Part A
Word List
application | /"xplI'keISqn/ | применение, приложение, использование |
allow | /q'lau/ | позволять, разрешать, давать возможность |
available | /q'veIlqbl/ | имеющийся в распоряжении, доступный |
increasingly | /In'kri:sINlI/ | все более, все в большей степени |
cancel | /'kxnsql/ | аннулировать, отменять, отказаться |
instead | /In'sted/ | вместо, взамен |
significant | /sIg'nIfIkqnt/ | важный, существенный |
reduce | /rI'dju:s/ | снижать, уменьшать, сокращать |
receive | /rI'si:v/ | получать, встретить |
bandwidth | /'bxndwidT/ | ширина полосы частот |
therefore | /'DeqfO:/ | по этой причине, следовательно |
high-tech | /'bxndwIdT/ | высокотехнологичный |
base station | /"beIs 'steIS(q)n/ | базовая станция |
switch | /swItS/ | свитч |
broadband | /'brLdbxnd/ | широкополосный |
wireless | /'waIqlIs/ | беспроводной |
ensure | /In'Suq/ | гарантировать |
1. Match the following English words with the Russian equivalents and compare their meanings.
1) available a) вместо
2) therefore b) беспроводной
3) significant c) следовательно
4) connect d) увеличение
5) instead e) способный
6) reduction f) существенный
7) wireless g) доступный
8) increase h) соединять
9) accept i) снижение
10) capable j) принимать
2. Define the following words as parts of speech and give the initial words of the following derivatives.
Increasingly, connection, significant, receiver, transmitter, application, wireless, specification, manufacturer, technically, interconnect.
3. Read the following words in each line and define their roots. Translate the words into Russian:
1) increasingly, increase, increasing;
2) advanced, advance, advancing;
3) reduced, reducer, reduction;
4) application, applied, applicable, applicant;
5) provided, provision, provider;
6) connective, connection, connected, connectedly.
4. Pick out the equivalents of the following words and words combinations in paragraphs 3 of the text below.
Все более популярный, замещать, взамен, главная причина, значительные, дешевле, позволяя, по более низкой цене.
5. Read the following text. Choose the sentences covering the main idea of the text.
What is VoIP?
Many people are asking the question “What is VoIP1?” nowadays as it seems to have come out of nowhere. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology and an emerging set of applications which allow you to make phone calls over a Broadband Internet connection. VoIP can be used to call any telephone anywhere in the world. It doesn’t matter if the person you are calling has VoIP or not, as this is all taken care of by your VoIP Service Provider. VoIP telephone calls can be made either by using a Personal Computer (PC) connected to the Internet, or by a standard telephone which will need to be connected to the Internet using a special adapter. Also, newer IP/Broadband Telephones are available, which can connect directly to a cable modem or Internet router.
When you make a VoIP telephone call and begin to speak, the first step is to convert the analogue signal of your voice into digital data. This is done with an Analogue-to-Digital Converter. The next step is to compress the audio data using a codec (enCOder/DECoder) which significantly reduces the amount of digital data while maintaining audio quality. The compressed digital data can now be sent over the Internet. The data stream must be divided into smaller chunks, known as ‘packets’ which, besides containing the audio data, contains information about the origin, the destination, and a timestamp that allows it to be reconstructed in the correct sequence.
Over the last few years, VoIP has become increasingly popular and is already starting to replace existing telephone networks, with some people and businesses choosing to cancel their traditional phone line and use VoIP instead. The main reason people and businesses are switching over to VoIP is because of the significant cost savings that can be made over a traditional service provider. Long distance and international calls are much cheaper, and VoIP Service providers do not have the extra burden and costs to maintain the exiting telephone networks, allowing them to provide their services at greatly reduced costs.
VoIP provides similar features to traditional phone systems, such as voicemail, call forwarding, call waiting, caller ID, call blocking etc. VoIP also offers new features which do not currently exist on traditional phone systems, for example, the ability to have a virtual number – a telephone number from any available area code. This allows you to receive calls from people outside your local calling area with the caller paying only for a local call.
