Writing Use Case Scenarios
After identifying all the different user roles and drawing a use case diagram for the software, the analyst writes a series of use case scenarios for each use case. Scenarios that describe the normal flow of events for a particular use case are called "normal" use case scenarios. It is also important to describe what happens when unexpected events occur (for example, disk-full errors, network connection errors, bad input data, etc.). Scenarios that describe the system's behavior in the face of unexpected conditions are called "abnormal" usage scenarios. It is important for the analyst to consider all possible normal and abnormal use case scenarios for a given use case [10].
Written scenarios are very important, for the following reasons:
Written scenarios help verify coverage and completeness of requirements.It is often the case that the process of gathering requirements with the customer focuses more on normal (expected) sequence of software behaviors, and does not consider all types of unexpected conditions that might occur. Before the design phase can begin, it is essential not only to identify all possible error conditions, but also to define precisely the desired system behavior when errors occur. It is quite common for the analyst to revisit the original requirements specification with the customer in order to discuss error conditions that were not anticipated in the original requirements analysis.
Use case modeling depends on detailed scenarios.The technique used to identify candidate objects in the object-oriented analysis phase, called noun extraction, depends on a detailed description of the desired system behavior. It is not possible to construct a preliminary object diagram using this technique unless detailed scenarios have been constructed.
Following text illustrates normal and abnormal use case scenarios. Although the cenarios are written in plain English, they are not particularly verbose; the focus is on short, concise sentences that detail the stepwise operation of a system in a particular context while carrying out a particular function. It is important to keep the language of the scenarios simple and unambiguous, wherever possible. Simplicity, especially when referring to various elements and actions, helps to avoid a proliferation of redundant objects that really only refer to a single object class. The analyst should review the use case scenarios after they are written to ensure that all of the steps are unambiguous. If any step is described in a way that could be interpreted as more than one concrete action on the part of the software, then the step is ambiguous and must be rewritten [11].
Actors: Driver, Admin, System
1. Driver enters username and password
2. Driver clicks “Login” button
3. Driver clicks “Add new user” button, if never registry before
4. System display Main Screen – Work space
5. Admin enters username and password
6. Admin clicks “Login ” button
7. System displays Main Screen– Work space
7.1 System displays incorrect of username or password
Goto 1 or Goto 3
7.2 System displays incorrect of username or password
Goto 4
Edit Information for new driver:
8. System display “Edit User Info” page
9. Driver fill personal information (first and last name, address, telephone)
10. Driver clicks “Save” button
11. System displays workspace
11.1 System shows messg: “Missing one or more fields”. Goto 9
Input data:
12. Driver choice destinations (start, end place)
13. Driver enters id of car (car number)
14. Driver clicks “Start” button
15. System inputs driver’s information with real time
16. System shows “Driver workspace”, which has driver’s actions
16.1 The destinations haven’t found on the DB Goto 12
16.2 The id can’t found on the DB Goto 13
17. Driver clicks “Queue” button
18. System shows information pre and post drivers (driver’s name, car id, time interval)
19. Driver clicks “Back” button
20. System shows driver’s workspace
20.1 System gives mssg: “Pre-driver isn’t, you are first in the queue”, or “Post-driver isn’t, you are last in the queue” Goto 18
20.2 System gives mssg: “System is updating, please wait” Goto 9
Send Request:
21. Driver clicks “Send Request” tab
22. Driver writes driver’s id, car id and problems (broke down or others) to the admin
23. Driver clicks “Send” button
24. System shows window with words “Message is sends successfully”
24.1 Driver writes incorrect information Goto 22
24.2 Shows “Message is failed. Try again”, if the system has some errors (network or others)
Goto 23
25. Admin clicks “Change” tab
26. Admin choice driver’s ids and ids of car for today’s job
27. Admin clicks “Add” button
28. System input information into the DB
28.1 System gives “Driver or car can’t work today!” Goto 26
29. Admin clicks “Change” tab
30. Admin choice driver’s ids and ids of car for today’s job
31. Admin clicks “Delete” button
32. System input information into the DB
32.1 System gives “You can’t delete, driver or car is now hard-working!” Goto 26
33. Admin clicks “Report” button
34. System shows driver’s name, id of car, and place on the table
35. Admin clicks “Mapping” button
36. System shows a map, which present all drivers
37. Admin clicks “back” button
38. Admin clicks “Request” button
39. Admin reads driver’s message with their problems
40. Admin change the information (add/delete)
41. Clicks “Save” button
42. System shows admin work space (table)
42.1 Incorrect changing Goto 40
42.2 System shows old information Goto 41
UML Class diagram
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a graphical language for modeling the static and dynamical aspects of a system. UML is a unification of the methodologies developed by Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobsen. The Object Management Group (OMG), a not-for-profit organization that promotes the use of object-oriented technology, has assumed responsibility for the further development of the UML standard [12].
UML is a language that unifies the best engineering practices for modeling systems. It defines different graphical diagrams that provide multiple perspectives of a system under development. UML defines the following diagrams:
Use case diagram
Class diagram
Behavior diagrams:
Ø Statechart diagram
Ø Activity diagram
Interaction diagrams:
Ø Sequence diagram
Ø Collaboration diagram
Implementation diagrams:
Ø Component diagram
Ø Deployment diagram
Throughout this course, we will use class diagrams to discuss the diverse elements of object-oriented design (Figure 2.2). Class diagrams show the internal structure of classes and their relationships with other classes and elements in a system [13].
Figure 2.2 - UML Class diagram of transport system