Complete the sentences as they are in the text
1. And since you are a job search veteran….
2……………………….through a mock interview.
3.I suppose you have received….
4.Naturally,many who………….
5.I’m always amazed ………….
6.At the same time…………………..
7.The job also involved……………..
8.We pay…………………………….
9.We give you………………………
10.Since talking with you……………
11.If we decide……………………..
12.As soon as we………………….
13.Incidentally,in that connection,……
14.They write illegibly………………
15.I would like to give my…………..
Find in the text words and word combinations similar in meaning to the following.
1-to register new students for the school;
2-to choose smb;
3- in order to achieve;
4-curriculum vitae;
5- To get a lot of answers;
6- to be extremely surprised;
7- near and easy to reach;
8- the rest of those who sent the papers;
9-almost the same;
10-to visit;
11-looking forward to hearing from you;
12-skills some type of experience for a job or a position;
13-qualifications we need;
14-the letter was good enough;
15-to write in the way that is difficult or impossible to read;
16-not to mention simply and clearly;
17-to be crazy;
18-to be sure to contact smb.;
19-to take smb. on;
6. Give English equivalents to:
-хвилювання перед виступом; надійний будильник; добре-відпрасований костюм; товариш(друзяка); з’їхати з глузду; говорити з впевненістю у голосі ; говорити по ділу;
претендент (кандидат на посаду); обрати 10 найкращих відповідей; перспективні студенти;
попередити за тиждень; використовувати за призначенням; труднощі при відповіді на оголошення в газеті; бути досвідченим у сфері продажу; банківський рахунок в 50$ на тиждень для початку; бути приємно враженим; у той же час; отримувати процент від всіх продаж; остаточне рішення; платити комісіонні ; підходяща для даної роботи людина ; мати потрібні навички та досвід ,щоб займати посаду; найняти на роботу; точна кількість; з’являтись непідготовленим; комок нервів ; кишенькові на витрати на машину та подорож; говорити з достатнім ентузіазмом ;перевірити мову рухів та жести перед дзеркалом; не бути нахабним; дивуватись погано написаним листам ;
Read the sentences below and define which of them are Interview Winners and which Interview Killers. Give your reasons.
1) I grew up in Michigan, with two brothers and one sister. Then I went to college in Atlanta...
2) I'd really like to be doing what you do.
3)I haven't really thought about it, but I hope to have a better idea of what I want to do by then.
4)Um well .I’m not sure where to start.
5)I often take on too many responsibilities, which makes me feel overwhelmed.
6))I can't do long division in my head.
7)I get so caught up in projects that I try to do everything myself.
8)I perform well under pressure. For example, when the team leader on the January sales drive was sick for a week, I worked with her over the phone, helping to make our deadline.
9)I am not afraid to be unpopular if that's what it takes to get the job done.
10)Well, I can tell you what a bad boss is like because my last one was a good example of that.
11)I really like sports. Right now I'm on the company softball team, and I'm thinking about joining the community volleyball league this winter."
12)What spare time? I'm so wrapped up in work that I just flip through a few magazines before I go to sleep.
13) I've heard the people here are reallyfun
14)I've read that this business is the one to get into.
15)This company is the best in the field, for instance, I couldn't help noticing that your Sprocket '97 line is already on store shelves.
Look at the advice for job interviews. Use the dictionary to check the meaning of the multi-part verbs.
1.Put on casual clothes for the interview.
2.Go out for a walk before the interview.
3.Think about the job and write down your strength and weaknesses.
4.Find out information about the company.
5.Turn up at the interview a couple of minutes early.
6.Take down notes during the interview.
7.Make up information about yourself.
9.Make out you understand something when you don’t.
10.Go into a lot of details about your personal life.
11.Speak up and express yourself clearly.
12.Sit up straight and maintain eye contact.