The increases in Internet bandwidth, when combined with the advances of audio compression and machine speed have allowed VoIP services to be capable of a high quality, sometimes even better than the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network). However, many users are also likely to accept a drop in quality for the benefit of free long distance calls that using VoIP gives you. This being the case, an even wider range of people are able and likely to use these systems. It is not surprising therefore that VoIP is increasingly being used today.
1VoIP (IP-телефония) – система связи, обеспечивающая передачу речевого сигнала по сети Интернет или другим IP-сетям.
6. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1. VoIP can be used to call any telephone anywhere in the world.
2. The person you are calling needs to have VoIP.
3. VoIP telephone calls can be made only by using a Personal Computer connected to the Internet.
4. When you make a VoIP telephone call the first step is to convert the digital signal of you voice into analogue data.
5. VoIP has become increasingly popular and is starting to replace existing telephone networks.
6. VoIP offers new features. One of them is the ability to have a virtual number.
7. Long distance and international calls are more expensive when using VoIP.
7. Match the parts to complete the sentences.
1. VoIP is a technology which allows you… | a) that can be made over a traditional service provider. |
2. VoIP telephone calls can be made either by using … | b) do not currently exist on traditional phone systems, for example, the ability to have a virtual number. |
3. The main reason people are switching over to VoIP is because of the significant cost savings… | c) to make phone calls over a Broadband Internet connection. |
4. VoIP provides new features which… | d) a personal computer connected to the Internet, or by a standard telephone line linked up to the Internet using a special adapter. |
8. Read paragraph 2 and describe the essence of making a VoIP telephone call.
9. Using the information of paragraphs 3 and 4, name the advantages of making a VoIP telephone call.
10. Make an outline of the text.
11. Make a short summary of the text in written form using your outline.
Part B.
12. Read the text and write out key words and phrases revealing the contents of the text.
13. Find the paragraph in the text which describes the main possibilities Bluetooth provides.
14. Divide the text into logical parts.
Bluetooth is a wireless communication technology facilitating data transmission over short distances from fixed and mobile devices, creating wireless personal area networks. Bluetooth provides a way to connect and exchange information between computers, printers, GPS receivers, digital cameras, etc.
The Bluetooth specifications are developed and licensed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, which consists of companies in the field of telecommunication, computing, networking and consumer electronics.
The name “Bluetooth” itself does not have any significance in relation to any of its functions or its purpose. “Bluetooth” is called after Danish King Herald Blätand who lived in the 10th century and united Denmark and Norway in 976 AD. In English, Blätand transformed into Bluetooth.
Bluetooth can be found in such devices as telephones, modems and headsets to transfer information between two or more devices that are near each other in low-bandwidth situation.
A master Bluetooth device can communicate with up to seven devices. This network group of up to eight devices is called a piconet. A piconet is a computer network, using Bluetooth technology protocols to allow one master device to interconnect with up to seven active devices.
The Bluetooth specification allows connecting two or more piconects together to form a scatternet, with some devices acting as a bridge by simultaneously playing the master role in one piconet and the slave role in another.
Any Bluetooth device will transmit the following information on demand: the name of the device, its class, list of services, technical information, for example, device features, manufacturer, Bluetooth specification used.
15. Make questions to the text.
16. Find the sentences containing:
‑ the main idea of the text;
‑ the origin of the name “Bluetooth”.
17. Express you attitude to the facts given in the text. You may use the following phrases:
1. It is full of interesting information… .
2. I find the text rather / very cognitive… .
3. I’ve learnt a lot… .
4. I don’t agree with it… .
18. Say which facts presented in the text you’ve already been familiar with.
Part C
19. Look through the following text, define the information presented in it and entitle the text.
Text C
Third Generation (3G) is a name for a set of mobile technologies, which use a host of high-tech infrastructure networks, handsets, base stations, switches and other equipment to allow cell phones to offer broadband wireless internet access, data, video, live TV & CD-quality music services.
On the CDMA1 platform the equivalent 3G networks are called CDMA-2000. 3G is turning phones and other devices into true multimedia players, making it possible to download media rich content and do full-scale banking on the move. Japan was the first country to introduce 3G with the service there being called the Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access.
