Exercise 1. Render the following sentences into the Past and the Future
1. He is a student of our University.
2. She is a good student.
3. You are our guests.
4. I am a member of this group.
5. Are they pupils or students?
6. What is your profession?
7. We are good friends.
8. You are Ukrainian citizen, aren’t you?
Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with am, is, are, was, were, will be, shall be.
1. … you a scientist?
2. Who … the eldest member of your family?
3. I … a second year student next year.
4. Scientific conference … in our University in 1996.
5. … this man a teacher or a doctor?
6. He … an American, … he?
7. … these your books?
8. … you in London last year?
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.
1. Is your father an engineer?
2. Will you be an economist?
3. Who is the eldest in your family?
4. Are your parents in England?
5. Your mother was a famous dancer, wasn’t she?
6. Who are you?
7. What are you?
8. Is your best friend a student or a collective farmer?
9. Shall we be friends?
10. Where were you yesterday in the evening?
Exercise 3. Ask your friend all possible questions to the following sentences.
1. Victor Petrov is a student.
2. He is a famous scientist.
3. They were members of our society.
4. My friend is a famous artist.
5. She was a good research worker.
6. I am a student of KSTU.
7. We were good friends.
8. The house of his grandfather is very old.
Exercise 4. Say it in English.
1. Твоя мати була студенткою цього університету?
2. Він відомий науковець, чи не так?
3. Я не учень а студент.
4. Вони Українці.
5. Вoна не на роботі.
6. Мій дідусь був професором в університеті.
7. У майбутньому я буду хорошим спеціалістом.
8. Хто автор цієї статті?
9. Вони були добрими друзями.
10. Твій брат буде завтра на лекції?
II. Reading
My friends
Let me introduce myself. My name is Peter Stogov. I am 19. I’m a student of Kiev National Linguistic University. I am a first year student. I am very happy.
I have many friends. My best friend is Vladimir Petrov. He is a student too. But he is not a student of KNLU. He is a student of Kharkov Pharmacy Academy. He is 20 years old and he is a second year student.
Lena Pavlova is my girl friend. She is 18, but she is not a student. She is a secretary at the court. She is very clever and pretty.
I also have a friend in England. His name is Steven King. Is he Ukrainian? No, he is not. He’s English. Is he a student? No, he isn’t. He is a lawyer in London. He is 25. He is very busy. Steven has a family. He has a father, a mother and a sister. His father is a research worker. He was in our country last year. It was a scientific conference in Kiev. Steven’s mother is a house-wife. Several years ago she was a teacher. Now she has a little daughter. Kate is Steven’s sister. She is 5 years old. She is not a school girl. She is very small.
III. Practice
Exercise 1. Ask your fellow student about:
a) His/her family;
b) His/her friends.
Get the information about: names, surnames, ages, nationalities, relatives, occupations.
Construction there + be
The Present Indefinite Tense
Affirmative | Interrogative | Negative |
There is a computer center at the University. | Is there a computer center at the University? | There is no computer center at the University. |
There are computer centers at the University. | Are there computer centers at the University? | There are no computer centers at the University. |
The Past Indefinite Tense
Affirmative | Interrogative | Negative |
There was a computer center at the University. | Was there a computer center at the University? | There was no computer center at the University. |
There were computer centers at the University. | Were there computer centers at the University? | There were no computer centers at the University. |
Indefinite Pronouns
![]() |
![]() ![]() | People | Things | Places |
some деякий будь-який, декілька | somebody someone хтось, будь-хто | something що-небудь | somewhere де-небудь |
any деякий, будь-який, декілька | anybody anyone будь-який хтось | anything все будь-що | anywhere скрізь всюди |
no ніякий | nobody no one ніхто | nothing ніщо нічого | nowhere ніде |
Illustrative Examples
There is a post-graduate course at the University.
There are student hostels at the University.
Is there a post-graduate course at the University?
Yes, there is. No, there is not.
There is no post-graduate course at the University.
There are not many student hostels at the University.
Is there a post-graduate course or a designing bureau at the University?
What is there at the University?
There is a post-graduate course at the University.
How many student hostels are there at the University?
There are three student hostels at the University.
There is somebody in the laboratory.
Is there anybody in the laboratory?
There is nobody in the laboratory.
There is not anybody in the laboratory.