Ex. 12. Use the absolute form of the possessive pronoun. Translate into Russian

a) 1. His reproduction is more interesting than (your/my). 2. Are those people friends of (your)? 3. You can do very well without my assistance, but you won't cope without (their) 4. Their tape-recorder is always out of order as well as (his). 5. The pleasure was all (my). 6. (Our) was the last turn. 7. Their route was much shorter than (our). 8. I've dropped allthese pencils and can't say which are (your) and which are (my). 9. What cassette is (your)? 10. (my) is a new one.

b) 1. I gave him my address and he gave me ... . 2. I hey asked us for help and we suggested ... . 3. She asked me questions and the answers were 4. He didn't have an umbrella, so she gave him ... 5. Whose money is this? - I don't know, perhaps ... 6. This doesn't look like my shampoo, it must be ... . 7. Take your bag, I have taken...; come on! 8. They say they have lost tickets; perhaps these are ... . 9. Jack has come to see me; his father and ... are good friends. 10. Ann and I have made new dresses to wear them at the party; she says ... is better than ....

Ex. 13. Use the conjoint or absolute form of possessive pronouns in the fol­lowing sentences.

a) 1.This is (my, mine) sandwich. 2. This sandwich is (my, mine). 3. Is (their, theirs) house large or small? 4. His rollers are more expensive than (your, yours). 5. Whose scarf is this? - It's (her, hers). 6. Is he a friend of (our, ours)? 7. Don't stay at (her, hers) place for a long time; stay at (their, theirs). 8. Mary is in bed in (her, hers) room.9. Something has gone wrong with (your, yours) iron, use (my, mine). 10. That was an old chap of (mine, my). 11. (Our, ours) are the best tests.

b) 1. This foolish girl-friend of (he) thinks he's a great musician. 2. She put (she) hand into (he). 3. Mother, I'll have (1) hair cut this afternoon. 4. She took the letter, put it aside and then returned it on (it) place. 5. The children had had (they) tea. Kate was late for (she) as usual, Mary and John were having (they). 6. She knits nil (she) sweaters herself. 7. That notebook is (I). There is (I) name on it. 8. They can do (they) shopping afterwards. 9. She was watering flowers in (she) garden.

Ex. 14. Translate into English.

1. Смертельная усталость легла на его лицо. 2. У меня мною музыкальных сборников этого композитора Я отдаю предпочтение его сонатам. 3. Наш новый автомобиль небольшой, но мотор у него относительно мощный. 4. Кого из своих родственников ты пригласишь на вечеринку?.5 Ее часы спе­шат. Их нужно отремонтировать. 6. В самолете я встретила свою старую подругу. Она путешествовала со своим мужем. 7. Вот ваше купе. Ее полка верхняя, а ваша нижняя. 8. Все это случилось не по нашей, а по их вине. 9 Чье исполнение вам понравилось: наше или того пианиста? 10. Мы поделились с ними своим опытом, а они своим. 11. Результаты показали, что наш план был смелее, чем их. 12. Самый лучший выбор – ваш. 13. Дай мне на секунду кассету. 14. Фэй Виктор – ее приятельница. 15. Это не мой рюкзак. Мой зеленый. 16. Не садитесь на этот стул, у него сломана ножка. 17. Мой подарок не хуже вашего.

The Reflexive Pronouns

Ex. 15. Point out reflexive and emphatic pronouns. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Kate set herself 5 drawings per week. 2. Voronov himself is a nice person - so modest and unassuming. 3. She had taught Polly to speak English like herself. 4. They themselves were longing to ask Tim how she would take the result. 5. Her eyes reconcentrated themselves quickly on the painting. 6. I'll see him myself tomorrow. 7. If you don't like this, you can live by yourself. 8. She cited the poem to them herself. 9.1 thought to myself that it was always the same way. 10. 1 thought what a pretty girl she was herself.

Ex. 16. Insert the proper, self-pronoun.

1. "Feel comfortable" - she said, seating... on a sofa near him. 2. The ship was expected at 10 o'clock so I allowed... to sit gazing out to sea. 3. At dawn I was cooling... diving in the lake. 4. You even call... by your fancy real name. 5. She opened to him.... 6. Can you speak to them … 7. The porter... opened the door. 8. Their relationship with Rafael has renewed... suddenly. 9. Who can it be? Irene...? I can't believe my eyes. 10. There was a frame and in it a photograph of …. as a little girl.

Ex. 17. Translate Into English.

1. Мы сами увидим его завтра. 2. Чай готов. Наливай себе чашку и садись за стол. 3. Я могу дать вам свой собственный паспорт. 4. Она часто разговаривала сама с собой. 5. Зятем нам самим захотелось перевести книгу. 6. В день годовщины свадьбы они должны были обедать одни. 7. "Вероятно, будет ссора,"- сказал сам себе Джон. 8. Им всегда нравилась песня "Тень твоей улыбки". 9. Она страшно упрекала себя за свое поведение. 10. Ее муж был занят, и она не могла пойти на концерт одна. II. Они предпочитали пить кофе одни, а после кофе играли в шахматы. 12. Когда она была готова, она посмотрела в зеркало. 12.Мы постоянно стараемся оправдать себя. 13. Ты сама себя понимаешь? 14. Вернись и закрой дверь! Двери сами не за­крываются. 15. В тот вечер она была сама доброта.