That uses wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA2) technology to transfer data over its networks. W-CDMA is not the only 3G technology. Others include CDMAOne, which differs technically, but provides similar services. The 3G services & phones are expensive and uptake of this market is expected to be slow.
Micro payments will be possible via cell phones. The device will include the calendar, radio, MMS3, video, TV, banking, camera, music and so on. A live video-conference will ensure that 3G users don't need to be in office. Some of these services are provided by existing networks but slow transfer speeds limit the possibilities.
Today there are over 70 commercial 3G operators around the world with the service being popular in Japan, Sweden, the UK, Denmark and Australia.
Software developers are working on what they call Deep 3G, that is the future standard higher than 3G also called as 3.9G or 4G.
1CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access – множественный доступ с кодовым разделением каналов.
2W-CDMA – Wideband CDMA – широкополосный CDMA.
3MMS – Multimedia Message Service – служба передачи мультимедийных сообщений.
20. Find the following information in the text:
‑ the name of the country which was the first to introduce 3G technology;
‑ the possibilities 3G technology gives to the users.
21. Prove the following point of view: 3G technology is popular all over the world.
Part A
Word List
available | /q'veIlqbl/ | доступный |
beneficial | /"benI'fISql/ | полезный, выгодный |
comparison | /kqm'pxrIsn/ | сравнение |
competitive | /kqm'petItIv/ | соревнующийся |
establish | /Is'txblIS/ | учреждать, устанавливать |
facilitate | /fq'sIlIteIt/ | облегчать |
humidity | /hju:'mIdItI/ | влажность |
implementation | /"ImplImen'teISqn/ | выполнение |
length | /leNT/ | длина |
limit | /'lImIt/ | ограничить |
litigation | /"lItI'geISqn/ | тяжба |
measurement | /'meZqmqnt/ | измерение,pl. размеры |
metrology | /me'trPlqdZI/ | метрология |
mole | /mqul/ | моль, молекула |
precursor | /pri:'kq:sq/ | предшественник |
recognize | /'rekqgnaIz/ | узнавать, признавать |
require | /rI'kwaIq/ | требовать |
sweep | /swi:p/ | мести |
traceability | /"treIsq'bIlIti/ | отслеживаемость |
weight | /weIt/ | вес |
yield | /ji:ld/ | приносить, давать, уступать |
1. Define the following words as parts of speech and give the initial words of the following derivatives.
Measurement, scientific, quantitatively, qualitatively, acceptance, relatively, metrological, regional, standardized, applied, commonality, available, implementation, acceptance, definition, specification, executive, responsibility.
2. Fill in the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets.
1. The earliest forms of metrology were set up by … (region) authorities.
2. Metrology was necessary for the … (implement) of mass …. (product), … (equip) commonality.
3. Metrology was thus one of the precursors to the … (Industry) Revolution.
4. Many inventions made it easier to … (quantity) or … (quality) assess physical properties.
5. The discovery of many fundamental … (science) principles could be applied to standards of measurement.
6. Metrology was necessary for the … (implement) of mass … (produce).
3. Find words and phrases in the text which mean:
1) the science of measurement;
2) a measure of length that is the basic unit in the metric system;
3) a unit of measurement of molecular weight;
4) the act of measuring or the process of being measured;
5) an arrangement of workers, machines and equipment in which the product being assembled passes from operation to operation until completed;
6) completeness of the information about every step in a process chain;
7) the base unit of mass equal to 1.000 grams;
8) ancient times.
4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold type.
1. The earliest examples of these standardized measures are length, time, and weight.
2. Many inventions made it easier to quantitatively or qualitatively assess physical properties, using the defined units of measurement established by science.
3. Metrology was thus one of the precursors to the Industrial Revolution.
4. This system has gained unprecedented worldwide acceptance as definitions and standards of modern measurement units.
5. These units are then established and maintained through various agencies in each country, and establish a hierarchy of measurement standards that can be traced back to the established standard unit, a concept known as metrological traceability.
