight lines: x-y-1=0 and 8x-8y-8=0.

Have one common point


Have no common point

Perpendicular each other

None of these

115. What is the relative position of two straight lines: 4x-y-1=0 and x+y-2=0.

116. Find determinant 1234025900372480 76

117. Find AB, if A=458151 B=152334 AB=20 67 14 14

118. Find AB, if A=3512 B=1617 AB=21718

119. Find AB, if A=110315 B=073410 AB=311217

120. Find AB, if A=246 B=731 AB=14 6 2 28 12 4 42 18 6

121. Find AB, if

122. Find AB, if

123. Find AB, if

124. Solve the system

125. Solve the system

126. Solve the system

127. Determine k so that the system 4103815 has the unique solution.K=3/2

128. Determine k so that the system 21155 has the unique solution.K=-10

129. Determine k so that the system 1385has the unique solution.K=-8/3

130. Let A=104031 B=003250 AB=122315

131. Let A=2001 f(x)=233 1001

135. Write the vector J = (2,5) as a linear combination of the vectors (1,3), (0,1) 1 2 e = e = .x=2e1-e2

136. Write the vector v = (1,-6) as a linear combination of the vectors (1,1), (0,1) 1 2 e = e = .

137. Write the vector v = (-5,3) as a linear combination of the vectors (1,0), (1,1) 1 2 e = e = .

138. Find rank of matrix A=150211.R=2

139. Find rank of matrix .

140. Find rank of matrix .

141. Find the rank of matrix .

142. Find the rank of matrix .

143. Find the rank of matrix .

144. Find rank of matrix .

145. Evaluate the determinant of the matrix 1000/0200/0420/1111

146. Evaluate the determinant of the matrix 0000/0186/0423/1111

147. Evaluate the determinant of the matrix 4444/0186/7425/1111

148. Evaluate the determinant of the matrix .

149. Let A=10/13 Find A-1 .

150. Let A=02/60 Find A-1

151. Let A=07/40 Find A-1

152. Let A=5/15/39 Find A-1

153. Find detA , if A=4 3/2 2 .

154. Find detA , if A=1 3 2/4 1 3/2 5 2.

155. Find , if A=3 2/ 1 4.

156. Find rank of the matrix 1 0 0 0 5/0 0 0 0 0/2 0 0 0 11.

157. Find rank of the matrix .

158. Given matrix A=-4 0 1/2 -1 3/3 2 2 Find A× A-1.

159. Find A× A-1 if A=-4 0 1/2 -1 3/3 2 2

160. Find the matrix 6A if A 3 2/2 4

161. Calculate (2 1/-3 5)*(3/1)

162. If you interchange any two rows in a determinant then …

the determinant will change in the sign

163. Let 2 -7/8 -9 Find the transposed matrix.

164. Find the matrix 5A if A 1 3/-3 7

165. Calculate (2 -3/-1 2)*(-1/-2)

166. Find -1 A if A=3 4/1 2

167. Find value of y so that the vectors a = (-4; 10) and b = (2; y)will be linearly dependent .

168. What is the value of determinant of identity matrix?

169. Let A=1 2/-1 3 B=0 -1/4 5 Find AB .

170. Let A=1 9/-1 2 B=0 -1/4 5 Find A+ B.

171. Let A=6 1/5 1Find -1 A .

172. Solve the equation x2+(2x 5/3 1)=0

173. The rank of a matrix is equal to ...

174. Find the product of the (2 -1/1 4)*(1 0/3 4)

175. Find A2 if A=4 3/-5 -4

176. Find the scalar product of vectors 1 2 3 a = -e + 2e + 3e and 1 2 b = 7e - e .

177. Let m v ,v,...,v 1 2 be vectors of a linear space R. The vectors m v ,v,...,v 1 2 are linearly dependent


there exist real numbers m a ,a ,...,a 1 2 , not all of them 0, such that

they are orthogonal.

178. A basis for n-dimensional linear space R is formed by ...

a set of n linearly independent vectors from R

179. Let (1;1), ( 1; 0) 1 2 e = e = - be a basis of a linear space. Find the coordinates of the vector

x= (5;8) in this basis.

180. Let ( 1;2), (3; 5) 1 2 e = - e = - be a basis of a linear space. Find the coordinates of the vector

x= (4;- 7) in this basis.

181. Let A be a matrix of size (6x3). Then rank of the matrix A can be the following:

182. Let A=2 3 -1/0 1 2 Find the determinant of A.

183. The linear span of four vectors x, y, z,uis

the set of all linear combinations of these vectors

the set consisting only of these vectors

the sum of these vectors

the set of all scalar products of these vectors

the set of vectors that are orthogonal to each of these vectors

184. Determine the dimension of the subspace formed by the solutions of the system

185. Let { , } { , } 1 2 1 2 e e and e¢ e¢ be old and new bases respectively in a 2-dimensional linear space,

and let 1 1 2 e¢ = 2e - 5e , 2 1 2 e¢ = e + 5e . Then the transition matrix from the old basis to new is

186. Let vector 1 2 x = 2e - 3e be given. Find resolution of this vector in the new basis 1 2 e¢,e¢ if

1 1 2 e¢ = e - e ,2 1 2 e¢ = -3e + 4e .

187. Let { , } { , } 1 2 1 2 e e and e¢ e¢ be old and new bases respectively in a 3-dimensional linear space,

and let 1 1 2 3 e¢ = 5e + 2e - e , 2 1 2 3 e¢ = -3e + 2e + 4e , 3 1 2 3 e¢ = e - 6e + 2e . Then the transition matrix

from the old basis to new basis is ...

188. Find the length of the vector 1 2 3 x = e 3 - e 2 + 6e .

189. Let A be a matrix of size 2x7. Then rank of the matrix A can be the following:

190. Find determinant: A=sinx cosx/-cosx sinx

191. What object will you get in the result of addition of two vectors?

Line segment




none of these

193. What is the dimension of the vector space of square matrices of size 2?

194. What is the rank of matrix 0 0/0 0

195. What operations are defined for elements of the Vector Space?

Addition and multiplication by a number

Four arithmetic operations

Only division

None of these

only addition

196. From expression n n v = l v +l v +K+l v 1 2 2 3 3 we can conclude the following