К итоговой работе вы должны знать

1.Лексика (устно, карточки по 10 слов из всего лексического минимума на русском, вы должны перевести на англ.)



лечебное средство

защита от заболеваний

быть родом из

снимать квартиру

просыпаться (утром)

делать зарядку

принимать душ

читать (проводить) лекцию

выполнять лабораторную работу






уважение, внимание



назначить соответствующее лечение

поставить правильный диагноз

оказывать экстренную помощь больному


выдать, присвоить


последипломное образование

повышение квалификации

интернатура (1 год последипломного образования – в Великобритании и США)

клиническая ординатура (практика в качестве ассистента врача)


в распоряжении


проводить, претворять в жизнь


высшее образование

вступительное тестирование

тестовый экзамен с ответами в виде множественного выбора

доктор медицины, звание, которое получают выпускники американских медицинских вузов

резидентура (ординатура), специализация

теоретические дисциплины

сертификат специалиста

бакалавр медицины, степень, присваиваемая врачам-терапевтам

бакалавр хирургии

практикующий врач


2. Ответы на вопросы по текстам (устно, в карточке по 10 вопросов из разных текстов: “I’m a medical student. My working day”, “My future profession”, “Medical education in Russia. The Volgograd State Medical University”, “Medical education in Great Britain and the USA”).


1) Where do you live now?

I live with my parents in a flat ( house) in the Voroshylovsky district.

2) Are you native of Volgograd?

I am not a native of Volgograd, so I live in a hostel or rent a flat

3) How early do you get up?

I get up early in the morning – at about 6 o’clock, do my morning exercises and have a cold rubdown.

4) What do you usually do in the morning?

I get up early in the morning – at about 6 o’clock, do my morning exercises and have a cold rubdown.

5) Are physical exercises useful for a person?

As I am a medical student I consider that physical exercises are a good remedy for the protection of our health against diseases.

6) How long does it take you to get to the University?

It takes me 30 minutes to get to the University by mini – bus.

7) How many classes a day do you have?

We have several practical classes and a lecture or two every day. It is useful to us to listen to the lectures because the professors always deliver them clearly and scientifically.

8) Which is your favourite lecture? Why?

On Friday we usually have a lecture in Physics. Our professor is not only a very good specialist in his field of science but also a qualified teacher.

9) What do you usually do when your classes are over?

After classes I go home, have lunch and take a rest.

10) Do you read additional literature? In what subjects?

Sometimes I go to the library where I read additional literature and some special medical articles.

1) Who is a physician?

A physicianis a health care provider who deals with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments.

2) What may they focus their practice on?

They may focus their practice on certain disease - known as specialist medical practitioners - or give medical care to individuals or families - known as general practitioners.

3) Is there any difference between general practitioner and specialist medical practitioner?

They may focus their practice on certain disease - known as specialist medical practitioners - or give medical care to individuals or families - known as general practitioners.

4) What does medical practice require?

Medical practice requires both a deep knowledge of the academic disciplines (such as anatomy and physiology), underlying diseases and their treatment — the science of medicine — and also a decent competence in its applied practice — the art or craft of medicine.

5) What must a good doctor show for his patients?

The ethics of medicine require that physician show consideration, compassion and benevolence for his patients.

6) How does a doctor see his patient? What does he usually do?

He must examine his patient thoroughly, send him for analyses or X-ray, and only then he can make a correct diagnose and administer appropriate treatment.

7) What advice may a doctor give to his patient?

He may give advice about diet, exercise, and how to get well and keep fit. He has to know how to talk to sick people, to make decisions and handle emergencies.

8) Why must a good doctor be ready to take refresher course?

The doctors should always be prepared to take frequent refresher courses throughout the career because a good doctor must be up to date.



1. When was our University founded and how did its status change?

The Stalingrad Medical Institute was founded in 1935. In 1993 it was granted the status of Academy, in 2003 - the status of University.

2. How many departments does the University have?

Nowadays the Volgograd state medical university has nine faculties (departments) and affiliated medical, scientific and educational establishments:

- Faculty of General Medicine

- Faculty of Dentistry/Stomatology

- Pharmaceutical Faculty

- Faculty of Pediatrics

- Faculty of Biomedicine

- Faculty of Clinical Psychology and Social Studies

- Faculty of Post-Diploma Probation

- Faculty of Refresher Training

- Preparatory Course for Foreign Students

3. What specialists are trained at the medical college and what stages does postgraduate training involve?

There is a medical college training dental technicians, pharmacists, nurses. Postgraduate training involves an internship, a clinical residency and a postgraduate course.

4. What status does the University have nowadays?

The University has been included into the WHO's List of World medical schools. The Diploma granted by the VolSMU is recognized in over 80 countries and by the World Health Organization.

5. Has the University established any international links?

One of the partner universities of VolSMU is Arkansas University of Medical Sciences (USA) implementing exchange programmes.



1. How many years must the candidate for a medical school complete in a colledge or university in the USA?

After finishing his primary school and secondary studies at the age of 18, the candidate for a medical school must complete at least three years of higher education in a college or university.

2. What subjects does the admission test in the USA include?

In most medical schools candidates are required to pass the admission test. This is a national multiple-choice test. The test lasts about eight hours over a one day period and includes questions in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and English.

3. Does the curriculum of medical schools in the USA greatly differ from the curriculum in our medical institutes?

The curriculum of medical schools in the USA does not greatly differ from the curriculum in our medical institutes.

4. When do all students receive the Degree of Doctor of Medicine in the USA?

At the end of four years all students receive the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, that is M.D. Then they must work for one year as interns. This course of training at the hospital or clinic is called an internship.

5. How many years does the period of residency in the USA last?

Generally, the period of residency is three or four years.

6. What licence is granted to the graduate in the USA after the residency?

After the residency, the graduate is granted a licence to practice and he may work either in government service or in private practice.

7. Is the entry to a medical school highly competitive or not in Great Britain?

Entry to a medical school is highly competitive and usually the number of candidates is much higher than the number of the places.

8. Who may take the entrance examinations in Great Britain?

Students take these examinations at the end of their 6-year secondary-school course , generally at the age of 18-19 years.

9. How many years does the undergraduate education in Great Britain occupy?

Undergraduate education occupies five years, consisting essentially of two years of basic sciences and three years of clinical work.

10. When do the students in Great Britain take their final exams? And how do they call them?

Examinations in medical school of Great Britain are held at the end of each term, that is three times a year. At the end of each term and after each special course students take final exams. They are called sessionals.

11. How many years are spent in clinical studies to obtain degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in Great Britain?

Three years are spent in clinical studies to obtain degrees of Bachelor of Medicine (B.M.) and Bachelor of Surgery (B.S.). The degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery give the right to register as a medical practitioner.

12. Is there internship and residency in Great Britain?

After the finals graduates work in hospitals for a year. This period is called internship. Further specialization requires training in residency. It takes one or two years of work in a hospital in some field. Residency trains highly qualified specialists in a definite field.


3. Грамматический тест, вкл. темы по грамматике: