Characteristic of temperament types

The concept of temperament and its species. Considering the type of temperament deal with intercouse.

Psychology of character and dialogue.


1. Kant I. About temperament / | | / Psychology of individual differences. Texts / ed Y.B. Shppenreyter, V.Y. Romanov - Moscow: Pub. The Moscow University, 1982. - p. 148 -152

2. Nebylytsyn V.D. Temperament / / Ed Y.B. Shppenreyter, V.Y. Romanov - Moscow: Pub. The Moscow University, 1982. - p. 153-159

3. Partyko T.B. General psychology: a textbook for students / T. Partyko. K.: Publishing House "Jure", 2008. - 416 p.

4. Gnatenko P.I. Ukrainian national character. - K. "Doc-k", 1997. - 116 p.

1. Temperament (from Lat. Temperamentum - adequate correlation parts, feature) - it is individually distinctive, naturally caused a set of relatively stable dynamic expressions of the human psyche that characterize the way of his behavior.

Modern researches (J. Strelyau, B. Zawadzki, etc.) have shown that dynamics of temperament associated with three main characteristics of behavior: energetic, time and affective.

Energetic characteristics are expressed in features of temperament such as activity, sensitivity and endurance.

Activity - the quantity and quality of human interaction with the physical and social environment. It becomes apparent on the motor and speech levels.

Sensitivity - a sensibility to irritants and external events in general. It is based on the fact that the minimum strength of external influences causes mental human response, increased sensitivity accompanied by high anxiety, fear of new situations and people, indecision, shyness.

Endurance is associated with the degree of disability rights.

Time characteristics of temperament expressed in mobility, stability and vitality.

Mobility - a speed at which a person moves from one activity to another, especially if it involves a shift from activity to rest, and vice versa. Stability characterizes consistency and constancy of human behavior. It’s ability to withstand long external influence, showing perseverance, firmness, firmness of intentions, opinions, and actions. Liveliness - is the speed and ease of the flow of mental processes and behavioral responses.

Affective temperament characteristics are:

reactivity - the power of spontaneous emotional response to external and internal stimuli, this is human response to random circumstances not previously planned actions; reactivity may indicate emotional excitability, vulnerability, impulsiveness of human and others.

extraversion (from Lat. extra - outside; versio - turn, modify) characterizes the orientation of the individual on the environment and other people's; reactions and human activities depend on its external impressions that appear at this momet;

introversion (from Lat. intro - outside; versio - turn, modify) characterizes fixing identity of individual to himself , his feelings and thoughts, human behavior depends on memory, imagination, thoughts directed to the past and future.

Plasticity - this flexibility and the ease with which people adapt to new conditions.

Rigidity - insensitivity to changes that occur in the environment.

Traits of temperament is the firmest individual typological characteristics of the person. They manifest themselves from the first days of life, they are inherit; store during prolonged years, often a lifetime, that is a constant, are shown in different situations, that is not depend on the type of activity.

The most common is humoral, constitutional, physiological and Regulatory theories of temperament. Humoral theory of temperament is associated with the composition of blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black; constitutional with the structure of the body, physiological - with the activity of the nervous system; regulatory with the peculiarities of the nervous and humoral systems.

Four types of temperament in psychology are the most popular, they are proposed by Hippocrates, Galen: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. These types of "pure" form almost never occur.

Physiological temperament theory grounded in the 30-ies of twentieth century by Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov. Exploring the conditioned reflex reaction of dogs, he showed differences in their behavior. He suggested that 3 properties of the nervous system are the basis of these features:  force;  poise;  mobility.

Strength - the ability of the nervous system to withstand strong stimuli, poise - a balance between excitations;

Mobility - the rate at which the excitation becomes braking.

These properties form certain combinations, that make up the nervous system types (4 types of temperaments):

1. Strong, balanced, agile type of nervous system - sanguine temperament.

2. Strong, unbalanced, agile type of nervous system - choleric temperament.

3. Strong, balanced, inert type of nervous system - phlegmatic temperament.

4. Languid, balanced, inert type of nervous system - melancholic temperament.

Type the nervous system called the genotype (IP Pavlov). Scientists considered it an inherit and immutable from the effects of the environment.

Further development of the physiological theory of temperament showed that not always each of the four types of nervous system meets the specified type of temperament.

Studies are conducted in the late 50- th of 20 century by B.M. Teplov and V.D. Nebylitsyn showed that there are more than three of the basic properties of the nervous system. In particular, the dynamic, lability and other properties were appeared. Dynamism - is the speed and ease of formation of conditioned reflexes; lability - the speed and course of the processes of excitation and braking. It was also found that there are not only general, but also the partial properties of the nervous system, which also affect the temperament. Therefore, the statement that type of nervous system is the physiological basis of temperament do not meet modern scientific achievement.

In psychology traditionally typology of Hippocrates - Galen is used, giving out sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic.


irritable offensive

Alarming restless

Unyielding aggressive

pessimistic exciting

discreet impulsive

uncommunicative M Ch optimistic



Passive Ph S sociable

studious open

thoughtful talkative

peaceful lively

reliable careless

peaceful initiative


Schematic representation of types and traits of temperament

(By H. Eysenck, 70 years of the twentieth century.)

Types: M-melancholic, Ch - choleric,

S - sanguine, Ph - phlegmatic


However, this division is tentative. "Pure" temperaments in life are almost impossible to find and combine traits of different temperaments. This was clearly observed after 2-2.5 years, when a child has mastered by the spoken word.


Characteristic of temperament types.

Sanguine- people who have a strong, balanced and moving nervous system. They are active, sociable, easily adaptable to changing conditions. Friendly, quickly communicate with people easily establish a good relationship with them. In friendship network they are cheerful, joyous, optimistic. For their orientations - extroverts. They are emotional, with expressive facial expressions and pantomime, which easily can be controlled: active gesture: speech is clear, loud, fast. Feeling arise easily and are easily modified. They are not deep.

They take new business easily, but bring to an end it only when it is interesting to them.

The forte of the sanguine is that they are cheerful, nimble-minded : suitable to work with strong and unexpected stimuli. They give priority to creative work.

Blind side is that they overestimate themselves and their capabilities are often digress from core business, are not sufficiently concentrated, they have unstable interests and feelings, may be frivolous and superficial. Sanguine could not perform work for a long time, that requires perseverance, stability of attention and patience. Because of the speed of action may make mistakes. In the process of communication with them their requirements should be the maximum, but fair: to show them trust and uncork their inner energy, pointing to useful things. It is inappropriate to entrust monotonous job because of it sanguine gets tired, but they must be taught to perform task in hand. You can use the extra motivation.


Choleric - a strong type of nervous system. Moving, unbalanced, theшк excitement prevails over braking. They are characterized by a high level of activity, vigorousness and persistence. Their trend is extroverts. They love to be in the center of attention. In communication they are intractable and argumentative. There are impatient, intemperate, inflammatory, in relations with others – sharp excessive and straightforward. They have lack of self-control. However, in their anger, there isn’t hatred, and they love others as stronger as they faster relinquish to them. Kant writes that choleric willingly become chiefs who do not like to work alone, but only manage.

This people are unstable emotionally. Emotions and feelings arise quickly, and can disappear quickly as well. Expression manifests itself. Speaking is hurried, intermittent, and intense. Lively facial expressions, expressive gesticulation, sharp and energetic movements. Their joy, pain, sadness they experience deeply. They are often influenced by passions and emotions. In such state can commit rash action, will regret about it. Have peace of mind only during strenuous activity.

The forte of the choleric is that they can easily focus their attention, especially in stressful situations, they are active, fast, energetic. They can work with strong and unexpected stimuli, especially in unpredictable situations. They possess organizational skills. Blind side is their propensity to braking and proneness to conflict, and intemperance, sharpness, affective disposition , weakness in self-emotion situations. Because of the speed of action may do wrong.

