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Курс, 3 семестр

Вариант № 2

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New story for space house

The first specialized space module Kvant took off from the Baikonur launching site. It took it five days to catch up with the Mir station. The proton carried rocket delivered to the near-earth orbit two coupled vehicles: the module and the functional auxiliary block (FAB) with a total weight over 20 tons.

After docking to the Mir complex and checking the auxiliary systems of the module the FAB withdraws, releasing the passive docking unit of the module. Thus, one vehicle has two docking units – active and passive. The active unit links up with the Mir. Manned spaceships and Progress-type cargo ships can dock to the passive unit.

The module is 5.8 m long and 4.15 m in diameter. It has a mass of over 11 tons. It consists of a laboratory compartment with the transfer chamber and research equipment compartment. Inside the laboratory compartment there are the instrument and living sections divided only by interior panels. The module is supplied with a digital computer and two more computers.

The first module is actually a specialized scientific laboratory for conducting astrophysical research. Four powerful X-ray telescopes will enable scientists to study celestial bodies beyond the boundaries of our Galaxy. Of special interest are quasars, pulsars and “black holes”. Their observation will be carried out also with the ultraviolet band telescope complex, known as Glazar.


laboratory compartment – лабораторный отсек

celestial bodies – небесное тело

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1. I (translate) an article at seven o’clock last night.

A. was translating

B. translated

2. They (discuss) the problem when he (come) into the office.

A. discussed A. came

B. were discussing B. was coming

3. We (have) dinner when the telephone (ring).

A. were having A. was ringing

B. had B. rang

4. Peter and John (play) chess when I (come) back from college.

A. were playing A. came

B. played B. was coming

5. I (do) my homework while he (write) a letter.

A. did A. was writing

B. was doing B. wrote

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Smart Materials.

Smart – or shape memory – materials are in invention that has changed the world of engineering. There are two types: metal alloys and plastic polymers. The metal alloys were made first and they are usually an expensive mixture of titanium and nickel.

Shape memory materials are called “smart” because they react to change in their environment, for example:

ü Plastics that return to their original shape when the temperature changes. One use is in surgery where plastic threads “remember” the shape of a knot, react to the patient’s body temperature and make themselves into stitches.

ü Metal alloys that have a “memory” and can return to their original shape. They are used in medical implants that are compressed so they can be put inside the patient’s body through a small cut. The implant then expands back to its original shape. More everyday uses are for flexible spectacle frames and teeth braces.

ü Solids that darken in sunlight, like the lenses in some sunglasses.

ü Liquid crystals that change shape and colour. These have been used in climbing ropes that change colour if there is too much strain and weight on them.

The future of these materials and their possible uses is limited only by human imagination. One clever idea is that if cars were made of smart metal, a minor accident could be repaired by leaving the car in the sun!


1. You need a good____to think of new and interesting ideas.

2. ____are materials made from mixing two metals.

3. To___is to change because something else happens.

4. The__is everything around a person or thing.


Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. This time tomorrow they (sit) in the train on their way to Chicago.

A. will sit

B. will be sitting

2. Don’t phone Jim from 5 to 6 – he (have) English

A. will have

B. will be having

3. He (come) at eight in the evening.

A. will come

B. will be coming

4. I (be) at home if you need anything.

A. b) will be

B. will being

5. Why are you in a hurry? If you arrive at 8 o’clock, they (still/cook) the meal.

A. will still cook

B. will be still cooking