Ex. 2 Insert the article where necessary

Ex. 5 Translate Into English.

a) на доске, на столе, под столом, перед зеркалом, у окна, на остановке, в сумке, в театр, на стене, в Элисте, в комнате, между окнами, за дверью, напротив зеркала, через реку, вдоль дороги, через забор, через лес;

b) утром, в полночь, в сентябре, зимой, в выходные дни, в будущем, 1-го мая, на следующей неделе, в прошлом месяце, в течение следующего года, в понедельник, в конце месяца, в начале года, в конце концов, вечером, на вос­ходе, через 3 дня, с 9 утра до 5 вечера, во время отпуска, в течение 5 дней, с прошлого столетия, через день, в 14 веке, в течение недели, 8-го марта.



1.You must have as ... sugar as possible. It's bad for you.

a) few b) little c) a little d) a few

2.One boy hit another ... a ball.

a) with b) by c) through d) for

3.This really is ... food I have ever eaten.

a) worst b) the worst c) bad d) worse

4.Didn't you see the show ... Sunday?

a) at b) on c) in d) for

5.... are only seven stations on this metro-line,

a) These b)It c)This d) There

6.They have made ... progress.

a) a few b) many c) little d) few

7.She didn't tell ... about her plans.

a) nobody b) anybody c) somebody d) none

8.I'm going out for a walk. I need ... fresh air.

a) few b) a few c) many d) a little

9.Although the film was boring, ... ... wonderful music in it

a) there were b) it was c) this was d) there was

10.She hasn't got ... warm clothes. She is very poor.

a) no b) any c) some d) something

11.It won't take you long to get to the office. There is ... traffic on the road at this time of the day than in the rush hour.

a) much less b) much fewer c) much more d) more less

12.He is ... helpful policeman I've ever met

a) more b) less c) far d) the least

13.... you speak ... .

a) the least, the better b) the more, the best

c) the most, the best d) the less, the better

14.The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia ... 776 ВС.

a) at b) on c) in d) over

15.There ... a meeting on the Lenin Square next Sunday.

a) are b) will be c) was d)were



Indefinite Article a / an (от числ. one - один) Definite Article the (от мест. this - этот) Zero Article —
1) только с исч. сущ. в ед.ч.: I have an apple. 1) с исч. и неисч. сущ. в ед. и мн. ч.: The apple is red. The books are interesting. 1) с им. собственными (кроме искл. *): Elista is the capital of Kalmykia.
2) вводит новый пред­мет (лицо): This is a book. 2) речь о предмете шла ранее: The book is boring. 2) если перед сущ. есть указ. (this, that) или притяжат. мест. (my, his): This is ту book.
3) в конструкциях: I am a student. Не is a teacher. I have a book. I see a bird in the picture. This is a table. There is a window in the room. 3) единств. в своем роде предмет/явление: the moon, the sun, the earth; 4) в словосочетаниях типа: in the north, to the west, at the cinema, the same, in the country, the rest of the ...; 5) с прилагательным в превосходной степени: You can buy the best goods. 6) с порядковым числи­тельным: the first, the second, the third. 3) с сущ. в притяж. пад .: This is our teacher'sbook. 4) с количественными числительными: I have two books. He has twenty pencils. 5) с отрицанием no: I have no book. 6) в устойчивых словосочетаниях: at school, at home, from school, go home, at home

*co следующими именами собственными употребляется определенный артикль the:

1) с названиями морей, рек, океанов, горных хребтов, групп островов: the Pacific Ocean, the Black Sea, the Thames, the British Isles;

2) с названиями некоторых стран, областей, городов: the Ukraine, the Netherlands, the Crimea, the Hague, the Riviera;

3) с названиями стран, состоящих из 2 и более слов: the UK the USA, the RF;

4) перед собирательным именем семьи: the Petrovs - Петровы.

Ex. 1 Insert the article where necessary.

1. Give me ... pen, please.2. My aunt has ... son and ... daughter. 3. She bought ... beautiful dress. 4. This is my ... sister. My ... sister is ten. 5. My brother's ... watch is bad. 6. She wrote ... long letter to her father. 7. This is ... book, ... book is new. 8. He has no ... dictionary. 9. My neighbours have moved to ... new flat. 10. I

have three ... sisters. 11. Where is your ... friend? - He is at ... school. He is not at ... home. 12. This is ... street I can see many ... cars and buses in ... street 13. You have ... book on ... table. Is this ... book interesting? 14. We had a great time in ... USA. 15. I found ... unusual insect on the wall outside the house.

Ex. 2 Insert the article where necessary.

1. My brother has ... dog. ... dog is old. 2. They have ... flat ... flat is new. 3. I bought ... book. ... book is interesting. 4. ... emu is the largest bird in the world. 5. I need ... calendar for the new year. 6. ... article is a small word that causes a lot of problems. 7. I can see two ... boys. ... boys are washing the car. 8. This is our ... room. ... room is large. 9. This is my ... desk. On... desk I have ... book, ... pen, two ... pencils. 10. He gave me ... red apple. ... apple was tasty. 11. Our flat is on ... third floor. 12. On ... Monday be comes from ... school at ... 5 o'clock.