In dealing with the choleric it is needed rationally use their energy, not inhibit their activity in the form of direct prohibitions. Should communicate calmly, confidently. Due to their propensity to aggression – they should be brought up compassion.


Phlegmatic - strong, balanced, inert. They have a low level of active behavior, slow, low-profile, persistent, soft. Keep calm, even in difficult situations. Adequately respond to the impact of the external environment, they are not adapted to the rapid changes in it. Equally relate to others, sociable, but have low sociability. For their orientation - introverts. Their feeling occur slowly, but they are strong, deep and permanent. They are unwilling to affect, taciturn, speech is slow. The voice is quiet, expressionless. Gesticulation and facial expressions are indistinguishable, poor. They are able to control their emotions. They are hard to irritate, they rarely get mad.

Not likely to change the environment, work. They show seriousness, perseverance, concentration. They always go the distance, internalize information slow, but fundamentally. They have a strong interest, stable attention, but attention switch is a bit slow.

The forte of the phlegmatic is their discipline, stability, regularity and system in work, endurance, punctuality. Blind side is the slowness of action, inertia, inertness, external indifference, poor switching attention. They often delay handing over of works and their stereotypes is difficult to reconstruct. Phlegmatic also not suitable to work with strong and unexpected stimuli.

In the interaction with the phlegmatic should be given more time to complete certain tasks, and change from one routine to another action gradually. You can give additional instructions about the work they do, avoid assignments associated with a high rate of activity: do not complain about the slowness and haveless, encourage every manifestation of initiativeness, independence, should stimulate the expression of sincere feelings.


Melancholic - weak, unbalanced, inert: have a low level of activity, have a fear of new situations, lose courage in new conditions. They are closed, shy, indecisive, avoid contact with unfamiliar people. For their orientation - introverts. Melancholic - very vulnerable people, feelings are characterized by slow flow and duration. They live through deep any event in life, especially images and failure, however, unlike the choleric, their sorrows are in themselves not outwardly show their feeling. Motion is restrained, speech is slowed down, quiet, sometimes turns into a whisper. They stand in their favor. If they come to love someone, then the break is big tragedy for them.

They have a stable, highly expressed interests. Their attention is unstable.

Everything new and unusual, prolonged and strong cause their slowing action, and sometimes - its braking. However, in a familiar and calm environment, they feel well and work productively.

The forte of the melancholic is their compassion and understanding of others. They are "deep" and resistant in their feelings, can capture such details that are not available to others. They perform good monotonous work. Melancholic blind side is their extreme vulnerability, deepen into their own feelings, shyness, isolation, alienation, sluggishness, fatigue. They rub through strong and unexpected stimuli hardly. During the competition they show worse results. Melancholic, as well as phlegmatic, should be given more time to complete certain tasks. They need a calm, supportive environment, tact, compassion and kindness in a relationship, a gradual transition from one activity to another.

In dealing with the melancholic it is needed to discover compassion and understanding of their condition, support them morally when you change the environment? Educate the manifestations of activity, a sense of their values, learn to plan their activities? Admeasure time between work and leisure reasonably.


2. Psychology of character and dialogue.

Character - a set of stable individual typological characteristics of the individual, which expressed the typical person of his behavior in typical situations. Expressed settled attitude to other people, to themselves, to work, to things is expressed. The leading traits are moral, volitional, emotional and intellectual.

Moral traits are determinative in relation to people that surround them (e.g., courtesy, responsibility, unprincipled position, etc.). They are found in situations when you should act in accordance with social norms and rules of behavior. In conditions that motivate people to realize voluntary actions, overcoming obstacles, the most clearly manifested volitional traits are (e.g., persistence, commitment, indecision, etc.). They play a key role in formation of holistic character. Strength of the human character depends on forming volitional traits. If a person needs to emotionally evaluate yourself, other people or the surrounding reality, it is most clearly manifested emotional traits (e.g., sensitivity, candor, callousness, etc.). Intelligent features (e.g., curiosity, thoughtfulness, intelligence, etc.) convince(dominate) individual differences in intelligence. All traits are manifested all-up, they are relatively stable, this means the integrity of character.

