C) unacceptable methods of upbringing

· to grant children sufficient freedom * to humiliate smb

· to encourage smb to do smth * to tell smb off for doing smth /to scold

· to punish * to bribe a child

· to nag at smb * to smack = to spank

· to moralise on / about smth * to take privileges away

· to reward = to pay off child’s behaviour * to put a child in the time-out spot

· to discipline * to spoil a child

· to criticise for smth * to threaten smb with smth

* to find fault with smb



Though normal children can exhibit all the behaviours listed below, we can distinguish between positive and negative patterns of behaviour. Use the expressions to describe:

A) a model child;

B) a troublemaker / a disobedient child.

· to moan and groan

· to rebel against smb/smth

· to sulk over / about smth

· to apologise to smb for going smth

· to take offence at smb

· to throw a tantrum

· to obey immediately

· to behave properly/perfectly/badly/poorly

· to misbehave

· to ignore regulations

· to neglect one’s duties

· to act up

· to break the rules

· to act (ir)responsibly


Give the English equivalents to the following Ukrainian ones.


1) слухатися з першого разу

2) повчати, читати мораль

3) вичитувати

4) чіплятися (прискіпуватися), бурчати

5) давати дітям достатньо свободи

6) вчиняти істерику

7) нити та стогнати

8) ухилятися від виконання обов’язків

9) бунтувати (баламутитися)

10) нехтувати правилами

11) бути зразковою дитиною

12) “гризти” кого-небудь

13) підкуповувати, прихиляти до себе дитину

14) хвалити, розхвалювати

15) дутися за що-небудь

16) шибеник



Find synonyms to the following expressions:

1) to rear a child

2) to whine

3) to support, to cheer up

4) to fight against, resist control, protest strongly

5) to blame

6) to reproach

7) to express approval

8) to sneak out of one’s duties, to be unwilling to do smth

9) to talk or write critically about right and wrong behaviour

10) to quarrel

11) to ignore the rules

12) to pay off


Find antonyms to the following expressions:

1) to be strict

2) to punish

3) to control, to check up on smb, to restrict smb’s freedom

4) to behave well/correctly

5) a well-behaved child

6) to rebuke, to tell off

7) to have rows

8) to rebel

9) to be a model child

Discussion (group work)


Group1: A list of qualities of a good teacher, which contribute to effective teaching. Put these qualities into the order of priority:


· always friendly and in good mood

· knows how to explain the most difficult things

· provides various activities, teaching materials, different types of interaction

· knows how to treat students

· tells jokes

· helps weak students

· is interested in students’ opinions

· forceful, but not strict

· well prepared for the lesson

· knows students’ psychology

· very experienced

· gives good advice

· is interested in students’ personal problems

Group 2: Recall your least favourite teachers and name the qualities, which made their lessons less successful as compared to the others.

Read the list of the following qualities and name in the order of priority those, which, to your mind, do not contribute o effective teaching.

· overstrict

· nervous

· doesn’t smile

· sarcastic and ironic when we make mistakes

· dominates

· emotionless

· uses the same activities, the same teaching techniques

· gives a lot of tests

· conducts few speaking activities

· give enormous homework

· never discusses personal problems

The students are given 5-7 min. to cope with the task, and then they read the lists of the qualities. Both groups are engaged into the discussion “What are the most important qualities of a good teacher?”


Possible answers:

· to know the subject

· to know the methodology

· to be a clear speaker

· to encourage students to be creative

· to create a positive classroom atmosphere

· to have some gifts of a good actor

· to use games, songs, to make lessons entertaining in a positive sense of the word

· to have a large repertoire of activities

· to use different types of interaction

Additional questions:

Which of the qualities do you (personally) appreciate?

Which of them did you appreciate as a pupil?


Possible answers:

· The pupils are treated as adults.

· The teachers create a friendly atmosphere.

· They are really concerned about the pupils.

· They can become really good friends.

· They help in everything.

· What happens when the teacher doesn’t posses most of these qualities?

Possible answers:


Lessons are boring.

Pupils miss lessons.

It leads to discipline problems.