Инфинитив– неопределенная форма глагола, отвечает на вопрос что делать? или что сделать? Показателем инфинитива является частица to
Формы инфинитива
Indefinite | Active | Passive | Выражают действия, одновременные с действием глагола-сказуемого. |
to write | to be written | ||
Continuous | to be writing | ------- | |
Perfect | to have written | to have been written | Выражают действия, предшествующие действию глагола-сказуемого,переводятся прошедшим временем. |
Perfect Continuous | to have been writing | ------- |
Функции инфинитива
Подлежащее (переводится существительным или неопределенной формой глагола) | It is sometimes possible to recover data from a corrupted disc.- Иногда можно восстановить данные с разрушенного диска. To input data is to transfer data or information from outside a computer to its memory. – Ввести данные - значит передать данные или информацию извне компьютера в его память. |
Составное именное сказуемое (существительное + глагол be + инфинитив) Подлежащее может быть выражено существительными: aim, purpose – цель; duty – долг; task – задача; method – метод; wish – желание; plan – план; function – назначение; problem – проблема, задача. Глагол-связка to be либо совсем не переводится на русский язык, либо переводится словами заключаться в том, что(бы), состоять в том, чтобы. | His task is to debug the problem. – Его задача (состоит в том, чтобы) отладить программу. |
Составное глагольное сказуемое (переводится неопределенной формой глагола) | Because the computer revolution is so new, many effects are still to be discovered. – Поскольку компьютерная революция еще так нова, нам еще предстоит многое открыть. |
Дополнение (переводится неопределенной формой глагола) | We want to keep the information about our clients in a database. – Мы хотим хранить информацию о наших клиентах в базе данных. |
Определение (переводится определительным придаточным предложением, сказуемое которого имеет оттенок долженствования, возможности или будущего времени. Выбор модального оттенка подсказывается общим смыслом всего предложения. Инфинитив после слов the first (the second, etc.), the last является определением и переводится на русский язык в том времени, в котором стоит глагол to be | As this is the robot to be driven by the general public it has on-board sensors to safeguard itself against the commands that could put it in danger.-Так как это робот, которым будут управлять не- специалисты, у него есть бортовые сенсоры для защиты от команд, представляющих опасность для него. Charles Babbage was the first to design the programmable computer – Чарльз Бэббидж первым создал прграммируемый компьютер. |
Обстоятельство цели (может стоять или в начале или в конце предложения, вводиться союзами in order (to) – для того чтобы; so as (to) –так чтобы | (In order) To type letters and files we use a word processing program. Для того чтобы напечатать письма и файлы, мы используем программу «текстовый редактор» |
Обстоятельство следствия (со словами too – cлишком; enough – достаточно) часто при переводе имеет модальный оттенок | This metal is too brittle to be hammered. – Этот метал слишком хрупок, чтобы ковать его. |
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции подлежащего.
1.To solve this problem is extremely important. 2. To know a foreign language is necessary for the computer specialist. 3. It is important to realize that video RAM (VRAM) must meet higher performance specifications than regular RAM. 4. It is necessary to define the tasks of this program. 5. To study this program requires much knowledge. 6. Today it’s common to see terminals that include telephones, PCs and larger computers. 7. It is important to remember that disk drives are mechanical devices. 8. To introduce a microprocessor that is not downwardly compatible with previous models is very risky. 9. To translate the text without a dictionary is difficult. 10. New computer systems have such good audio systems that it is possible to listen to music while you work, have the computer tell you when the printer needs paper, play games that include sound, or compose music on the computer. 11. To explain this simple fact is not so very easy. 12. To obtain these data is necessary for carrying out further experiments. 13. To help our comrades is our duty. 14. To train highly qualified programmers is extremely important for the development of computer science. 15. To study this programming language requires much knowledge.
Упражнение 2. Найдите в следующих предложениях инфинитив в функции сказуемого. Переведите предложения.
1.The purpose of the computer is to transform data into information. 2. Using computers has both positive and negative effects on our lives. Our goal is to take advantage of the positives and either reduce the negatives or deal with their results in the best way for you. 3. The biggest challenge in making a workgroup effective is to ensure that its members can communicate more easily among themselves. 4. One important task performed by the operating system is to control the execution (running) of programs. 5. Information must be relevant, timely, accurate, concise and complete in order to be useful . 6. Procedures are the steps that you must follow to accomplish a specific computer-related task . 7. Computers may displace workers by automating tasks that people used to perform or by enabling fewer workers to perform tasks more efficiently. 8. You can use software to instruct computer hardware to do a variety of tasks that involve processing data. 9. The transistor was to change the way computers were built. 10. The first step in developing a program is to define the program.11. The communication channels must be as wide - and as clean – as possible to accommodate a large number of complex signals. 12. Virtually all countries have recognized that to be part of the world economy, they must be part of the world communications system. 13. Users can put the information on their Web pages onto the intranet, and all interested parties can access the information, read it , and download it without wasting the paper to copy it, or the time to make and circulate the copies. 14. To read a graphics file, you must use a program that recognizes the file’s format. 15. In order to connect a monitor to a microcomputer, you must have a graphics adapter board (also known as a video card).