If man is viewed in the context of concrete historical and socio-economic conditions of existence of the national community, we can say about the national character. National character is a combination of social and psychological traits that characterized the national community at a certain stage of its development. It is manifested in national installations and stereotypes, values attitudes towards the world, the culture, traditions, customs, rituals. National culture is passed from generation to generation with help of national character. The main features of the Ukrainian national character is religiosity, the preponderance of emotional traits over intellectual traits and individualism.

In psychology, different types of characters are described. Types of character orientation and types of character accentuations have practical significance orientations.

Types orientations of character in the mid-twentieth century. Suggested by Erich Fromm, the author of humanistic psychoanalysis.

Receptive orientation of character is aimed at getting any benefits from external world. Such people are focused on the perception of ideas, not on their self-formation, they expect all the good they were presented in final form, their efforts almost putting. Therefore, they are very dependent on those of other people who can give them any support.

Such people can be called controversial because, on the one hand, they are responsible, modest, socially adjusted, polite, trusting, on the other hand- passive, inert, unprincipled, sentimental, parasitic.

Exploitative orientation of character is focused on capture of value. Like receptive orientation, they believe that all the benefits are external, nobody can form anything. The difference between these two orientations is that exploiting type isn’t hoped that it will be donated something - it takes a desired by force or cunning. This active people are able to take the initiative in their hands, put in constant claims to others, they are proud and self-confident. They are characterized by aggressiveness, self-absorption, self-gratification, recklessness, arrogance, suspicion, cynicism, envy, jealousy.

Self-interested orientation of character associated with enrichment and economy. They perceive any costs as a threat. Their avarice extends to material values and the feelings. They are characterized by scrupulous accuracy and obsession with punctuality. The highest value is order and security. Individuals with this type of orientation are practical, economical, cautious, resistant to stress, loyal, persistent. They have a weak imagination, they are suspicious, inhibited, anxious.

Market orientation of character evolved and become dominant only in the twentieth century. Characteristic featute is the fact that a person conceive himself as a commodity. In her opinion, honesty and sincerity affect the success only in rare cases. To be successful it’s not enough to have knowledge, abilities, skills, should be able to compete with others. They are willing to exchange, purposeful, freethinking, sociable. Negative signs of this type are: suddenness, lack of principles and values, clumsiness, excessive activity, indifference.

Psychiatrists (K. Leonhard, A. Licko, P. Gannushkina) interested by types of accentuations . They substantiate norm-pathology character. Pathological character is a personality disorder. It is Gannushkina-Kerbikovym’s opinion that signs of psychopathy are:

 social exclusion, that is, a person constantly has life difficulties;

 relative stability, in other words character varies little throughout life;

 totality manifestation. That same traits are manifested in all situations (at home, at work, during leisure, among friends, strangers).

Rigidity of reactions in man, that lack of flexibility that enables you to react differently in different situations may indicate on pathology of character; gap between human capabilities and their implementation.

The cause of psychopathy may be unfavorable heredity, the complex social conditions in completely normal heredity may cause them.

Problems in communicating with other people can occur not only in individuals with psychopathy, but also those with normal character bright expressed.

Accentuation of character – is an extreme version of the rules as a result of amplification of the individual features. Presence of accentuations usually prevents satisfactory social adjustment of man, but they generate "the weakest link", the place of least resistance for her. Not all people have the accentuation of character, but lately their number is growing. Accentuation of character changes with age: in adolescents and youths accentuations increases and decreases in adults.

The key feature of the demonstration type of accentuation is self-centeredness, pedantic - indecision and doubt, sticking - stability of affect and excessive touchiness, exciting - a bad mood and irritability, hyperactive – high spirits and optimism, dysthymian - pessimism and seriousness, cycloid - periodic mood swings and baseless vitality, exalted - a sharp motivated mood swings, anxiety - failure to defend their position, but in his childhood shyness, emotive - excessive sensitivity and vulnerability.

Character primarily depends on living conditions, education and self-education and therefore is adjusted, character is determined by physiological inclinations of man to some extent.