8.1. This Agreement is concluded and comes into full legal force after its signing by both Parties and sealed by the Parties.
8.2. The term of this Agreement begins its running _____________ in 2013 and is valid until full fulfilling obligations by the Parties under this Agreement.
8.3. The termination term of this Agreement does not relieve the parties from liability for any breach, which occurred during the term of this Agreement.
8.4. If the other directly not provided for the Agreement or by the current legislation of Ukraine, changes to this Agreement may be amended only by arrangement of the Parties which draws up by the additional agreement to this Agreement.
8.5. Changes to this Agreement come into full legal force after proper execution of the additional agreement by the Parties to this Agreement, if the other is not provided in the additional Agreement, this Agreement or the current legislation of Ukraine.
8.6. If the other directly not provided for the Agreement or by the current legislation of Ukraine, this Agreement may be dissolved only by agreement of the Parties, which draws up by the additional agreement to this Agreement.
8.7. This Agreement is considered to be dissolved after proper execution of the additional agreement by the Parties to this Agreement, if the other is not provided in the additional Agreement, this Agreement or the current legislation of Ukraine.
9.1. All legal relations arising from this Agreement or related to it, including those related to reality, conclusion, execution, changing and termination of this Agreement, the interpretation of its terms, the definition of the consequences of invalidity or breach the Agreement shall be governed by this Agreement and the relevant standards legislation of Ukraine, as well as applicable to such legal business practices on the basis of honesty, reasonableness and fairness.
9.2. The Party shall be fully responsible for the accuracy of details pointed in this Agreement and assume the obligations to inform timely in writing the other Party of any changes thereof, and in case of failed notifications bears the risk of the associated adverse effects.
9.3. The additional agreements and annexes to this Agreement are an integral part of and shall have legal force if they are in writing, signed by the Parties and sealed.
9.4. All changes to this Agreement shall be valid and may be considered only if they are in each case dated, duly signed by the Parties and sealed.
9.5. This Agreement is made with full understanding of its terms and terminology of Ukrainian language in two copies, which have the same legal force - one for each Party.
Customer: | Agent: |
Performance Revenues ltd. VAT #514562909 Address: Shay Agnon 30, Herzeliya, Israel | Private entrepreneur Shapochkin Mykhailo Volodymyrovych Id.code 2944723018 State registration certificate № 2 353 000 0000 026913 as of 11.12.2012 Address: Ukraine, 09106, m. Bila Tserkva, vul. Tarashanska, bud. 161, kv. 75 Bank account 26007392258 Bank: Kiev Regional Direction PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY RAIFFEISEN BANK AVAL, IN FAVOUR Bila Tserkva BRANCH KIEV, UKRAINE. SWIFT: AVALUAUKCKB Correspondent bank: The Bank of New York, New York SWIFT: IRVT US 3N Correspondent account: 890-0260-688 |
Перформанс Ревеньюс Лімітед Номер платника ПДВ: 514562909 Адреса: Ізраїль, м. Херцелія, вул. Шей Агнон, буд. 30 | ФОП Шапочкiн Михайло Володимирович Інд. код: 2944723018 виписка з ЕДРЮ та ФОП вiд 11.12.2012, N 2 353 000 0000 026913 Адреса: Украiна, 09106, м. Бiла Церква, вул. Таращанська, буд. 161, кв. 75 р/р: 26007392258 в Київській регіональній дирекції ПАТ «Райффайзен банк аваль» МФО: 322904 |
Appendix № 1
to the Agreement number ____
from "___" ________ 2013
Kyiv «___» _________ 2013
Appendix № 2
to the Agreement number ____
from "___" ________ 2013
Kyiv «___» _________ 2013