Exercise 1. Remember the following words and word combinations
storage – запоминающее устройство, память
intermediate - промежуточный
final – окончательный, конечный
generate – генерировать, производить
access – обращение, доступ, выборка
require - требовать
transmit - передавать
quantity – количество, величина
hold – держать, удерживать
external - внешний, наружный
similar – подобный, похожий
circle – круг, окружность
internal - внутренний
main – главный, основной
core – сердечник, память на магнитных сердечниках
inch – дюйм (2,5 см.)
fast - быстрый, скорый
circuit – схема, цепь, контур
integer – целое число
differ – отличаться, различаться
semiconductor - полупроводник
creation - создание
density – плотность, концентрация
allocation – размещение, распределение
chip – кристалл, чип
achievement -достижение
layer - слой
microcomputer – микрокомпьютер
primary – первичный, первоначальный
permanent - постоянный
programmable - программируемый
erasable – стираемый
firmware – программно-аппаратное обеспечение, встроенное в компьютер фирмой
during the course of computation – во время вычисления
an access time – время обращения(к памяти)
a floppy disk – гибкий диск
a series of concentric circles – ряд концентрических окружностей
a read/write head – считывающая – записывающая головка
internal memory – оперативная память
a film memory device – ЗУ на тонких пленках
floating – point registers – регистры с плавающей точкой
control registers – регистры управления
in the latter – в последнем (из двух упомянутых)
by spraying layers – путем напыления слоев
Exercise. 2 Give Ukrainian equivalents:
a series of concentric circles
Exercise. 3 Give English equivalents:
время обращения
регистры управления
гибкий диск
Exercise. 4 Read the following international words and say what they mean:
Base; container; register; object; subject; serial; track; millisecond; nanosecond; reaction; bipolar; diode; element
Exercise 5. Replace the underlined word in each sentence with another word synonym
store; memory; mark; graphics
1.Information can be represented in words, number or images.
2. Information that is saved inside the computer is saved in registers.
3. The part of a digital computer which stores informationis called storage
4. Information is a set of symbols that have meaning
II. Reading.
Ex. 6 Read and translate the text
A memory or storage unit
1.The part of a digital computer which stores information is called storage or memory. The computer’s memory stores the numbers to be operated on; it stores intermediate results that are generated during the course of a computation; and it stores the final results. The instructions themselves are also stored in the computer’s memory.
2. There are two important factors about the memory unit: an access time and a capacity. The time required to transmit one computer word out of the memory to where it will be used is called the memory access time; it usually amounts to a few millions of a second or less in a modern fast computers. The speed of modern computers is the speed of access to their memories. The capacity of a computer is the quantity of data that its memory units can hold.
3. There are many ways of memorizing information in memory cell of a digital computer. External memory or storage units may use magnetic tapes, magnetic drums, magnetic disks and floppy disks. The magnetic drum and magnetic disk are called a Direct Access, or Random Access, Storage Device(DASD).
4. The magnetic disk is very similar to the magnetic drum but is based upon the use of a flat disk with a series of concentric circles of magnetizable material, one read/write head being for each concentric circle, and for each track. Memory units on magnetic disks may store more than 100,000,000 bytes.
5. Internal or main memory units were constructed of magnetic cores about 8 hundredth of an inch in diameter, each core storing one ‘yes ’ or ‘no’, that is, each core representing one bit of information.
6. Information that is stored inside a computer is stored in registers, electronic units of hardware in which the positioning of physical objects stores information. Each register holds one machine word consisting usually of 32 bits or 4 bytes. Registers hold information temporarily during processing. The slower models of registers use magnetic cores; the faster models use special electronic circuits or film memory devices.
7. Usually the registers are of three types:
1. General-Purpose registersare sixteen registers, each being able to contain one word. These registers are used for storing the integer operands taking part in binary arithmetic operations.
2. Floating- Point Registersare four registers, each being able to contain a doubleword. These registers hold the operands taking part in arithmetic operations on floating-point numbers.
3. Control Registersform a group of registers differing from one model to another.
8. The development of semiconductor integration technology has led to creation of memories on LSI circuits. For constructing memory units on LSI circuits either bipolar or MOS memory are used. The access time of bipolar memory is about 100 nanoseconds, while the access time of MOS memory is 500 nanoseconds. But on the other hand the density of memorizing elements allocation in the latter is very high and amounts to 4 thousand memorizing elements for one chip. The latest achievement of modern electronics is creation of memories on electronic circuits made by spraying layers of different memorizing materials.
9. Nowadays The main memory RAM Which is regularly used in microcomputers can accept new instructions or information from a peripheral device. Terms synonymous with the computer’s working memory RAM are: core, core storage, main memory, main storage, primary storage, read/write memory. Other memories, such as ROM or PROM, which are used in microcomputers as well, store instructions or information permanently. ROM, PROM, are all together called firmware which is ‘hard’, software.
III. Language.
Ex. 7 Find in the text derivatives of the following words containing suffixes: - age, -ment, -tion, -able. State to what part of speech each word belongs, translate them into Russian. Use the table on page 102-104.
To store, to magnetize, to develop, to allocate, to achieve.