1. Describe the character of your friend.
2. What personal traits seem the most/least attractive to you? Why?
3. Strong and weak traits of your personality
4. What situations make you lose your temper or what can set you in a good mood?
5. Think what you can judge by the appearance of your desk/group mate.
6. How do a personality and a style interact?
Module № 3. FOOD
I. Kinds of food
1. Contact USA. U.4 p.52-70 Food in America R
2. English Vocabulary in Use pre-i and i. U.58 Food V
3. Headway I. U.5 p.26-27 R
4. Lexis. U.6 p.121-127 Nourishing Nations: Past and Present R
5. Patterns Plus. The Discovery of Coca-Cola p.21-23, Why Eat Junk Food? p.272-273 R
II. Shopping for food
1. First Certificate Language Practice. U.8 Shops and Shopping V
2. On a Roll. U.3 Thursday Night at the Supermarket p.23-33 R, p.31 L
3. More than Words 2. U.15 p.131-138 Stores, shops and services R/V/S
4. Matters Intermediate. U.15 p.111 Checklist for Healthy Eating (shopping list – classification and division) S/W
III. Cooking. Dishes. Diets
1. English Vocabulary in Use u-i and adv. U.43 Food V
2. More than Words 2. U.19 p.159-167 Preparing and eating food, p.164 recipe (classification) R/S/W/V
3. Right Word Wrong Word. p.252 ex.63 Food, p.231 ex.39 Food and drink, p.259 ex.70 Food and drink V
4. First Certificate Language Practice. U.7 Food, Restaurant and Cooking V
5. Highlight U-I. U.1 p.3 (food and cooking, recipe – classification and division, explanatory paragraph) S/W
6. I. Semyankiv, A. Shugai. Listening comprehension tasks. p.6 Strawberry Ripe – Street Sellers and Street Cries L
IV. Let’s eat out
1. Meet the US. There’s Nothing Like a Diner p.8-12 R
2. On a Roll. U.1 The Potluck p.3-11 R, p.9 L; U.5 The Restaurant p.45-57 R, p.54 L
3. Highlight U-I. U.1 p.2-3 (eating places and habits) S; p.4-5 R/L; p.8 (description of eating habits) W
4. Patterns Plus. Eating Alone in Restaurants p.242 S/W
5. I. Semyankiv, A. Shugai. Listening comprehension tasks. p.7 Eating and Drinking Habits in Britain L
Family Album. Episode 6, Thanksgiving
Grammar and Functions
• Noun
(singular/plural, regular/irregular, count/non-count, noun/verb agreement)
1. FCE 1. U.9 p.144
2. Grammarway 4. U.4 p.58
3. First Certificate Language Practice U.21
4. Azar. p.197-209
5. Azar (new). U.7.1 – 7.6
• Articles
1. FCE 1. U.9 p.144
2. Grammarway 4. U.4 p.58
3. First Certificate Language Practice U.22
4. Azar. p.A20
5. Azar (new). U.7.7 – 7.8
• Ways of expressing quantity
(some / any / no, none, much / many, a lot of /lots of/plenty of, (a/very)little, (a/very)few, whole, all, every, each, both…and, either…or, neither…nor)
1. FCE 1. U.11 p.169
2. Grammarway 4. U.11 p.164
3. First Certificate Language Practice. U.23
4. Azar. U.5-8 – 5-15
5. Azar (new). U.7.9 – 7.13
• Pronouns. Determiners
(personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, one(s), forms of other)
1. FCE 1. U.11 p.169
2. Grammarway 4. U.11 p.164
3. First Certificate Language Practice. U.33
4. Azar. U.5.16 – 5.21
5. Azar (new). U.8