Типы придаточных предложений

Тип придаточного предложения Союзы и союзные слова Примеры Переводы
Подлежащее придаточное that что, if, whether ли, whoкто, whatчто, whichкоторый, when когда, whereгде, how как, whyпочему … What is done can’t be undone. Что сделано, то не изменишь.
Предикативное придаточное that, whether, if, who, what, which, where, how, why … That’s how he did it. Вот как он это сделал.
Дополнительное придаточное that, what, if, whether, who, which, when, where, why, how I wonder if he likes his job.   He couldn’t understand why they insisted on such a decision. Интересно, нравится ли ему его работа. Он не мог понять, почему они настаивали на таком решении.
Определительное придаточное who который, whose чей, which, that который, as, when, where, why He is the most interesting man that I have ever met. Он самый интересный человек, которого я когда-либо встречал.
Обстоятельственное придаточное времени when, wherever всякий раз, когда, whileв то время как, пока; as когда, в то время как, по мере того как, afterпосле того как, beforeдо того как, till, until пока, не, as soon asкак только, sinceс тех пор как While there is life there is hope. When I come back, I’ll call you.   Пока есть жизнь, есть надежда. Когда я вернусь, я тебе позвоню.
Места where, wherever где бы ни, куда бы ни Where there is a will there is a way. Где хотение, там и умение.
Причины becauseпотому что, asтак как, since так как, поскольку, forтак как, now that теперь когда, поскольку Now that he is here he can help us. Теперь когда (поскольку) он здесь, он может помочь нам.
Результата so that так что, so … thatтак … что He spoke so quickly that I could hardly understand him. Он говорил так быстро, что я едва мог понимать его.
Цели so that, so, in order thatчтобы, для того чтобы, lestчтобы не He spoke loudly and clearly so that all could hear him. Он говорил громко и отчётливо, чтобы все могли его слышать.
Сравнения или образа действия as if если бы, as thoughкак будто, thanчем, as … as так (такой) же … как, not so … as не так (такой) … как They met as if they were friends. Они встретились так, словно они были друзьями.
Условия if если, in case в случае, suppose если, предположим (что), unless если … не, provided (that) при условии (что), если только If we don’t get your answer in two days we’ll pass the order on to another firm. Если мы не получим ваш ответ через два дня, мы передадим заказ другой фирме.
Уступительное придаточное though, although хотя, even if (even though)даже если, however тем не менее, whoever кто бы ни, whateverчтобы ни, whichever какой бы ни Although the company is profitable it has some serious problems. Хотя компания прибыльна, у неё есть некоторые серьёзные проблемы.



Бессоюзный тип подчинения

Придаточное предложение может присоединяться к главному и без помощи союзов. Такая связь называется бессоюзной связью. Два типа придаточных предложений, дополнительные и определительные, могут присоединяться к главному предложению без союза. Для того чтобы правильно перевести предложение, внимательно посмотрите на его структуру и определите его главные члены: подлежащее и сказуемое. В дополнительных придаточных предложениях часто опускается союз that, при переводе на границе между главным предложением и придаточным дополнительным предложением (перед группой подлежащего) необходимо вводить союз что, например:

I know /(that)this man is a well-known economist.

Я знаю, что этот человек - известный экономист.

I am sure /he will take part in this conference.

Я уверена, что он примет участие в этой конференции.

При переводе на русский язык придаточных определительных предложений на границе между главным и придаточным предложениями вводится союзное слово который. Эта граница проходит между определяемым существительным и подлежащим придаточного определительного предложения, например:

The building /(which) our institute occupies is in Svoboda street.

Здание, которое занимает наш институт, находится на улице Свободы.

He put aside all the articles except the one /we discussed yesterday.

Он отложил в сторону все статьи, кроме той, которую мы обсудили



Ex. 1. Answer the following questions using complex sentences.