5. Read the text and name the key points raised in it.
History of Measurement
Metrology has existed in some form or another since antiquity. The earliest forms of metrology were simply arbitrary standards set up by regional or local authorities, often based on practical measures such as the length of an arm. The earliest examples of these standardized measures are length, time, and weight. These standards were established in order to facilitate commerce and record human activity.
Little progress was made with regard to proto-metrology until various scientists, chemists, and physicists started making headway during the Scientific Revolution. With the advances in the sciences, the comparison of experiment to theory required a rational system of units, and something more closely resembling modern metrology began to come into being. The discovery of atoms, electricity, thermodynamics, and other fundamental scientific principles could be applied to standards of measurement, and many inventions made it easier to quantitatively or qualitatively assess physical properties, using the defined units of measurement established by science.
Metrology was thus one of the precursors to the Industrial Revolution, and was necessary for the implementation of mass production, equipment commonality, and assembly lines.
Modern metrology has its roots in the French Revolution, with the political motivation to harmonize units all over France and the concept of establishing units of measurement based on constants of nature, and thus making measurement units available “for all people, for all time”. In this case deriving a unit of length from the dimensions of the Earth, and a unit of mass from a cube of water. The result was two platinum standards for the meter and the kilogram established as the basis of the metric system on June 22, 1799. This further led to the creation of the International System of Units. This system has gained unprecedented worldwide acceptance as definitions and standards of modern measurement units. Though not the official system of units of all nations, the definitions and specifications of SI1 are globally accepted and recognized. As early as the 1950s, businesses worldwide determined that there was a need to bring unity to measurement in the manufacturing process. As a result, the International Organization of Legal Metrology was created in 1955. Today, dozens of countries are members of the organization and share a common goal, to unify manufacturing and business throughout the world. The SI is maintained under the auspices of the Meter Convention and its institutions, CGPM2, its executive branch CIPM3, and its technical institution BIPM4.
As the authorities on SI, these organizations establish and promulgate the SI, with the ambition to be able to service all. This includes introducing new units, such as the relatively new unit, the mole, to encompass metrology in chemistry. These units are then established and maintained through various agencies in each country, and establish a hierarchy of measurement standards that can be traced back to the established standard unit, a concept known as metrological traceability.
1SI ‑ the International System of Units – система единиц (СИ).
2CGPM ‑ the General Conference on Weights and Measures.
3CIPM ‑ the International Committee for Weights and Measures – Международный комитет мер и весов.
4BIPM ‑ the International Bureau of Weights and Measures – международное бюро мер и весов.
6. Choose the correct answer to the following questions.
1. What were the earliest forms of metrology?
a) meter and kilogram;
b) the mole;
c) arbitrary standards set up by local authorities.
2. What were the earliest examples of standardized measures?
a) length, time, and weight;
b) the length of an arm;
c) atoms, electricity, thermodynamics.
3. What was the concept of the French Revolution?
a) to establish the metric system;
b) to harmonize units all over France and to establish units of measurement based on constants of nature;
c) to create the International System of Units.
4. When were the standards for meter and kilogram established?
a) on June 22, 1979;
b) on June 22, 1799;
c) on June 22, 1977.
5. The International Organization of Legal Metrology was created in:
a) 1799;
b) 1955;
c) 1957.
7. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1. The standards of length, time and weight were established in order to facilitate commerce and record human activity.
2. During the Scientific Revolution scientists, chemists, and physicists made little progress in metrology.
3. Kilogram is a unit of mass from a cube of oil.
4. Metrology is vital for the implementation of mass production, equipment commonality, and assembly lines.
5. One of the aims of modern metrology is to make measurement units available “for all people, for all time”.
6. The International Organization of Legal Metrology was created in 1958 to bring unity to measurement in the manufacturing process.
7. SI introduced the relatively new unit, the mole, to encompass metrology in chemistry.
8. Metrological traceability is the property of the result of a measurement whereby it can be related to standards, through a chain of comparisons.
