Настоящее учебное пособие разработано для студентов третьего курса музыкального колледжа. Его содержание обусловлено особенностями курса иностранного языка в колледжах этой категории. Эти особенности связаны, в частности с тем, что в данном учебном заведении сосуществуют группы с разным исходным уровнем подготовки студентов. Поэтому методическое пособие должно обеспечить преподавателю возможность проводить работу с текстами разного уровня сложности, избираемыми в каждом случае в зависимости от конкретного положения в группе.
Основу методического пособия составляют тексты музыкальной направленности. Каждый текст снабжен лексическим материалом, представляющим наибольшую трудность при переводе и раскрытии смыслового содержания. Некоторым из текстов сопутствуют грамматические задания, что позволяет автоматизировать речевые конструкции на основе их сознательного усвоения, связав их с важным и интересным для студента лексическим материалом.
Пособие состоит из 4 разделов. В первом разделе представлены тексты обще-музыкальной тематики, направленные на пополнение лексического запаса, знание терминологии. Содержание второго раздела посвящено музыкальным жанрам и направлениям, которые соответствуют отделениям, представленным в музыкальном колледже. Они направлены на приобретение навыков письменного перевода, что, в свою очередь, способствует развитию родного языка с учетом его стилистических особенностей. В третьем разделе представлен материал, способствующий развитию навыков ведения диалога, способности поддержания беседы на тему театральной тематики, поведения на концерте. В четвертом разделе приведены тексты разного уровня сложности о выдающихся композиторах разных эпох, знаменитых музыкантах. Отрывки из интервью со знаменитыми музыкантами предполагают развитие навыков устного перевода(sight translation).В начале раздела дан указатель имен и фамилий композиторов, которые представляют особую трудность при произношении. В конце представлена лексика, необходимая для подготовки доклада по заданной теме.
Методический замысел пособия - профессиональная заинтересованность студента в содержании текстов и возможность высказаться по проблемам его будущей специальности. Тематика текстов и множество заданий творческого и дискуссионного характера рассчитаны на то, чтобы создать дополнительный психологический стимул для занятий иностранным языком.
Part I. Music in our life
Recommended vocabulary:
to play an important role, to enrich the life, to appreciate the cultural heritage, to give pleasure, to understand the country's history and life better, to make one's outlook broader, to become clever (intelligent);to compose music, composer, musician, band, orchestra, musical styles: classical music, modem music, jazz, pop, rock, folk, pieces of music: serenade, fugue, piano concerto, symphony, grand opera; to amaze, to invade, to be full of energy, to be melodic, to have much in common, to go to concerts, to play the piano (guitar, violin, musical instrument), to listen to music, to have an ear for music, to enjoy, to collect tapes, a tape-recorder, a record-player, an audio system, to be a fan of, to be crazy about, to sing songs, to remain popular, to be a gifted person.
People cannot live without music. They listen to music, dance to music or learn to play musical instruments. Music is everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in the park, at the seaside, in the forest and in the street.
Music is not a combination of pleasant sound only. It is an art which reflects life. Music reflects people ideas and emotions. In this world, filled with conflicts, tragedies, joys and hopes, music strives to speak to people of what is most important, urgent and poignant.
Music in the lives of different people is different: some compose music, others play music, and others only listen to it. A lot of people who cannot play any musical instrument love to listen to music either at home or at a concert. Different people like different kinds of music. You may prefer pop or rock music, country or folk music, classical music or jazz, but you certainly cannot think of a day without music.
As for me, I prefer… music. I have a lot of cassettes (CDs, records). I try to watch all the programmes dealing with it on TV and to go to the concerts as often as possible. My favorite composer (singer, musician) is … I think he (she) is very talented. I can (not) play an instrument (the piano, the guitar, the violin). It is a great pleasure to be able to play an instrument and I like it a lot.
- What role does music play in our life?
- What is your favourite musical style?
- Do you prefer listening to music alone or together with your friends? Why?
- Who is your favourite composer? Why?
- Which Russian (foreign, English, American) classical music composers do you know?
- Which of the (anions modern composers do you consider to be geniuses?
- Dо you play a musical instrument? Are you good at playing it?
- Do you think that music makes the life more enjoyable?
- How often do you go to music concerts?
- Are there many concert halls available in your city? What are they?
The role of music
- Combine two words together: melancholy, catchy, soft, amazing, eloquent, fascinating, torchy, breathtaking, tuneless, annoying, boring, dreadful; меланхоличная, запоминающаяся, .мягкая, изумительная, выразительная, пленительная, зажигающая, захватывающая, без мелодии, раздражающая, скучная, ужасная.