Упражнение 3. Найдите и переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выступает в функции дополнения.
1. You need to understand some fundamental concepts about how computer systems are set up and how they work. 2. Computers consist of hardware, the physical parts of the computer, and software, the programs that tell the computer what to do. 3. You must transfer the information to a storage device, such a disk drive, if you want to keep the information permanently. 4. Computers also ease your daily activities by brewing your coffee, printing your newspaper, and helping you write your letters and pay your bills. 5. Only in the 1950s it became business to produce and consume computer languages. 6. When a modem attempts to establish a connection, it automatically negotiates the modem on the other end. 7. Windows and the graphical user interface made it possible to create value-added files – spreadsheets with charts, word processing files that used different fonts and sophisticated formatting. 8. Most users want to use applications with which they are already familiar, and there is no reason not to do so in a networked computing environment. 9. Many officials want to ban the Internet entirely, but others insist that doing so would leave the countries technologically hobbled. 10. Perhaps the easiest way to enter data is with the touch of a finger. 11. Pen-based computing is just beginning to gain widespread acceptance. 12. Once the program is complete, it needs to be implemented - installed on a computer and made to work properly. 13. Performance monitors help maximize the system’s performance by keeping track of what is happening with the various hardware devices. 14. Although a computer can operate perfectly without a printer, it is certainly helpful to the user to have one.
Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода инфинитива в функции определения.
1. The capability to process data can be used in a variety of ways. 2. A useful model to describe the relationship between data and information is called the systems model. 3. Efforts to pack more transistors on one chip have led to such a development as Intel’s Pentium Pro microprocessor. 4. Multiprogramming is the capability of a computer to switch between programs requested by different users and to execute the programs concurrently. 5. The instructions to start the computer are stored in read-only memory chips, which are not volatile. 6. When an organization wants to offer communications services to others, it submits a tariff to the government. The tariff is a list of services and charges for the services to be offered. 7. Bandwidth refers to the capacity of a communications channel to carry data or information. 9. Disk drives can store large amounts of data and have the capability to directly access a file or record. 10. Just as CDs have revolutionized the music industry, optical discs have the potential to change secondary storage media. 11. Depending on the volume and type of material to be scanned, you can use drum scanners, flatbed scanners, sheet-fed scanners, and even small handheld scanners. 12. New sound cards even include the possibility to have the computer read a text file to you while you continue working. 13. To test or debug a program, you must create sample input data that represent every possible way to enter input. 14. One program often cannot read data created in another program unless the receiving program has the capability to translate the other program’s code. 15. In the early days of the PC revolution, the computer placed the means to gather, organize, and publish information into the hands of more people than any other previous publishing medium.
Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выступает в функции обстоятельства.
1. Because computers have moved into society so rapidly and so completely, you need basic computer skills just to pursue your career goals and function effectively in society. 2. You need computer literacy, sufficient computer knowledge to prepare you for working and living. 3. Today’s complex computer programs, such as Microsoft Word, consist of many separate programs that are designed to run together. 4. In California, for example, a forest ranger uses an electronic spreadsheet to analyze data concerning endangered animal populations. 5. A database program creates an electronic version of a card file - and the program gives you the tools you need to organize this file and to retrieve information. 6. Mainframe computers are large, expensive computers designed to meet a large organization’s computing needs.
7. High-level languages were developed to make programming available to most people. 8. To be useful, information must be relevant, timely, concise, accurate and complete. 9. The first computing device could have been as simple as a set of stones used to represent bushels of wheat or herds of animals. 10.To make computers more user friendly (easier to work with), companies developed graphical user interfaces. 11.Computers that use artificial intelligence will have some attributes associated with human intelligence, such as capabilities to decode and respond to natural language(a human language such as English), to reason and draw inferences, and to recognize patterns in sensory input. 12.To interpret the incoming information properly, each computer needs to know whether the other computer is using even parity or odd parity. 13. Minicomputers are smaller than mainframes but still large enough to meet the computing needs of a medium-sized or small organization. 14. To link two computers through the telephone system, a hardware accessory called modem is necessary. 15. To use a bulletin board , you use your communication program to call the bulletin board telephone number.
Объектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Object)
Объектный инфинитивный оборот – это сочетание имени существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже с инфинитивом глагола, выступающего как единый член предложения – сложное дополнение. Оно употребляется после глаголов с широким кругом значений, выражающих умственную деятельность; желание, требование; физическое восприятие; констатацию факта; просьбу, запрет; приказ, разрешение и др.