8. Match the parts to complete sentences.
1. The comparison of experiment to theory required… 2. Metrology was one of the predecessors to … 3. The concept of establishing units of measurement led to the creation of … 4. The definitions and specifications of SI are… 5. In 1950s there was a need… | a) the Industrial Revolution. b) globally accepted and recognized. c) to bring unity to measurement. d) a rational system of units. e) the International System of Units. |
9. Read the text. There are 4 paragraphs in it. Match an appropriate title with the corresponding paragraph. One title is odd.
1) The subfields of metrology;
2) The concept of metrological traceability;
3) The origin of metrology;
4) Modern metrology and its institutions;
5) Metrology and the Scientific Revolution.
10. Make the description of traceability. Use information in the text.
Part B
11. Look through text В and choose the title.
1) Branches of Metrology;
2) Metrology Conventions;
3) Mechanical Metrology.
12. Divide the text into logical parts. In each part find the key sentence.
13. Find the paragraph in the text which describes electromagnetic metrology.
Text B
With so many countries competing for the market share of manufacturing business, metrology is essential to keep the market competitive. Having unified measurements can help with repair costs in the future and ensure that products can be used worldwide without difficulty. Many organizations hold international conventions where metrology members can share ideas and concerns, and compare notes. These metrology conventions are becoming a popular means for unifying the wide array of measurements used throughout the world.
Electromagnetic metrology members spend their time unifying the measurements for radio waves, temperature, humidity, radioactivity, DC frequency, fiber optics, photometry, and ionizing radiation. Those who participate in electromagnetic metrology work toward creating a unified version of electrical voltage and currents. Without electromagnetic metrology, every country creating parts for electronic equipment would use different electrical measurements. Products would break down easily or fail to work. Accurate measurements of temperature and humidity are also necessary to prevent energy waste in heating and cooling products.
Over the past decade, there has been an increased need for metrology in chemistry labs. Metrology of chemistry makes it possible to create strong processes for quality control of many goods manufactured worldwide. As pollution controls increase, there is an intense need to regulate worldwide emission controls. Metrology of chemistry helps ensure that different countries utilize chemicals in a manner that protects the environment. Chemistry metrology helps define standards to be used in gas/air mixtures, gas analyzers, inorganic materials, spectrometry, and microanalysis.
Mechanical metrology concentrates on standardizing acoustics, force/pressure, vibration, volume, density, and dimensions. As Asian companies begin sweeping the country in terms of inexpensive manufacturing, other companies are relying on mechanical metrology to help them compete. With a set of standards in place, customers can buy products from any country and know they will be getting parts with universal measurements. This helps keep repair costs competitive.
14. Name the main problems discussed in the text.
15. Find the sentences containing information about a unified version of electrical voltage and currents and pollution control.
16. Express your attitude to the facts given in the text. You may use the following phrases:
1. It is full of interesting information… .
2. I find the text rather/very cognitive… .
3. I’ve learnt a lot … .
4. I don’t agree with it … .
17. Make a questionnaire to the text and interview your partner on the problem raised in the text.
Part C
18. Read the title of the text and say what information is presented in it.
19. Scan the following text and say what problem is described in the text.
Metrology in Society
Sufficiently correct measurements are essential to commerce. About nine out of every ten people working in metrology specialize in commercial measurement, most at the technician level. Correct measurements are beneficial to manufacturing, but other methods are available and sometimes are more appropriate.
Metrology has thrived at the interface between science and manufacturing. Aerospace, commercial nuclear power, medicine, medical devices and semiconductors rely on metrology to translate theoretical science into mass produced reality.
The basic concepts of metrology are deceptively simple. Metrology is seldom recognized for its significance and is rarely taught in a systematic manner above the technician level. Within most businesses, metrology core beliefs such as recording all setups and observations for possible future reference are opposed to the general business practice of minimizing recordkeeping to limit litigation effects.
The nature of engineering and engineering education in general is changing. Judgment development will replace skills conclusively yielded to computers between 1960 and 2000. Hopefully, metrology will take its rightful place in judgment development in the future.
20. Say where the presented information can be used.
21. Speak on one of the following points to your partner.
1. Correct measurements are beneficial to manufacturing.
2. Metrology has thrived at the interface between science and manufacturing.
3. Metrology is seldom recognized for its significance.
4. The role of metrology in judgment development.