- How do you characterize:
a) pop music;
b) folk music;
c) classical;
d) organ;
e) jazz.
- What kind of music do you listen more often to?
- Do you listen to music that you don't like?
- What do you think of modern music?
3. Read about the attitude of some people towards modern music; find negative and positive things in their opinions; express their attitude to the opinions of the people; tell about their parents' opinions about modern music.
Samuel Williams, 58
I am sorry now that I was never too concerned about the music my kids listened to in the mid-60s and 70s. It was destroying. Parents should be very careful about cassettes and CDs they buy for their children.
Willa Cohen, 64
Some of the music is immoral. Kids should be listening to music with messages like staying away from drugs or staying at school. There are some rap songs that are all right. Kids can dance to a beat but without all these sacrilegious things.
Gloria Basket, 41
On the whole, I don't think it's bad. I am not into heavy rock, but mostly the music is no worse than what I listened to when I was growing up. I don't see any sense in warning labels on records or CDs because who reads labels anyway? Few people do.
Shawn Mulbery, 49
The music is probably too violent. I can't find any sense in the lyrics. If the music doesn't destroy your mind, it will destroy your ears. I don't think that banning music is the answer but parents have to be responsible for what their children listen too.
4. Discuss the influence of music on people.
5. Tell about the influence of music on their life. Use the words: appeals to..., transforms, inspires, entertains, destroys, enriches, makes think of..., makes remember, pictures in the mind.
6. Tell when you have a wish to listen to music; how many times a day (a week) you listen to music.
7. The class is divided into two groups,one group is for music, the other - is against. Try to persuade each other that you are right.
Example: a pupil from group A; music helps people to better their mood; a pupil from group B: people can have good mood without any music; people should control their emotions.
bassoon [bә'su:n] — фагот
bassoonist [bә'su:nist] — фаготист
brass [brɑ:s] —медные духовые инструменты
cellist ['t∫e list] —виолончелист
cello ['t∫elәu] — виолончель
clarinet [ˌklᴂri'net] — кларнет
clarinettist [ˌklᴂri'netist] — кларнетист
double-bass [dᴧbl'beis] — контрабас
double-bass player— контрабасист
flautist ['flↄ:tist] — флейтист
flute [flu:t] — флейта
French horn [frent∫´hↄ:n] — валторна
oboe ['әubәu] — гобой
oboist ['әubәuist] — гобоист
percussion [рә'kᴧ∫n] —ударные инструменты
This section consists of various kinds of drums [drᴧmz] (барабаны), cymbals ['simb(ә)lz] (тарелки) and other instruments for certain works.
trombone [trↄm'bәun] —тромбон
trombonist [trↄm'bәunist] —тромбонист
trumpet [´trᴧmpit] —труба
trumpeter [´trᴧmpitә] —трубач
viola [vi'әulә] —альт
viola player—альтист
violinist [,vaiә'linist] — скрипач
woodwinds ['wudwindz] —деревянные духовые инструменты
Music in our life
Music is art of combining sounds that have rhythm, harmony and melody. It was born together with people and reflects the world around by means of combinations of tones. Music can relax, treatand cure, it can inspireand provokeour deepest emotions. Beautiful melodies fill our hearts with kindness, joy and happiness.
Speaking of the history of musical instruments development we must say that first musicians used very primitive ones: whistles, pipes, drums. Then harps, mandolins, bagpipes, flutes, horns appeared.
The piano was inventedin Italy by Bartolomeo Christophory in 1709 - 1711. It was improvedin the nineteenth century and since that time has changed very little. Only the design of the piano has been developed for almost three centuries. The modern piano can produce ninety sounds and has eight octaves. In Russia the first piano appeared in the middle of the eighteenth century and was describedby Antiokh Kantemir, the pioneer of Russian poetry, in his rhyme.
Nowadays modern musicians have various instruments at their disposal: violins, guitars, saxophones, trumpets, pianos, accordions, violonchellos and many others.
An orchestrais a group of professional performersof music. Orchestras were born at the beginning of the seventeenth century.
Some people are fond of classical music, they like polkas, marches and waltz. Others are interested in pop music and choose different modern trends: jazz, rock, hard rock, heavy metal,different kinds of electronic music, rapand rave, including acid-house and hard-coreetc. For some music lovers these days, though, jazz and rock are considered to be a kind of classical music.
Children and grown-ups collect records, CDs, cassettes of their favourite groups, listen to them at home or visit their concerts.
You can hardly find a person who doesn't like or need music, who never sings or dances. Music is beauty in sounds, our source of inspiration.