Social support for the students

The forms of Social support for the students are additional state educational grants and students crediting system. Thus, student of group 07-BE-1 Zlobin B.N. in 2009 became a holder of an additional educational grant, as well as scholarship, approved by RK President. Woks are being done to provide the students with long-term educational credits acc. to their performance and social status.

On yearly basis the university forms students’ construction squads and Zhasyl El squads. More than 250 students have the opportunity to get employed for summer time. About 50 students involved in university’s repair-construction works. More than 10 mn tenge spent on these activities.

As a tradition, at the end of academic year the university picks the best group. Group ranked 1st is awarded by 10-days free of charge trip to Astana; 2nd rank is awarded a trip along Abay lands; 3rd rank is awarded by 10-days pass to “Prostor” sports and health camp.

Besides, in order to improve the quality of enlistment and social support the university provides preferences for graduates. For instance in 2013 the preferences system included a discount for the first academic year:

1. For graduates having «Altyn Belgi» awards - 25%;

2. For graduates having a Special Certificate of Secondary Education and college graduates having diploma with honors - 20 %;

3. For graduates, which are orphaned - 20%;

4. Listeners, having successfully finished the 8-months and 6-months preliminary courses in EKSTU in three or more subjects - 5% of the annual rate;

5. Listeners of Virtual Institute upon availability of certificate - 5% of the annual rate;

6. Graduates having registered in university website until 20.06.2013 - 5% of the annual rate (regardless of other preferences);

7. Graduates of Ust-Kamenogorsk secondary schools Nos. 7, 9, 15, 24, 25, 36, 37, 39, 43, “Istok”, which work under agreement with EKSTU - на 5 % of the annual rate;

8. In case of prepayment until Aug 25 - 5% (regardless of other preferences).

Maximal preference shall be applied if there are several ones.

If costs are covered for the whole education period at the time of entering the agreement, the rate shall remain unchanged.

As per results of midterm:

- For students with excellent marks the payment rate is reduced by 10% per term. Not valid for graduates having preferences as per p. 1, 2 and 3;

- For students with good and excellent marks the payment rate is reduced by 7% per term. Not valid for graduates having preferences as per p. 1, 2 and 3.

Thus, in 2013-2014 the students of bachelor degree, studying under program «Economics», based on «Preferences for graduates going up to EKSTU on a contract basis» and collective agreement, there is a 5% discount (of the annual rate) established for full-time students, having made a prepayment until Aug 25 – 9 units; 5% discount (of 1 term rate) for graduates having 55-70 points in ENT, 25% discount (of 1 term rate) for graduates having 81-90 points in ENT – 1 unit. 10% discount (of 1 term rate) for students with excellent marks as per midterm results - 11 units, 7% discount for students with good and excellent marks as per midterm results - 17 units, 40% discount (of academic year) for students having graduated the college and having a special certificate with good and excellent marks as per midterm results - 1 unit.

Within the social support for the students it is necessary to mark the activity of trade unions, which annually organize arrangements like: «No smoking day»; «EKSTU students for healthy life-style», «Say no to AIDS»; «Ayaly Alakan» fundraiser for orphans, visiting the veterans of Great Patriotic War under the event of «Thank you for the victory»; «Gifts under Christmas tree»; new year costume ball «Winter fairytale», etc.

Being a member of trade union, students can make claim for material support for following cases:

- Decease of student or his family members (parents, brother, sister) - 7000 KZT;

- Buy a pass for Prostor camp - discount up to 30%;

- Health resort treatment as per medical evidence - discount up to 30-50 %;

- Material support for students having physically impaired parent - 7000 KZT once a year;

- Students with children - single payment of 7000 KZT;

- Material support for students from low-income family - 7000 KZT once a year;

- Material support in case of student passing (to his family) and close relatives (husband, wife, parents, brother, sister) - 10000 KZT;

- Material support for students left without parental patronage or vulnerable students - 5000 KZT – once per midterm;

- Material support for students to organize activities (Student Spring, First-year talented students, etc.) - 15000 KZT;

- If students has a status of physically impaired, left without parental patronage and orphan - 10000 KZT - upon application - once a year;

- Students with tough material situation - 5000 KZT.

For orphan students, living in dormitories, the accommodation and utility services are proved free of charge. Students having graduated the social child welfare institutions (boarding schools and orphanages) get free of charge nutrition (thrice a day). Constantly the university departments arrange “Department days” in dormitories. Chess and table tennis championships are held with the support of Sport and Physical Training Department. Students meet the university psychologists and medical employees for some consultations.

As per annual tradition the university president meets the active students, orphan students and students without parental patronage. Given event is held under control of university administration within the state program of support provided to vulnerable students.