1. Where will you work when you graduate from the Institute?

2. Will you try to find a part-time job for summer after you pass your exams?

3. What did you use to do on Sundays when you studied at school?

4. Who can help you if you have problems?

5. Though you’ll get a diploma in three years you think about your future work, don’t you?

6. Who is the girl you were speaking to in the hall?

7. Why didn’t you take part in the Institute chess tournament?

8. Have you bought the book the professor told you about?

9. Who told you that we would have two seminars on Saturday?

10. Do you take part in all the events that are held at the Institute?

Ex. 2. Make up complex sentences.

1. When I was eighteen …….

2. Though I’m not sure that you are right …..

3. What is the most important thing for me …..

4. He spoke so expressively that ……

5. This is the most exciting film …..

6. What is done……

7. Whenever I see him…..

8. Before she was promoted….

9. When you are ready…..

10. Most school children in Britain look very similar because they…..

11. He wondered whether…..

12. She told everybody that…..

Ex.3. Insert the missed words.Translate these complex sentences paying attention to the subordinate clauses. Can you find all the subjects and predicates?

research, working, initiatives, debates, accountants, origins, graphs, budget, policy, customers, skills, economically, century

1. People who want to be (1) ……. should be good at maths, and have good

analytical (2)……..

2.The presentation included (3)……. of how marketing (4)……. were linked to


3. Is Cuba (5)……. self-sufficient in all areas?

4. Have you ever asked yourself what you are (7)……. for?

5. Both Houses hold (8)……. in which Members discuss government (9)…….,

proposed legislation and current issues.

6. The (10)……. of Parliament go back to the 13th (11)……., so there are many rules about how it runs.

7.You must (12)……. your market to find out what makes your (13)……. buy.

8. What does the cost of the total UK defence (6)…….. amount to?

Ex. 4. Complete the sentences. Translate them.

1. Proper office systems don't have to be expensive; in fact much of ……………. comes already loaded on your computer. a) he does    
2. In order to make your business a success, you must ensure ………………….. it exists. b) whenever you see a successful business
3. Remember that your resume and cover letter are the first impressions ……………………   c) what you need
4.”…………………………………., someone once made a courageous decision” (P. Drucker). d) that a potential employer has of you
  5. “……………………………., one of them is unnecessary” (Jr. W. Wrigly). e) in order that they should be received immediately
6. One is happy if he has a particular fitness for the kind of work ………………. f) that he has made so many mistakes
7. We sent all the documents by electronic mail ………………………… g) because effective methods were used
  8. We have got good results ………………………… h) that it had created 6.5 million jobs in the first nine months of the year
9. ……………………………………. is very strange.   i) that consumers know
10. The government announced ………………….. j) when two men in business always agree


Ex.5. These sentences don’t make sense. Put the parts of the sentences in the correct order. The first words are printed at the beginning of the sentences.


1. Make / have got / that people want / you / sure /something different.

2. One / help / of the ways / is / by finding resources / social workers / for people.

3. Only people / real estate / at it, /should try /to become / who enjoy selling,/ agents / and are good .

4. Since / can work / much information / about properties /over the Internet, / some agents / out / is available / of their own homes.

5. We expect / they / been done / the way / have always / things done.

6. Most / are / who / promotions / people / well educated / gain.

Ex. 6. Let’s check your translation skills. Translate these complex sentences into Russian.

1. If you decide to take the plunge to do it alone, the first thing you must do is draw up a realistic business plan – this is a working document that describes the business, its objectives, its strategies, the market it is in and its financial forecasts.

2. Your business plan will show your bank manager that you have thought your business through carefully and that various scenarios have been considered.

3. Once you have a detailed business plan and enough evidence to believe that your idea is viable, it is time to go and see the bank manager.

4. Call a bank and enqire whether it would be possible for you to open a saving account.

5. Whenever a man sets up a business it is because he feels he can produce some useful commodity or service which will be needed by his fellow men.

6. Jobs working with older people will grow especially fast because there will be more people who are old and need help.

7. Technical and professional posts that cannot be filled from local resources

are filled by recruits from overseas, usually the UK, St. Helena, Australia or

New Zealand, on fixed term contracts.