Answer the questions using the words in brackets and the correct tense of the verb

Example: When did you last smoke? (for two years)

I haven’t smoked for two years.

1. When did it last rain? (for ages)

2. When did they last visit you? (since June)

3. When did you last play tennis? (for a long time)

4. When did you last eat black caviar ?(never)

5. When did you last drive? (for six months)

6. When did you last go to Spain? (never)

7. When did she last write to you? (since last summer)



Translate into English.

1. Вы написали контрольную работу? Покажите мне ее. 2. Она написала последнюю контрольную работу без ошибок. 3. Рада вас видеть. Я так много слышала о вас от отца. 4. Я давно видела этот фильм. Я уже забыла его. 5. – Вы бывали когда-нибудь на Кавказе? – Да. – Вы конечно же видели озеро Рица? – О, да. Я никогда не видела ничего более красивого.6. Я не была в Новгороде с тех пор, как мы переехали в Самару. Я очень люблю этот древний город. 7. В этом году моя сестра поступила в НГЛУ. 8. – Звонок уже был? Что у нас сейчас? – Лекция по истории.9. Он был болен и отстал от группы. Давайте поможем ему с английским. 10. Сегодня я не была в библиотеке. 11. В этом году я часто видела их в кино. 12. Начался дождь. Ты взяла с собой зонтик?

The Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Perfect Continuous is used to denote:


1. An action which began before a definite moment in the past, has been going on up to the present moment and is still going on. It is generally used with since (denoting the starting point of the action) and for (denoting the whole period of duration), these two days etc. If the conjunction since introduces a clause, the verb in this clause is used in the Past Simple.

Since I saw you last I have been thinking, thinking about you.

I have been reading this book for two months.

She has been painting these two days.

2. An action which was in progress but has recently stopped or just stopped.

Have you been crying?-Your eyes are read.

4.1 Ask questions withhow long using the correct form of the verb.

1. My foot is hurting.

2. Mike plays chess.

3. Jim sells washing machines.

4. Tom is living in High Street.

5. Jean is learning Chinese.

6. My sister is married.

7. Boris is on holiday.

8. I live in Glasgow.

9. It is snowing.

10. Jack smokes.

11. I know about her problem.

12. Jack & Jill are looking for a flat.

13. Diana teaches English in Germany.

14. Dennis is in love with Margaret.

15. Colin has a car.

4.2 Rewrite the sentences usingsince orfor and the correct form of the verb.

1. I know Bob (for five years).

2. Jack lives in Bolton (since he was born).

3. Bill is unemployed (since April).

4. Ann has a bad cold (for the last few days).

5. I want to go to that room (since I was a child).

6. My brother is studying languages at university (for two years).

7. Tim & Jane are working in Sheffield (since February).

8. My cousin is in army (since he was 17).

9. They are waiting for us (for half an hour).



Ask a question to each situation. Mind the tense form.

Example:Betty looks sunburnt. (she/to lie in the sun)

Has she been lying in the sun?

1. Your brother comes home. His hands and face are dirty.(you/to do)

2. The doctor has just come and sees the patient waiting for him. (you/to wait)

3. Your friend tells you he sells books (you/to sell)

4. Your friend is a teacher.(she/to teach)

5. Your sister is saving money to go on holiday. (she /to save)

6. Your friend is out of breath. (you/to run)

7. There is a smell of fresh paint in the house. (you/to paint)



4.4 Say how long something has been happening (usesinceorfor).

Example: It is snowing now. It started snowing two hours ago.

It has been snowing for two hours.

1. Mary is looking for a job. She began looking for it four months ago.

2. He is learning Italian. He began learning it in January.

3. John is working in Paris now. He started working there in summer.

4. Mike plays chess. He started playing chess three years ago.

5. Jim sells computers. He began selling them last year.

6. I’m tired. I have tired up the flat.

7. Mary is playing tennis. She began to play an hour ago.

8. Linda is working tooth and nail. She began to work hard last term.