Subject | Рredicate | Complex Object | |
![]() ![]() | expect, assume, think, suppose, know, believe, consider, want, wish make, see, observe, hear, watch, feel | Noun (Pronouns): Infinitive me, you, him, with -to- her, us, them Noun Infinitive (Pronoun) without –to- | |
Engineers Инженеры | consider считают, | computing equipment to make production что компьютерная processes more effective техника делает производствен- ный процесс более эффективным | |
I Я | have never heard никогда не слышал, чтобы | her она | sing that song. пела эту песню |
Запомните значения глаголов, вводящих сложное дополнение:
assume – считать, полагать desire – хотеть, желать
believe – считать, полагать require - требовать
consider – считать, полагать wish – хотеть, желать
choose – считать want - хотеть
expect – ожидать, надеяться feel - чувствовать
find – находить,обнаруживать hear - слышать
hold - считать see - видеть
know – знать watch - наблюдать
maintain – утверждать observe - наблюдать
reckon – считать сause – причинять, вызывать
suppose – полагать, предполагать make - заставлять
take – считать allow - позволять
think – думать, полагать enable – давать возможность
show – показывать force - вынуждать
prove – доказывать ask – просить
Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода объектного инфинитивного оборота.
1. The transmission mode enables the receiving computer to know where one byte ends and next byte begins on the transmission medium. 2. 4. A debugger is a system software that helps programmers identify errors. 3. A good communication program directs the modem to dial the telephone number needed. 4. A remote terminal enables the user to operate the distant computer, just as is that person were sitting in front of the distant computer and using its keyboard. 5. Compared to the postal service, electronic mail has many advantages. Many systems let you check to see whether the recipient has accessed your message. 6. International electronic mail systems enable you to find “pen pals” all over the world. 7. Programming languages require certain formalities, and advanced text editors help programmers stick to proper forms.
8. The event is a message that causes a procedure (subprogram) attached to respond. 9. Electronic mail, or e-mail, allows messages sent from your computer to be accessed by the recipient at his or her computer, as long as you both have access to the same e-mail system. 10. Bulletin board systems (BBSs) enable independent computer users, using telecommunications, to interact with each other through a central contact. 11.System software programs help the hardware components work together and provide support for application programs. 12. Traditionally, programming languages have been procedural in nature. If you wanted a computer to accomplish a task, and then programmed them into the computer. 13. CD-erasable enables users to store, access, and reuse discs in the same way that floppy discs can be used. 14. System software programs help the hardware components work together and provide support for appplication programs. 15. Optical recognition systems enable the computer “to read” data by scanning printed text for recognizable patterns.
Субъектный инфитивный оборот (Complex subject)
Субъектный инфинитивный оборот (сложное подлежащее) состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива, стоящего после сказуемого.
Subject Noun/Pronoun | Predicate | Infinitive |
is said is known is supposed is believed | ||
Computing equipment is known to make production processes more effective. – Известно, что компьютерное оборудование делает производственные процессы более эффективными. | ||
seems appears happens proves | ||
The chip appeared to be a crucial development in the accelerating pace of computer technology. – Кристаллы оказались важным изобретением в ускорении развития компьютерных технологий. | ||
is likely is sure is certain | ||
He is certain to know the password. – Несомненно, он знает пароль. |
Запомните значения следующих глаголов, глагольных словосочетаний, образующих с инфинитивом субъектный инфинитивный оборот.
1. Глаголы, которые употребляются в этом обороте в страдательном залоге:
know – знать believe – полагать; считать
consider – считать; рассматривать find – полагать; считать
say – говорить suppose - предполагать
state – заявлять; сообщать assume - предполагать
report – сообщать expect - ожидать
think – думать; считать hear - слышать
2. В действительном залоге употребляется только несколько глаголов:
seem – казаться happen – оказываться; случаться
appear – казаться chance – оказываться; случаться
prove- оказываться turn out – оказываться
3. Инфинитив в этом обороте может также стоять после словосочетаний;
be likely – вероятно; может be sure – несомненно; конечно
be unlikely - вряд ли; не может быть, что be certain – несомненно; конечно
be not likely – маловероятно
Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения с субъектным инфинитивным оборотом.
1.The programmer is free to concentrate on the desired result – what the program is supposed to accomplish – rather than worry about the details of how the computer operates. 2. Each new communications technology or application seems to require its own standards. 3. Internet-2 is expected to be deployed around this year. 4. Capturing data at the source minimizes errors because the people who key the data are doing a variety of tasks and are therefore less likely to make errors due to boredom. 5.Processor is known to refer to the processing circuits: central processing unit, memory, interrupt unit, clock, and timing. 6. Many so-called general-purpose computers are known to have features which restrict their use to certain general problem areas. 7. The desk computer is expected to function as your personal librarian, carry out simple optimization computations, control your budget or diet, play several hundred games, etc. 8. Further development of the computer is believed to lead to a situation in which most of the knowledge accepted by mankind will be stored in computers and made accessible to anyone with a home computer. 9. The development of the project appears to be improving. 10. He proved to be an excellent programmer. 11. At present the most important examples of semiconductors seem to be silicon and germanium. 12. The importance of mathematics for all sciences is known to be growing rapidly. 13. The creation of complex modern machines is considered to require a thoroughly developed industry and a high technical level in all branches of industry. 14. The program proved to be a great success.